Inheriting what you have sown.


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Now that Oblamer has won the election, who does he blame for the mess he's inherited?
Now that Oblamer has won the election, who does he blame for the mess he's inherited?

The republicans of course seeing as how they have shut down the legislative branch of the government but more importantly who do you applaud when the economy recovers? Certainly not the man you are all too willing to blame if were to get worse.
Looks like Pubs have given up the mindless obstruction a bit, so things are looking up.
Looks like Pubs have given up the mindless obstruction a bit, so things are looking up.

Yes, they have seen the folly of blanket obstruction and the doom of their party's control in congress clearly written in the election results, nothing motivates republicans like fear for their bread and butter.
The lesser the governing, the better.

I find it odd that people want the government to do things. I prefer that the government to stay the heck out of my affairs and the affairs of my brethren.

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