Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts. do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???

I do doubt it, she many know a few words of other languages but not enough to speak with them.


That's not speaking French.

Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???

I do doubt it, she many know a few words of other languages but not enough to speak with them.


That's not speaking French.

My name is ________, what is your name?

What you learn in the first day of French Class
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts. do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence

Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts. do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence

Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
You forget, Trump's own acting chief of staff also admitted Trump held up the military aid in exchange for favors...

"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Ingraham is still upset that Bill Clinton refused her advances....imagine having the Nation's biggest horndog reject her! She's pissed!
Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts. do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence

Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
Mafia Dons (Don, nice name) were convicted all the time based on what actions they took and what others testified.

A Don never ordered......Kill Vito Corleone
They had subtle ways to order a hit

Our Don was anything but subtle when he asked for a personal favor
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Ingraham is still upset that Bill Clinton refused her advances....imagine having the Nation's biggest horndog reject her! She's pissed!

I like that now Hitlery was on Epstein's Sex Ranch. can't make it up!!!!
I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.
then why did they say impeach him after the election? in November of 2016, before he took the oath of office? you're wrong. but hey little man, you're a fking demofk.

Are you so ignorant that you do not know that you cannot impeach someone who is not in office? And I'm not a man, asshole, I'm smarter than that. I'm a woman. And I take it that you are piece of republican shit.
Trumps wife has a young child, to protect. the political poison that permanents the USA. should not fall on him, That is why I give her a pass.
Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts. do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence

Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
Mafia Dons (Don, nice name) were convicted all the time based on what actions they took and what others testified.

A Don never ordered......Kill Vito Corleone
They had subtle ways to order a hit

Our Don was anything but subtle when he asked for a personal favor

Again, mind reading. That's exactly what I said. Thanks for your support. Asking for a favor of a foreign leader is not a high crime or misdemeanor. Look up the word "favor" in the dictionary and see what it means. It does not mean a demand, threat, or payoff.

There is zero proof of Trump threatening aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky met his requests. The commies just made it up, and they are going to try and impeach on what they "thought" Trump meant.
I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts.
No one can be impeached for conduct while they were not in office. Impeachment is authorized for high crimes and misdemeanors committed while in office. Nobody is a "commie" here except maybe trump and his cronies and followers. You Russia lovers are so phony. Move to Moscow and leave the U.S. alone.
No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts. do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence

Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
Mafia Dons (Don, nice name) were convicted all the time based on what actions they took and what others testified.

A Don never ordered......Kill Vito Corleone
They had subtle ways to order a hit

Our Don was anything but subtle when he asked for a personal favor

Again, mind reading. That's exactly what I said. Thanks for your support. Asking for a favor of a foreign leader is not a high crime or misdemeanor. Look up the word "favor" in the dictionary and see what it means. It does not mean a demand, threat, or payoff.

There is zero proof of Trump threatening aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky met his requests. The commies just made it up, and they are going to try and impeach on what they "thought" Trump meant.
That’s what jury’s do

They rarely have an outright confession. They have to piece together a conclusion based on supporting facts.

In Trumps case, we have him admitting he asked for a personal favor in return for military aid. ....The word “though” ties the two together
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.
then why did they say impeach him after the election? in November of 2016, before he took the oath of office? you're wrong. but hey little man, you're a fking demofk.

Are you so ignorant that you do not know that you cannot impeach someone who is not in office? And I'm not a man, asshole, I'm smarter than that. I'm a woman. And I take it that you are piece of republican shit.
you didn't answer the question, why did they say impeach him after the election? why won't you answer that. Dudette, I talk facts. answer why or you are truly a loser demofk.
Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts. do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence

Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
You forget, Trump's own acting chief of staff also admitted Trump held up the military aid in exchange for favors...

"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney
No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

Impeachment is not for conduct in office, it's for violations of high crimes or misdemeanors--neither of which Trump was a party to. The commies are making claim they knew what Trump was thinking when he temporarily withheld aid from Ukraine. The reason they are doing that is because they didn't like why Trump said he withheld aid, so they made it up.

