Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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Melania is one of the least accomplished First Ladies in my lifetime

She makes almost no effort at the position.


So what? Whatever any first lady does is for show. We didn't elect her, we elected her husband. It wouldn't matter if she did something or stayed in the White House every day watching soap operas.
Shows how tone deaf she is

She goes to Africa and wears symbols of white colonialism

Who cares?
She's doing absolutely nothing to incur your feeble attempts to criticize her. That's the point. Who cares if she speaks 5 languages well or poorly? She's not trying to use them to enact policy.
Melania is a Trophy Wife. She is supposed to look good at the side of her husband.

She is very good at it
So why the whining about whether she speaks 5 languages well?
Wasn’t my OP

Irrelevant. You were complaining about the lack of sufficient video evidence for you to say she is fluent in multiple languages. Again, who cares?
The OP claims Melania is able to speak in 5 languages
She lied about graduating college ....
Why wouldn’t she lie about the languages she speaks?

Why do you care? It's not like she's trying to implement policy like Hillary was. If this is the worst you can say about her, you might as well give up now.
Melania is one of the least accomplished First Ladies in my lifetime

She makes almost no effort at the position.


So what? Whatever any first lady does is for show. We didn't elect her, we elected her husband. It wouldn't matter if she did something or stayed in the White House every day watching soap operas.
Shows how tone deaf she is

She goes to Africa and wears symbols of white colonialism

Who cares?
Evidently, you do
Melania is a Trophy Wife. She is supposed to look good at the side of her husband.

She is very good at it
So why the whining about whether she speaks 5 languages well?
Wasn’t my OP

Irrelevant. You were complaining about the lack of sufficient video evidence for you to say she is fluent in multiple languages. Again, who cares?
The OP claims Melania is able to speak in 5 languages
She lied about graduating college ....
Why wouldn’t she lie about the languages she speaks?

Why do you care? It's not like she's trying to implement policy like Hillary was. If this is the worst you can say about her, you might as well give up now.
If you don’t care....why do you keep posting on this thread
There shouldn't be any investigation because there was nothing to investigate. That's the point. It was more or less the deep state told all their members to look for something......anything they could possibly use to frame an impeachment, even if it was something they could lie about.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?

More than likely Piglosi or Shoemaker. It's one of the top Democrats. It may even be Schiff, who knows? But it's not hard to figure out who hates Trump and who does not. They know who to ask to find anything they can on Trump.

It is such a weak case for impeachment that we ever had in our history. But now it's obvious as to why. Purge posted a link to an interview with Shokin. He stated the reason he was fired was because he was indeed investigating Burisma at the time Joe demanded his firing.

All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together now. It certainly explains why the panic mode when the Democrats found out Trump asked Zelensky about looking into Joe and Hunter.
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job

Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.

So how do they communicate if there is no membership list? There must be a way for them to pass information and an organizational structure

Something organized enough to bring down a President

Yet, you have nothing but a bizarre conspiracy theory

Theory? When has the US government ever spied on a presidential contender before under the opposing parties administration? What evidence did they have to conduct an investigation into Russian collusion? How is it their contender for President was so careless with confidential and even classified material, and not be charged yet alone run for President? How was she allowed to destroy evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, and not held in contempt? How is it she paid no price for smashing two government cell phones with a hammer? How is it the AG had a private meeting with the husband of a person being investigated, that she would make judgement on, and not be forced to recuse herself? Why was it that Comey was the first Director to ever give an AG instructions on how to handle a case and nobody said a thing? Why did Comey have Ummmma's laptop destroyed after classified information was found on it; the same computer her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world?

Yeah, that and more are just conspiracy theories.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?

More than likely Piglosi or Shoemaker. It's one of the top Democrats. It may even be Schiff, who knows? But it's not hard to figure out who hates Trump and who does not. They know who to ask to find anything they can on Trump.

It is such a weak case for impeachment that we ever had in our history. But now it's obvious as to why. Purge posted a link to an interview with Shokin. He stated the reason he was fired was because he was indeed investigating Burisma at the time Joe demanded his firing.

All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together now. It certainly explains why the panic mode when the Democrats found out Trump asked Zelensky about looking into Joe and Hunter.
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job

Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.

