Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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The President was violating the Constitution and it was reported. Demanding a bribe while in public office is against the oath of office.
It was reported, investigated by the IG and found to be a valid concern
It is now in the hands of Congress

That is not Deep State, that is the way our Constitutional Government is supposed to work

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.
That is what the investigation will decide

Unfortunately, you will not be consulted

There shouldn't be any investigation because there was nothing to investigate. That's the point. It was more or less the deep state told all their members to look for something......anything they could possibly use to frame an impeachment, even if it was something they could lie about.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?
Deep state is run by...

Moose and Squirrel!
Melania is one of the least accomplished First Ladies in my lifetime

She makes almost no effort at the position.


So what? Whatever any first lady does is for show. We didn't elect her, we elected her husband. It wouldn't matter if she did something or stayed in the White House every day watching soap operas.
Shows how tone deaf she is

She goes to Africa and wears symbols of white colonialism
The President was violating the Constitution and it was reported. Demanding a bribe while in public office is against the oath of office.
It was reported, investigated by the IG and found to be a valid concern
It is now in the hands of Congress

That is not Deep State, that is the way our Constitutional Government is supposed to work

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.
That is what the investigation will decide

Unfortunately, you will not be consulted

There shouldn't be any investigation because there was nothing to investigate. That's the point. It was more or less the deep state told all their members to look for something......anything they could possibly use to frame an impeachment, even if it was something they could lie about.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?

More than likely Piglosi or Shoemaker. It's one of the top Democrats. It may even be Schiff, who knows? But it's not hard to figure out who hates Trump and who does not. They know who to ask to find anything they can on Trump.

It is such a weak case for impeachment that we ever had in our history. But now it's obvious as to why. Purge posted a link to an interview with Shokin. He stated the reason he was fired was because he was indeed investigating Burisma at the time Joe demanded his firing.

All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together now. It certainly explains why the panic mode when the Democrats found out Trump asked Zelensky about looking into Joe and Hunter.
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job
Obama never called his wife, "Michael," you brain-dead cultist.


Got a handy LIE for the FIRST ONE....

Can't wait for the LIE to explain THIS ONE....



You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

First you post a link to a video because you thought he referred to Michelle as "Michael," when in fact he was naming members of the Mullen family.

Now you post a link to a video because you think he referred to Michelle as "Michael," when in fact the name "Michael" is never actually uttered in the video.

You are fucked up beyond all repair, brain-dead cultist.

Now you post a link to a video because you think he referred to Michelle as "Michael," when in fact the name "Michael" is never actually uttered in the video.



"mike" is not "michael"

and that is the level of integrity of those still trying to claim that "Michelle" is really not a man.....

and those who have offed many in the pursuit of keeping the Obama CLOSET DOOR SHUT for good....
Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy

the cover up in the US over the truth of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
the reasons for vastly expanding US military presence in Vietnam
the attack on the US Marines in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103, and why the ISRAELI MEDIA insists that Gadaffi is really JEWISH

Indeed, the "conspiratorial" stuff with the CHOSEN started when "Moses" came down the mountain.... and LOOKED DIFFERENT....

and then it was necessary to OFF 3500 that night.... those who KNEW the REAL MOSES and IDed the imposter as a FRAUD....

and then it was necessary to attack and exterminate MIDIAN...... even though the REAL MOSES would never have done that.....
Who do you think????

Who killed JFK, Jackie-O? Jackie-O: LBJ
Who killed MLJ, Dexter Scott King? DSK: LBJ
Who killed RFK, RFK Jr.? RFK Jr.: not Sirhan Sirhan

During that time, "DEEP STATE" was called ZOG, ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT....

We were warned....

Einstein Letter Warning Of
Zionist Facism In Israel
Letter That Albert Einstein Sent to the New York Times
1948, Protesting the Visit of Menachem Begin


Letters to the Editor
New York Times
December 4, 1948
Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.
The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughoutthe world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.
Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin's behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement. The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.
Attack on Arab Village
A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants ? 240men, women, and children - and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin. The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party.
Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model. During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence, the IZL and Stern groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods, beatings, window-smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the terrorists intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute.
The people of the Freedom Party have had no part in the constructive achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no settlements, and only detracted from the Jewish defense activity. Their much-publicized immigration endeavors were minute, and devoted mainly to bringing in Fascist compatriots.
Discrepancies Seen
The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal.
In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin's efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.
The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism.
New York, Dec. 2, 1948
Now you post a link to a video because you think he referred to Michelle as "Michael," when in fact the name "Michael" is never actually uttered in the video.



"mike" is not "michael"

and that is the level of integrity of those still trying to claim that "Michelle" is really not a man.....

and those who have offed many in the pursuit of keeping the Obama CLOSET DOOR SHUT for good....
He never said, "Mike," in that video. That you hear, "Mike," only serves to remind the forum just how fucked in the head you really are. Like thinking he called his wife "Michael" when he was actually talking about LT Michael Edward Mullen.