Commies don't like facts, they like accusations.

There is no evidence of Trump using a quid pro quo.
Biden admitted to using a quid pro quo, and not only was he not impeached, they are allowing him to run for President.
President Zelensky stated he felt zero pressure from Trump on any matter.

Those are facts. do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence

Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
You forget, Trump's own acting chief of staff also admitted Trump held up the military aid in exchange for favors...

"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney
Oh, cultist? Cite the statute that prohibits the president from releasing appropriated funds to foreign nations unless their leaders perform favors first...
Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.
then why did they say impeach him after the election? in November of 2016, before he took the oath of office? you're wrong. but hey little man, you're a fking demofk.

Are you so ignorant that you do not know that you cannot impeach someone who is not in office? And I'm not a man, asshole, I'm smarter than that. I'm a woman. And I take it that you are piece of republican shit.
you didn't answer the question, why did they say impeach him after the election? why won't you answer that. Dudette, I talk facts. answer why or you are truly a loser demofk.

I talk facts. A person cannot be impeached under the Constitution when s/he is not in office.

BTW: I support the Democratic candidates because the only real alternative is to support the republican party, which has been reduced to a party for lowlife filth. I remember when the republican party, its candidates, and its supporters were respectable, quality people, no matter what political disagreements were at issue. Now the republican party is just scum, and, as becoming very clear, a party of Russian supporters.
You Satanists are a HOOT!!!!!


I cannot be a "satanist" as I do not believe that satan exists. Apparently, you are into cult blubber. Probably some graham, falwell, jeffress thing. Go do your wavy gravy and shake your hands at the sky. Try hopping on one foot while you're doing it.
Satanists LIE....Thank you!...Too easy!...LOl!

Yeah, like you have any reason to know what another person believes in or doesn't. You cultheads are unbelievable!

Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.

not really------when did people start dealing with trump's use of nasty words?
The only thing I knew about Trump----EVEN when I came to live in NY is that
he was REAL BIG in real estate
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

I heard her speak English and she did so well. Why "doubt" that she can speak
other languages? "she is getting old" ?? sheeeesh ---both you and I, too, penny, dear. Have you enrolled in English remedial yet? Can you
explain what you "amount to" ???

I do doubt it, she many know a few words of other languages but not enough to speak with them.


That's not speaking French.

I don't speak French either-----BUT I did learn sesame street level Spanish----
Hubby and I went to a taco joint and I explained the words to him-----like "salsa"
and-----uhm "gringo" I heard the waitress say----"she speaks Spanish but
he doesn't" Melania has more French that do I -----and probably more French
than I have Spanish. Ya want to try me in German------I got A's all four semesters-----really-----I did
Why not? The Democrats are trying to impeach a President because they claim to know what he thought. This is the Thought Police impeachment that will go down in history forever.

No. The impeachment proceedings are based on his conduct in office. He's had enough public exposure over the years for us to know what the little whore thinks.
then why did they say impeach him after the election? in November of 2016, before he took the oath of office? you're wrong. but hey little man, you're a fking demofk.

Are you so ignorant that you do not know that you cannot impeach someone who is not in office? And I'm not a man, asshole, I'm smarter than that. I'm a woman. And I take it that you are piece of republican shit.
you didn't answer the question, why did they say impeach him after the election? why won't you answer that. Dudette, I talk facts. answer why or you are truly a loser demofk.

I talk facts. A person cannot be impeached under the Constitution when s/he is not in office.

BTW: I support the Democratic candidates because the only real alternative is to support the republican party, which has been reduced to a party for lowlife filth. I remember when the republican party, its candidates, and its supporters were respectable, quality people, no matter what political disagreements were at issue. Now the republican party is just scum, and, as becoming very clear, a party of Russian supporters.

you got a dilemma------differentiate from one glob of scum and the other
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