Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???

I do doubt it, she many know a few words of other languages but not enough to speak with them.

Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???

She speaks Slovenian and other Slavic languages fluently and her English is good though heavily accented.

Times when she spoke French and Italian showed she has limited skills.
Hello, my name is Melania, how are you?
Then back to a translator

And just think, we barely understand you and English is your only language...if lucky you have half her IQ!
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Nobody photoshopped it. She’s a man, baby!
Didn't I already tell you to shut the fuck up?

Tell me to shut the fuck up after your favorite politicians start going to prison for raping and killing children.

Your whole world is about to be flipped upside down. I hope you prepare yourself for what you’re about to learn.
Lol, I'm not a republican Sonny.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???

She speaks Slovenian and other Slavic languages fluently and her English is good though heavily accented.

Times when she spoke French and Italian showed she has limited skills.
Hello, my name is Melania, how are you?
Then back to a translator

And just think, we barely understand you and English is your only language...if lucky you have half her IQ!

Evidence that Melania has a high IQ? None. Evidence that Melania is fluent in any languages other than English and Slovenian? None. Her English grammar isn't great. "Be Best". What exactly does that mean. She didn't graduate university, and has never worked at anything other than being pretty.

I realize that the things that make women cringe at the idea of the Melania Trump being a role model for their daughters (drop out of school, go to America, work as a nude model, marry a creepy older billionaire, and live in wealth and luxury ever after), make conservatives drool. The perfect Stepford wife.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???

She speaks Slovenian and other Slavic languages fluently and her English is good though heavily accented.

Times when she spoke French and Italian showed she has limited skills.
Hello, my name is Melania, how are you?
Then back to a translator

And just think, we barely understand you and English is your only language...if lucky you have half her IQ!

Evidence that Melania has a high IQ? None. Evidence that Melania is fluent in any languages other than English and Slovenian? None. Her English grammar isn't great. "Be Best". What exactly does that mean. She didn't graduate university, and has never worked at anything other than being pretty.

I realize that the things that make women cringe at the idea of the Melania Trump being a role model for their daughters (drop out of school, go to America, work as a nude model, marry a creepy older billionaire, and live in wealth and luxury ever after), make conservatives drool. The perfect Stepford wife.

How many languages do you speak.... and you are so ugly NO ONE would want to see you naked....Jealousy, all you old hags have left!...And only the Mooocher has a dick!...ROTFLMFAO!
She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???
She speaks Slovenian and other Slavic languages fluently and her English is good though heavily accented.

Times when she spoke French and Italian showed she has limited skills.
Hello, my name is Melania, how are you?
Then back to a translator
And just think, we barely understand you and English is your only language...if lucky you have half her IQ!

Evidence that Melania has a high IQ? None. Evidence that Melania is fluent in any languages other than English and Slovenian? None. Her English grammar isn't great. "Be Best". What exactly does that mean. She didn't graduate university, and has never worked at anything other than being pretty.

I realize that the things that make women cringe at the idea of the Melania Trump being a role model for their daughters (drop out of school, go to America, work as a nude model, marry a creepy older billionaire, and live in wealth and luxury ever after), make conservatives drool. The perfect Stepford wife.
How many languages do you speak.... and you are so ugly NO ONE would want to see you naked....Jealousy, all you old hags have left!...And only the Mooocher has a dick!...ROTFLMFAO!

The only people jealous of trophy wives are those who could never get one, and those who could never be one. Leftists believe they are smarter as always. John Kerry and RINO McCain both married for money, but that's okay you see.........
She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???
She speaks Slovenian and other Slavic languages fluently and her English is good though heavily accented.

Times when she spoke French and Italian showed she has limited skills.
Hello, my name is Melania, how are you?
Then back to a translator
And just think, we barely understand you and English is your only language...if lucky you have half her IQ!

Evidence that Melania has a high IQ? None. Evidence that Melania is fluent in any languages other than English and Slovenian? None. Her English grammar isn't great. "Be Best". What exactly does that mean. She didn't graduate university, and has never worked at anything other than being pretty.

I realize that the things that make women cringe at the idea of the Melania Trump being a role model for their daughters (drop out of school, go to America, work as a nude model, marry a creepy older billionaire, and live in wealth and luxury ever after), make conservatives drool. The perfect Stepford wife.
How many languages do you speak.... and you are so ugly NO ONE would want to see you naked....Jealousy, all you old hags have left!...And only the Mooocher has a dick!...ROTFLMFAO!

I speak two languages fluently. Je suis né à Montréal, où ma famille s'est établie en 1741. Le Canada est un pays bilingue.
I used to speak four, but I barely remember any German, and Latin is a dead language. I speak French a WHOLE lot better than "Bonjour. Je m'appelle Melania", and immediately deferred to her translator. She didn't even add "Comment allez vous aujour d'hui?". Her Italian was no different. That's not speaking a language.

One of my friends, a music teacher at the University of Toronto, who legitimately spoke five languages, told me that she was invited to lecture at the University of Stuttgart for a summer program. But she would have to teach the entire program in German. That wasn't a problem for her. I don't see Melania teaching a kindergarten class in any of the languages she purports to speak other than her native tongue, including English.
Melania is the most fashionable First Lady ever.
Michelle was a national disgrace.