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.
That is what the investigation will decide

Unfortunately, you will not be consulted

There shouldn't be any investigation because there was nothing to investigate. That's the point. It was more or less the deep state told all their members to look for something......anything they could possibly use to frame an impeachment, even if it was something they could lie about.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?

More than likely Piglosi or Shoemaker. It's one of the top Democrats. It may even be Schiff, who knows? But it's not hard to figure out who hates Trump and who does not. They know who to ask to find anything they can on Trump.

It is such a weak case for impeachment that we ever had in our history. But now it's obvious as to why. Purge posted a link to an interview with Shokin. He stated the reason he was fired was because he was indeed investigating Burisma at the time Joe demanded his firing.

All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together now. It certainly explains why the panic mode when the Democrats found out Trump asked Zelensky about looking into Joe and Hunter.
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job

Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.
Like thinking he called his wife "Michael" when he was actually talking about LT Michael Edward Mullen.

That you want anyone to think that the Cocksucker in Chief would be on a first name basis with LT Mullen is laughable.

Barack would have called Lt Mullen.... drumroll....

Lt Mullen

not MICHAEL....

That you spend all of your free time here shouting down truth about Mr and Mrs Michael and Barack Robinson is absolutely hilarious....

Apparently there is not another imminent Zionist Sponsored False Flag attack against America in the works.....
That you ASSume she avoids the spotlight because of shame. I mean, because you know her so well and all. And since when do you believe that Trump has mind-altering powers? Your X15KZ foil helmet is on too tight.
Forget trying to avoid the spot light...

Why do you think she avoids living in the same building as her husband???
I don't have an opinion on that, because I don't know either one of them. Neither do you, and any reason you dream up is just an unsupported opinion.

But, since we're just playing in make believe land, maybe she just doesn't like the irrational hatred or the noxious atmosphere in Washington. Maybe she just prefers being away from professional haters who would comment on her every movement. Maybe she doesn't want to have idiots hollering questions at her every time she walks out of the White House. There are any number of reasons we can dream up why she doesn't live in the White House.
No, she lives in Washington....she lives at the White House...she just doesn't share the same space Trump lives in....she actually lives in the bed room Obama's mother in law lives in -- Remember when republicans were outraged over the mother in law living in the White House??

Just imagine if Michelle lived in a separate home from her husband during the beginning on his presidency and then refused to share the same bedroom that her husband shared when she finally decided to move to DC....would you be making excuses for her? Would you be saying "Oh, she doesn't want to be in the noxious atmosphere or Washington? Nope..

Because not knowing the Obamas well didn't stop trumpers like yourself from claiming that Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their kids are not really their kids, but paid actors...
Imagine. Key word there. I don't have to imagine because I know myself, and I know I never said Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their kids are not really their kids, but paid actors, so there's that. I really don't care about the relationship a politician has with his/her spouse, that's their business. I do, however, care when an unelected and unaccountable First Lady tries to take over the American healthcare system, like Hillary tried to do.
Hillary had no legislative power
She tried to coordinate with those who did. Too bad she wasn’t successful, it would have been much better than Obamacare

But Republicans ran their fear campaign

She was unelected and unaccountable. No way she should have been involved at all.
That you ASSume she avoids the spotlight because of shame. I mean, because you know her so well and all. And since when do you believe that Trump has mind-altering powers? Your X15KZ foil helmet is on too tight.
Forget trying to avoid the spot light...

Why do you think she avoids living in the same building as her husband???
I don't have an opinion on that, because I don't know either one of them. Neither do you, and any reason you dream up is just an unsupported opinion.

But, since we're just playing in make believe land, maybe she just doesn't like the irrational hatred or the noxious atmosphere in Washington. Maybe she just prefers being away from professional haters who would comment on her every movement. Maybe she doesn't want to have idiots hollering questions at her every time she walks out of the White House. There are any number of reasons we can dream up why she doesn't live in the White House.
No, she lives in Washington....she lives at the White House...she just doesn't share the same space Trump lives in....she actually lives in the bed room Obama's mother in law lives in -- Remember when republicans were outraged over the mother in law living in the White House??

Just imagine if Michelle lived in a separate home from her husband during the beginning on his presidency and then refused to share the same bedroom that her husband shared when she finally decided to move to DC....would you be making excuses for her? Would you be saying "Oh, she doesn't want to be in the noxious atmosphere or Washington? Nope..

Because not knowing the Obamas well didn't stop trumpers like yourself from claiming that Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their kids are not really their kids, but paid actors...
Imagine. Key word there. I don't have to imagine because I know myself, and I know I never said Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their kids are not really their kids, but paid actors, so there's that. I really don't care about the relationship a politician has with his/her spouse, that's their business. I do, however, care when an unelected and unaccountable First Lady tries to take over the American healthcare system, like Hillary tried to do.

"Quick, pivot to Hillary!!!" which is custom for Trumpers…..

I very much would have liked Trump to come up with a healthcare plan that would be better than Obamacare but he failed almost as bad as Hillary did to improve healthcare...and he was president....she wasn't.....which makes him a bigger failure, because she wasn't expected to fix it, he was tho...

