Inherited wealth. Any justification?

Should inherited wealth exist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes, but it should be limited/taxed

    Votes: 11 19.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Bripat is a conservative troll. There is no use reasoning with him.

Yes he is. I found that out some time ago. He's a quintessential, repub-base, voter.....a drone.

I use to post at AWE under the name of "I Like Taxes" and bripat was one of the most misinformed posters I ever met.

Every now and then, he post cogent arguments, but overall, he is a conservative troll.

Typical lib ad hominem fest. That's what you people do when you have no facts or logic on your side.
Oh Goody. Another internet know-it-all troll with all the nutritional substance of Blue Dyed Peeps.

Direct welfare benefits is around 5 billion. Tell me how cutting back on 5 billion of direct welfare benefits is the cause and solution of our economic woes.

You seem to have issues with people earning their way in the world. Are welfare recipients earning their way in the world or sucking 5 billion a year out of the government?

Nothing you quoted justifies confiscation of inheritances.

Please find something that actually endorses the government confiscating what someone has earned.

setting that erroneous comment aside for a moment, you said "anything of the sort" that MERIT IS NOT HEREDITARY, which those state outright.

Whoever said merit was hereditary? Acknowledging that fact doesn't invalid the principle that people are entitled to pass their property on to their descendents.

as far as whether people who helped found this country believed in "confiscation," they certainly did not shun the notion.

They most certainly did. Try reading the 5th Amendment.

"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."

-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison (1785)

You found one quote that endorses confiscation. Congratulations.

Everyman who signed the Constitution disagreed.

The Koch Brothers steal from people.

What fantasy world do you live in?
Like Antiderivative said, he's a conservative troll who thinks if he says things enough times it makes them true. Nothing pisses him off more than being confronted w/ facts. LOLOL

ROFL! How would you know that? Not from personal experience. That's for sure.
so... if capitalism is NOT based upon merit, how do you justify supporting it?

Actually, capitalism is based on the merit system, however many repukes use this argument to support crony capitalism rather than free market capitalism.

Precisely wrong. Capitalism is based on private property and free exchange. "Merit" is a nebulous terms that can mean whatever demagogues want it to mean.

I believe in many validations of free market capitalism, but this is not what repukes propose. They propose crony capitalism.

You are a Marxist. Inheritances has nothing to do with "crony capitalism." The latter is what Obama practices when he bails out GM and Goldman Sachs.
Why are you so against people earning their way in our world?

Do tell, and how do you feel about welfare recipients? Are they earning their way in the world?

attacking welfare makes about as much sense as attacking foreign aid. Both of them don't amt to much as a % of the budget. They are conservative, knee-jerk issues..

Who just who is attacking welfare? It would seem as anti here is the one doing that since he feels that EVERYONE should be earning their way in the world.

His words, not mine.

Or is it just the ones who inherent money need to earn their way in the world and not the "poor"

I agree with him. No free hand outs and earn your way. However if your are left a fortune so much good luck for you. I am quite sure that some homeless person would be quite happy to be the beneficiary of cash.
Why are you so against people earning their way in our world?

Do tell, and how do you feel about welfare recipients? Are they earning their way in the world?

I have addressed the welfare problem elsewhere, though it is mostly a state issue, thanks to neo-federalism

LOL, how about you answer the question then:

Why are you so against people earning their way in our world?
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Oh Goody. Another internet know-it-all troll with all the nutritional substance of Blue Dyed Peeps.

Direct welfare benefits is around 5 billion. Tell me how cutting back on 5 billion of direct welfare benefits is the cause and solution of our economic woes.

80% of the budget is welfare. You're artificially narrow definition isn't fooling anyone.
Liberals think the government invented money so it could reward those who excel according to some arbitrary definition of "merit."

You gotta love how utterly clueless and naive they are.

And who exactly believes that?

I love when rightwingnuts make up what they *think* other people believe and then argue against their own false premises.

yep, It is about as funny as when leftwingnuts do it. There are plenty of Liberals in here that will tell me what they "think" I believe about something based on their Pre-programmed expectations.

then i would hope, instead of feeling victimized, that you correct them.
Do tell, and how do you feel about welfare recipients? Are they earning their way in the world?

I have addressed the welfare problem elsewhere, though it is mostly a state issue, thanks to neo-federalism

LOL, how about you answer the question then:

Why are you so against people earning their way in our world?

Well I certainly don't have anything against supporting people who are disabled, or in giving people a hand up, but there ought to be greater restrictions on simply handing money out to the able-bodied. it promotes idleness of body and mind, increases the consumption of resources, indulges a taste for luxury, and leads to the unhealthy state of ennui. There is possible no way of stopping welfare abuse in the individual states any more than we can "confiscate" all inheritance. But in either case we can limit the harmful effects with judicious policy.

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