What does anyone care about someone being "fashionable"? That's incredibly shallow. Do enjoy the latest edition of Vogue while your nails are drying.

Now that we're on it, who do you think is more sexy, Donnie trump or Barrack Obama?
Trump had to try three times along with untold numbers of pawn stars, hookers, models and married women

Not something to brag about

I don't understand your reply. Had to try three times for what?
Three horrible marriages
All Trophy wives
Cheated on all of them
Banged a porn star while his wife was home with his infant son

Want to hear more?

More what, unproven allegations? You leftists seem to live off those.

Marla Maples is unproven?
Ask Ivana

On whom he cheated and then waited until after his daughter's birth to marry his baby momma (second "wife"). What I don't understand is what we are expected to do with the third "wife." Proclaim her queen? She is what she is.
Melania will always be the Third Lady
Melania is the most fashionable First Lady ever.
Michelle was a national disgrace.


What does anyone care about someone being "fashionable"? That's incredibly shallow. Do enjoy the latest edition of Vogue while your nails are drying.

Now that we're on it, who do you think is more sexy, Donnie trump or Barrack Obama?

Melania is a Trophy wife good for nothing more than displaying fashion and pouting

Michelle Obama is an international rock star with crowds flocking to her wherever she goes

Last edited:
Melania is the most fashionable First Lady ever.
Michelle was a national disgrace.


What does anyone care about someone being "fashionable"? That's incredibly shallow. Do enjoy the latest edition of Vogue while your nails are drying.

Now that we're on it, who do you think is more sexy, Donnie trump or Barrack Obama?

barrack--------but he did not run against Donnie------I voted for Donnie----not because he is more sexy than Hilary
Do you actually believe that the orange whore or pigpence actually have anything to do with the Supreme Creator? That is an outright laugh. republicans seem to have lost touch with anything that could be described as "God." republicans have some balls trying to pass themselves off as earthly representatives of "God."
You Satanists are a HOOT!!!!!


I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Nobody photoshopped it. She’s a man, baby!
Didn't I already tell you to shut the fuck up?

Tell me to shut the fuck up after your favorite politicians start going to prison for raping and killing children.

Your whole world is about to be flipped upside down. I hope you prepare yourself for what you’re about to learn.
Lol, I'm not a republican Sonny.
No shit. You’re in for a treat though :D
You Satanists are a HOOT!!!!!


I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.
then why did they say impeach him after the election? in November of 2016, before he took the oath of office? you're wrong. but hey little man, you're a fking demofk.
Melania is the most fashionable First Lady ever.
Michelle was a national disgrace.


What does anyone care about someone being "fashionable"? That's incredibly shallow. Do enjoy the latest edition of Vogue while your nails are drying.

Now that we're on it, who do you think is more sexy, Donnie trump or Barrack Obama?

Melania is a Trophy wife good for nothing more than displaying fashion and pouting

Michelle Obama is an international rock star with crowds flocking to her wherever she goes

A NO SHOW JOB to keep a hospital from closing....corruption is in her blood!

Michelle Obama's $300K "Job" at Hospital Obama Got Earmarks for Eliminated ...
Jan 14, 2009 · Michelle Obama's $300K "Job" at Hospital Obama Got Earmarks for ... It's the Chicago Way, cushy no-show jobs in exchange for political
You Satanists are a HOOT!!!!!


I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.
While in office...EXTORTION AND BRIBERY...


Spin it however you like but the AMERICAN VOTER knows better!!!
You Satanists are a HOOT!!!!!


I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts.
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Nobody photoshopped it. She’s a man, baby!
Didn't I already tell you to shut the fuck up?

Tell me to shut the fuck up after your favorite politicians start going to prison for raping and killing children.

Your whole world is about to be flipped upside down. I hope you prepare yourself for what you’re about to learn.

Trumpbots keep trying to gaslight Americans with lies, bullshit, photoshopped pictures, manipulated videos, ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH. That's because the truth is that Donald Trump is a corrupt, abusive, piece of shit who would sell out his country in a heartbeat for Trump Moscow.

You world is being turned upside down. Even if Republicans prove their utter corruption and keep this slime in the White House, they will lose it all next November. Moscow Mitch and his crowd will be gone.
I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts.
shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you'll be learning the gremlins something with that kind of attitude.
Melania is the most fashionable First Lady ever.
Michelle was a national disgrace.


What does anyone care about someone being "fashionable"? That's incredibly shallow. Do enjoy the latest edition of Vogue while your nails are drying.

Now that we're on it, who do you think is more sexy, Donnie trump or Barrack Obama?

Melania is a Trophy wife good for nothing more than displaying fashion and pouting

Michelle Obama is an international rock star with crowds flocking to her wherever she goes

A NO SHOW JOB to keep a hospital from closing....corruption is in her blood!

Michelle Obama's $300K "Job" at Hospital Obama Got Earmarks for Eliminated ...
Jan 14, 2009 · Michelle Obama's $300K "Job" at Hospital Obama Got Earmarks for ... It's the Chicago Way, cushy no-show jobs in exchange for political
Fake News
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