Inherited wealth. Any justification?

Should inherited wealth exist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes, but it should be limited/taxed

    Votes: 11 19.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh Goody. Another internet know-it-all troll with all the nutritional substance of Blue Dyed Peeps.

Direct welfare benefits is around 5 billion. Tell me how cutting back on 5 billion of direct welfare benefits is the cause and solution of our economic woes.

Shoo, little troll. Shoo.

Your creepy little game of questioning me about things I never said is pathetic.

I'm against politicians, bureaucrats and the rest of the moocher class acting as defacto grave robbers.

twiddles thumbs as you attack corporate and Israelii welfare.

You are not serious at all. You are a lying fucktard who has no interest in fiscal conservatism.
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No problem with inheriting wealth

The problem comes when you are born on third base and you act like you hit a triple

and your point? Shall we penalize the lucky just because their family had a good hand from lady luck? Or those who buste their ass to provide a gooid life for their family and struck it rich? There is no problem
Antibrain looks like a retread of a banned troll.

Just sayin'.
attacking welfare makes about as much sense as attacking foreign aid. Both of them don't amt to much as a % of the budget. They are conservative, knee-jerk issues..

I love attacking FP. This is where I agree with honest conservatives (RE: Ron Paul)
Shoo, little troll. Shoo.

Your creepy little game of questioning me about things I never said is pathetic.


Bye, bye little internet troll. You are on my personal troll list.

You are a rw kook who cannot back up your claims.

You are boring.


I came to the same conclusion about you shortly after I started posting here. BTW- Are you & CaliGirl related? I ask because both of you rarely back up your dopey assertions w/ facts.
Liberals think the government invented money so it could reward those who excel according to some arbitrary definition of "merit."

You gotta love how utterly clueless and naive they are.

And who exactly believes that?

I love when rightwingnuts make up what they *think* other people believe and then argue against their own false premises.

Your crony propagandists right here in this thread are saying exactly that.
bripatricia!!! You're still the lock-step, conservative drone :tinfoil: , WITHOUT FACTS that I remember so well.
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attacking welfare makes about as much sense as attacking foreign aid. Both of them don't amt to much as a % of the budget. They are conservative, knee-jerk issues..

That is simply not true. Counting Medicare/Caid and SS Welfare is the Problem, it is the bulk of our Debt problem. Yes I know SS was not meant to be Welfare, but today millions who never paid in collect benefits. It has become a form of Welfare.
Nothing you quoted justifies confiscation of inheritances.

Please find something that actually endorses the government confiscating what someone has earned.

setting that erroneous comment aside for a moment, you said "anything of the sort" that MERIT IS NOT HEREDITARY, which those state outright.

Whoever said merit was hereditary? Acknowledging that fact doesn't invalid the principle that people are entitled to pass their property on to their descendents.

as far as whether people who helped found this country believed in "confiscation," they certainly did not shun the notion.

They most certainly did. Try reading the 5th Amendment.

"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."

-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison (1785)

You found one quote that endorses confiscation. Congratulations.

Everyman who signed the Constitution disagreed.
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Do tell, and how do you feel about welfare recipients? Are they earning their way in the world?

Welfare abuse is the least of our problems.

Come in touch with reality w/e you'd like.

That wasn't the question. YOU asked
"Why are you so against people earning their way in our world?"

I have NO problem with people earning their way in our world. Are YOU against people earning their way in the world?

Again i will ask the same question you not so cleverly tried deflected from. If everyone is to earn their way in the world what about welfare recipients? Do they earn their way in the world?

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