So how do they communicate if there is no membership list? There must be a way for them to pass information and an organizational structure

Something organized enough to bring down a President

Yet, you have nothing but a bizarre conspiracy theory

Theory? When has the US government ever spied on a presidential contender before under the opposing parties administration? What evidence did they have to conduct an investigation into Russian collusion? How is it their contender for President was so careless with confidential and even classified material, and not be charged yet alone run for President? How was she allowed to destroy evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, and not held in contempt? How is it she paid no price for smashing two government cell phones with a hammer? How is it the AG had a private meeting with the husband of a person being investigated, that she would make judgement on, and not be forced to recuse herself? Why was it that Comey was the first Director to ever give an AG instructions on how to handle a case and nobody said a thing? Why did Comey have Ummmma's laptop destroyed after classified information was found on it; the same computer her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world?

Yeah, that and more are just conspiracy theories.

Even after the IG report comes out and says there was no spying on Trump, you brain-dead cultists still repeat your lies.

How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?

More than likely Piglosi or Shoemaker. It's one of the top Democrats. It may even be Schiff, who knows? But it's not hard to figure out who hates Trump and who does not. They know who to ask to find anything they can on Trump.

It is such a weak case for impeachment that we ever had in our history. But now it's obvious as to why. Purge posted a link to an interview with Shokin. He stated the reason he was fired was because he was indeed investigating Burisma at the time Joe demanded his firing.

All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together now. It certainly explains why the panic mode when the Democrats found out Trump asked Zelensky about looking into Joe and Hunter.
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job

Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.

So how do they communicate if there is no membership list? There must be a way for them to pass information and an organizational structure

Something organized enough to bring down a President

Yet, you have nothing but a bizarre conspiracy theory

Theory? When has the US government ever spied on a presidential contender before under the opposing parties administration? What evidence did they have to conduct an investigation into Russian collusion? How is it their contender for President was so careless with confidential and even classified material, and not be charged yet alone run for President? How was she allowed to destroy evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, and not held in contempt? How is it she paid no price for smashing two government cell phones with a hammer? How is it the AG had a private meeting with the husband of a person being investigated, that she would make judgement on, and not be forced to recuse herself? Why was it that Comey was the first Director to ever give an AG instructions on how to handle a case and nobody said a thing? Why did Comey have Ummmma's laptop destroyed after classified information was found on it; the same computer her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world?

Yeah, that and more are just conspiracy theories.
WTF does that have to do with your bizarre Deep State rants?

More conspiracy theories?
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Melanomia is what I call her, love how high school kids booed her little just-say-no to corporate state pharma opioids spleach.
Melanomas are generally thought to be incurable cancers. What a shame you marginalize such a sweet human being as First Lady Melania Trump who hurts no one. She defended the students who booed her, and she defends her son against mean people. She's a good mother and just as good a First Lady as the best of them.
Melanoma does not mean incurable cancer. I have 2-3 burned off every year from getting too much sun over my life.
More than likely Piglosi or Shoemaker. It's one of the top Democrats. It may even be Schiff, who knows? But it's not hard to figure out who hates Trump and who does not. They know who to ask to find anything they can on Trump.

It is such a weak case for impeachment that we ever had in our history. But now it's obvious as to why. Purge posted a link to an interview with Shokin. He stated the reason he was fired was because he was indeed investigating Burisma at the time Joe demanded his firing.

All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together now. It certainly explains why the panic mode when the Democrats found out Trump asked Zelensky about looking into Joe and Hunter.
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job

Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.

So how do they communicate if there is no membership list? There must be a way for them to pass information and an organizational structure

Something organized enough to bring down a President

Yet, you have nothing but a bizarre conspiracy theory

Theory? When has the US government ever spied on a presidential contender before under the opposing parties administration? What evidence did they have to conduct an investigation into Russian collusion? How is it their contender for President was so careless with confidential and even classified material, and not be charged yet alone run for President? How was she allowed to destroy evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, and not held in contempt? How is it she paid no price for smashing two government cell phones with a hammer? How is it the AG had a private meeting with the husband of a person being investigated, that she would make judgement on, and not be forced to recuse herself? Why was it that Comey was the first Director to ever give an AG instructions on how to handle a case and nobody said a thing? Why did Comey have Ummmma's laptop destroyed after classified information was found on it; the same computer her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world?

Yeah, that and more are just conspiracy theories.
WTF does that have to do with your bizarre Deep State rants?

More conspiracy theories?

Nothing conspiratorial about them. That's what happened. Just pointing to you where the deep state roots are. If Republicans got away with half of what went on during DumBama, you guys would be having a shit fit, probably be saying Putin was behind it.
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job

Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.