Now back to the point you keep deflecting from.....what does that say about your circle jerk team-mates?? that they would completely make up BS about Obama being gay, wife being a man, and kids being actors?? --- how depraved does your party have to be for that belief to be mainstream among you Trumpers??

And you saying "no, not me...I never said that..." only means you are in the minority among a party of depraved sycophants....

Hillary was the First Lady, thus a completely legit subject in a thread about First Ladies. I realize your knee jerk reaction is to prevent anything negative about her from surfacing, but you can't in this one. And no, I never said those things about Obama or his wife, so attempting to smear me with those who did is foolish.
Who cares? She's not trying to take over healthcare like Hillary did as First Lady, nor is she trying to take over what kids eat at lunch, like Michelle did. Sounds to me like you're just trying to find things about her to criticize.
Imagine First Ladies who actually take on serious issues?

Be Best? LOL
She's doing absolutely nothing to incur your feeble attempts to criticize her. That's the point. Who cares if she speaks 5 languages well or poorly? She's not trying to use them to enact policy.
Melania is a Trophy Wife. She is supposed to look good at the side of her husband.

She is very good at it
So why the whining about whether she speaks 5 languages well?
Wasn’t my OP

Irrelevant. You were complaining about the lack of sufficient video evidence for you to say she is fluent in multiple languages. Again, who cares?
Deep State.....what conspiracy nonsense

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

They swear to defend the Constitution not to defend Trump

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

Plotting to overthrow the duly elected president is not psrt of their job description

Which is what the unelected Deep State was engaged in
How is reporting unethical behavior plotting to overthrow a President

Your job description is to defend the Constitution. Every employee takes that oath. They are also briefed yearly on whistle blower responsibilities and protections

So where in the Constitution does it say for rats to report the President on anything? Unethical? Show me a law against unethical and how it's defined. How is that defending the Constitution when the word ethical is not even in the document.

Impeachment is for violations of high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump is guilty of. Furthermore the leaker is part of the deep state given the weak case he made for reporting this call. Trump did nothing wrong. He didn't demand a quid pro quo. He has every right to ask another leader to "look into" possible corruption by the past administration, even if one of them is currently running for the nomination of his party.
The President was violating the Constitution and it was reported. Demanding a bribe while in public office is against the oath of office.
It was reported, investigated by the IG and found to be a valid concern
It is now in the hands of Congress

That is not Deep State, that is the way our Constitutional Government is supposed to work

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.

You have to read between the lines and infer things to get to that conclusion. A simple reading of the transcript just won't do.
That is what the investigation will decide

Unfortunately, you will not be consulted

There shouldn't be any investigation because there was nothing to investigate. That's the point. It was more or less the deep state told all their members to look for something......anything they could possibly use to frame an impeachment, even if it was something they could lie about.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?

More than likely Piglosi or Shoemaker. It's one of the top Democrats. It may even be Schiff, who knows? But it's not hard to figure out who hates Trump and who does not. They know who to ask to find anything they can on Trump.

It is such a weak case for impeachment that we ever had in our history. But now it's obvious as to why. Purge posted a link to an interview with Shokin. He stated the reason he was fired was because he was indeed investigating Burisma at the time Joe demanded his firing.

All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together now. It certainly explains why the panic mode when the Democrats found out Trump asked Zelensky about looking into Joe and Hunter.
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job

Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.

So how do they communicate if there is no membership list? There must be a way for them to pass information and an organizational structure

Something organized enough to bring down a President

Yet, you have nothing but a bizarre conspiracy theory
Imagine First Ladies who actually take on serious issues?

Be Best? LOL
She's doing absolutely nothing to incur your feeble attempts to criticize her. That's the point. Who cares if she speaks 5 languages well or poorly? She's not trying to use them to enact policy.
Melania is a Trophy Wife. She is supposed to look good at the side of her husband.

She is very good at it
So why the whining about whether she speaks 5 languages well?
Wasn’t my OP

Irrelevant. You were complaining about the lack of sufficient video evidence for you to say she is fluent in multiple languages. Again, who cares?
The OP claims Melania is able to speak in 5 languages
She lied about graduating college ....
Why wouldn’t she lie about the languages she speaks?
Like thinking he called his wife "Michael" when he was actually talking about LT Michael Edward Mullen.

That you want anyone to think that the Cocksucker in Chief would be on a first name basis with LT Mullen is laughable.

Barack would have called Lt Mullen.... drumroll....

Lt Mullen

not MICHAEL....

That you spend all of your free time here shouting down truth about Mr and Mrs Michael and Barack Robinson is absolutely hilarious....

Apparently there is not another imminent Zionist Sponsored False Flag attack against America in the works.....
"That you want anyone to think that the Cocksucker in Chief would be on a first name basis with LT Mullen is laughable."


You're such a dumbfuck. Moron, he mentioned BOTH of the Admiral's sons by their first name...

"Most of all, Admiral Mullen, Deborah, Michael, and I also want to also acknowledge your son Jack, who’s deployed today. All of you have performed extraordinary service to our country."

You have a serious mental disorder. :cuckoo:

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