So how do they communicate if there is no membership list? There must be a way for them to pass information and an organizational structure

Something organized enough to bring down a President

Yet, you have nothing but a bizarre conspiracy theory

Theory? When has the US government ever spied on a presidential contender before under the opposing parties administration? What evidence did they have to conduct an investigation into Russian collusion? How is it their contender for President was so careless with confidential and even classified material, and not be charged yet alone run for President? How was she allowed to destroy evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, and not held in contempt? How is it she paid no price for smashing two government cell phones with a hammer? How is it the AG had a private meeting with the husband of a person being investigated, that she would make judgement on, and not be forced to recuse herself? Why was it that Comey was the first Director to ever give an AG instructions on how to handle a case and nobody said a thing? Why did Comey have Ummmma's laptop destroyed after classified information was found on it; the same computer her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world?

Yeah, that and more are just conspiracy theories.
WTF does that have to do with your bizarre Deep State rants?

More conspiracy theories?

Nothing conspiratorial about them. That's what happened. Just pointing to you where the deep state roots are. If Republicans got away with half of what went on during DumBama, you guys would be having a shit fit, probably be saying Putin was behind it.
It's now official -- Michael Horowitz says you're a fucking nut. :cuckoo:
Deep State is your delusion

You claim it has a set membership and management structure
Where is it?

Show any evidence of an organized conspiracy vs people just doing their job

Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.

So how do they communicate if there is no membership list? There must be a way for them to pass information and an organizational structure

Something organized enough to bring down a President

Yet, you have nothing but a bizarre conspiracy theory

Theory? When has the US government ever spied on a presidential contender before under the opposing parties administration? What evidence did they have to conduct an investigation into Russian collusion? How is it their contender for President was so careless with confidential and even classified material, and not be charged yet alone run for President? How was she allowed to destroy evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, and not held in contempt? How is it she paid no price for smashing two government cell phones with a hammer? How is it the AG had a private meeting with the husband of a person being investigated, that she would make judgement on, and not be forced to recuse herself? Why was it that Comey was the first Director to ever give an AG instructions on how to handle a case and nobody said a thing? Why did Comey have Ummmma's laptop destroyed after classified information was found on it; the same computer her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world?

Yeah, that and more are just conspiracy theories.
WTF does that have to do with your bizarre Deep State rants?

More conspiracy theories?

Nothing conspiratorial about them. That's what happened. Just pointing to you where the deep state roots are. If Republicans got away with half of what went on during DumBama, you guys would be having a shit fit, probably be saying Putin was behind it.
Pure fantasy
Have you always been this gullible?
Do you think they walk around in shirts that say Deep State? Of course they have no membership card. That's why it's the deep state. It's people working to undermine a legitimate government.

So how do they communicate if there is no membership list? There must be a way for them to pass information and an organizational structure

Something organized enough to bring down a President

Yet, you have nothing but a bizarre conspiracy theory

Theory? When has the US government ever spied on a presidential contender before under the opposing parties administration? What evidence did they have to conduct an investigation into Russian collusion? How is it their contender for President was so careless with confidential and even classified material, and not be charged yet alone run for President? How was she allowed to destroy evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, and not held in contempt? How is it she paid no price for smashing two government cell phones with a hammer? How is it the AG had a private meeting with the husband of a person being investigated, that she would make judgement on, and not be forced to recuse herself? Why was it that Comey was the first Director to ever give an AG instructions on how to handle a case and nobody said a thing? Why did Comey have Ummmma's laptop destroyed after classified information was found on it; the same computer her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world?

Yeah, that and more are just conspiracy theories.
WTF does that have to do with your bizarre Deep State rants?

More conspiracy theories?

Nothing conspiratorial about them. That's what happened. Just pointing to you where the deep state roots are. If Republicans got away with half of what went on during DumBama, you guys would be having a shit fit, probably be saying Putin was behind it.
Pure fantasy
Have you always been this gullible?

Gullible to what.....facts? Show me where I'm wrong here.
So why the whining about whether she speaks 5 languages well?
Wasn’t my OP

Irrelevant. You were complaining about the lack of sufficient video evidence for you to say she is fluent in multiple languages. Again, who cares?
The OP claims Melania is able to speak in 5 languages
She lied about graduating college ....
Why wouldn’t she lie about the languages she speaks?

Why do you care? It's not like she's trying to implement policy like Hillary was. If this is the worst you can say about her, you might as well give up now.
If you don’t care....why do you keep posting on this thread

Because it's ludicrous to attack a First Lady for no reason other than you hate her husband.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Speaking 5 languages?
Can you prove with a video where she speaks French, German or Italian....go. She also lied about her college degree.

According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.

As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English

So CNN is now fake news?

What that has to do with Melania the gold digger nude model lying about speaking French, German and Italian ?
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Speaking 5 languages?
Can you prove with a video where she speaks French, German or Italian....go. She also lied about her college degree.

According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.

As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English

So CNN is now fake news?

What that has to do with Melania the gold digger nude model lying about speaking French, German and Italian ?

I know how to say Hello in all three languages

Makes me as fluent as Melania
Let’s advocate for feeding fat kids vegetables, while our leader smokes Kools in the White House. Priceless.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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If full documentation exonerates him, why would he hide it and demand key aids do not cooperate?

Because they are not looking for anything to exonerate him. No matter what they find, they're going to carry out this farce regardless. It can't benefit Trump no matter what is or is not in the documents. All they are doing is looking for something.....anything to make their case for impeachment because the charges they have now are nothing but lies.
If Trump had evidence to exonerate himself, he would present it. Instead he refuses to participate or allow his staff to participate.

Like a true Mafia Don
You have it backwards

Democrats have to prove trump is guilty

And they have failed go do so

obstruction of congress is iron clad.
Trump has not obstructed congress

we'll find out won't we? ....... 9am. then it will up to the turtle & whether he's got any balls to bring president tinkles to trial.
wrong ray ray. the MEM-OR-AN-DUM was released without redactions, but it contained ellipses. you do know what they are, don't you? that means '...beginning of the sentences or the ....' has been omitted.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear. Classified By: 2354726 Derived.From: NSC SCG Declassify On: 20441231 -lJNCLASSIFIED

^^^ PAGE ONE of the MEMORANDUM trump released.

will you try 'n lie that the link i just provided is NOT the official white house site & that it's also behind a paywall too? :71:

Sao what's this supposed to prove? Conversations are not recorded. They stopped doing that after the Nixon administration. Now all transcripts are done by a stenographer. There is no other copy.

there were 11 people on that call. there is a reason that not one single person is responsible for transcribing it. why did pompeo lie & said he didn't know what was on that call when he was listening in?

All 11 people were not stenographers. Even in your link it states that some parts of the conversation could not be understood. Plus they only type out the relevant parts of the conversation. It's not under control of Trump. This is the way it's been done with all of Trump's calls, Obama's calls, Clinton's calls. It's been done this way for decades now.

Lt Colonel Vindman - who was tasked in transcribing & was instructed not to appear b4 congress - brought up under oath that the 'transcript' donny tried to peddle was inaccurate. hmmmmm...... funny dat.

Yeah, Vindmean, who is a renown Trump hater. So believe him instead of the transcript? Not to testify? It's likely he was the leaker.

uh - no. he is not a renown trump hater. who peddled that? i find it fascinating that you almost seem PROUD to be so poorly educated. you really crave trump loving you long time, don'tcha ray ray? vindman served under both (D) & (R) presidents. he took an oath to the CONSTITUTION & you think he should have taken that oath to serve a man. or should i say a big fat orange man baby...
there were 11 people on that call. there is a reason that not one single person is responsible for transcribing it. why did pompeo lie & said he didn't know what was on that call when he was listening in?

All 11 people were not stenographers. Even in your link it states that some parts of the conversation could not be understood. Plus they only type out the relevant parts of the conversation. It's not under control of Trump. This is the way it's been done with all of Trump's calls, Obama's calls, Clinton's calls. It's been done this way for decades now.

Lt Colonel Vindman - who was tasked in transcribing & was instructed not to appear b4 congress - brought up under oath that the 'transcript' donny tried to peddle was inaccurate. hmmmmm...... funny dat.

Yeah, Vindmean, who is a renown Trump hater. So believe him instead of the transcript? Not to testify? It's likely he was the leaker.
Who cares who the leaker was?
They provided a very valuable service to the nation

Many people care who the leaker was, because it's likely he had an agenda working for the deep state. And thanks to this "valuable service" no other leader of a country will ever discuss important information with a US President over the phone again.

deep state......................................:auiqs.jpg:

bend over & grab yer ankles for donny some more, ray ray...................
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