Inhofe says he won't take part in Tulsa holiday parade until Christmas put back in

Read all here:

Inhofe says he won't take part in Tulsa holiday parade | Tulsa World

Good for Inofe.

I spent a large part of my childhood living in Tulsa. They always did Christmas in a big way.

Those days seem magical remembering all of it.

For a place like Tulsa to succumb to the PC police is sad.

I support Inofe in this. "Holiday!" What holiday? It's not Arbor Day, Labor Day or Groundhogs day. There is a NAME for this Holiday.

What is so terrible about saying it? It's CHRISTMAS!

CHRIST + MASS. It's Christmas.

I'm a conservative Christian from Oklahoma and I've always considered Inhofe a bitter, vindictive partisan hack and embarassment to Oklahoma. I wish he would retire.

I still think he is right in what he is doing and I support him in it.
As long as Santa is invited to the parade, I am OK with it

Read all here:

Inhofe says he won't take part in Tulsa holiday parade | Tulsa World

Good for Inofe.

I spent a large part of my childhood living in Tulsa. They always did Christmas in a big way.

Those days seem magical remembering all of it.

For a place like Tulsa to succumb to the PC police is sad.

I support Inofe in this. "Holiday!" What holiday? It's not Arbor Day, Labor Day or Groundhogs day. There is a NAME for this Holiday.

What is so terrible about saying it? It's CHRISTMAS!

CHRIST + MASS. It's Christmas.

So...a parade is now a Mass?

That was a nice try twisting my words. Where did I suggest it was. I am giving you the orgin of the word Christmas. you, the word Christ is important, but not the word Mass....selectiveness on your part....I got it alright.

There IS a name to this holiday. (BTW, the origin of holiday is HOLY DAY).

Hmmm...Labor Day is a Holy Day? Memorial Day is a Holy Day? 4th of July is a Holy Day?

The PC crowd argues that not everyone celebrates Christmas. you disagree?

Well goody! But there are a LOT of people who DO celebrate Christmas. So why can't the holiday they celebrate be named?

As I have hate inclusive just want exclusive terms...

Do we tell people celebrating Chanukah or Ramadan, they can't name the holiday?????

OK....who is saying that people can't name Christmas? Show us the law, statute, or policy that does that. TIA

Why then Christmas? Seems to me to be discrination in favor of a minority who don't celebrate Christmas.

Again, show us where people CAN'T NAME CHRISTMAS.

Naming the HOLY DAY doesn't keep them from abstaining from Christmas.

Once more, show us where people CAN'T NAME CHRISTMAS.

Why discriminate against those who do celebrate Christmas?

I totally understand your stand on including everyone in greetings, parades, etc. it is somehow punishing Christians. IT should be about you people and ONLY you people (even tho there are other holidays at the same time...even tho there are people who celebrate other holidays at the same time...)
Folks why do you insist every holiday event should be top billed as Christian?

:lol: I do not think every holiday event should be christian as you apparently believe, where do you get that idea? Christians do not celebrate Rosh Hashanah, nor do they would they insist on a veneration of Jesus or a cross next to the menorah, except for the Messianic Jews. Gimmie a break. :tongue:

I am tired of others, when Christians minding their own business,celebrating an event they believe and have faith in, are basically singled out for nothing more than pure bullshit.
One day everyone else will wake up and put a stop to ALL religious events.

Ever since the masses of immigrants FLED to America for freedom in just the past few years, THEY, and others have been trying to convert America into their beliefs and we supply the laws to screw the rest of us. The atheists believe in no god etc then keep your mouths shut, Others can be OFFENDED with YOUR believes in NO GOD.

Won't be long before the rest of the religious beliefs, symbols and Venerations are banned because some asshole is OFFENDED, offended my ass, they just are the usual rectal orifices that are procreating every hour of everyday that love to make trouble.

Dear idiot, when its governemnt money being spent you dont get top billing.

No one makes you take your merry christmas sign off yout house huh?

When you spend the peoples money or use the peoples property for clebration it does not deserve christian top billing.

GET IT!!!!!!!!

If you have a permit (that adds to the "peoples" coffers) to use 'the people's property', your free speech (freedom of expression) should not be limited to 'non-religious'. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I believe that Christmas celebrations across Christian faiths would be covered under the the right of the people peaceably to assemble.

Bah, humbug!
The first preemptive strike at the War on Christmas (tm)! I was wondering when the battle would get underway.

Thank you, Mr Inhofe - here's hoping you and your blessed family have a wonderful Hannukah and a happy Kwanza.

And a Blessed Winter Solstice....the Reason for the Season (being when it is)

No, because if it was the reason for the season, date would change as it does for Easter (something I've never liked, but then I didn't make the Roman calender we follow).

The fact the Roman Catholics/Calender set Christmas at the time pagans once celebrated is well known.

I don't think that de-legitimizes Christmas any more than setting it at another time of the year. I'm sure there was once a pagan day for any other date on the calender.

We should rejoice that instead of sacrificing children (as pagans once did), we now give gifts to them. THAT is because of Christ.

(and OH yes, pagans sacrificed children. I once got into a big debate with a big time pagan witch on that. She lost BIG TIME.)

Read up on the Roman Saturnalia and how the Early Christian church didn't even celebrate their Christ's birthday for 300 years.....(people didn't celebrate birthdays back then, only death days)...and how they had intense competition from several cults such as the extremely popular cults celebrating the, they co-opted the holiday.
:lol: I do not think every holiday event should be christian as you apparently believe, where do you get that idea? Christians do not celebrate Rosh Hashanah, nor do they would they insist on a veneration of Jesus or a cross next to the menorah, except for the Messianic Jews. Gimmie a break. :tongue:

I am tired of others, when Christians minding their own business,celebrating an event they believe and have faith in, are basically singled out for nothing more than pure bullshit.
One day everyone else will wake up and put a stop to ALL religious events.

Ever since the masses of immigrants FLED to America for freedom in just the past few years, THEY, and others have been trying to convert America into their beliefs and we supply the laws to screw the rest of us. The atheists believe in no god etc then keep your mouths shut, Others can be OFFENDED with YOUR believes in NO GOD.

Won't be long before the rest of the religious beliefs, symbols and Venerations are banned because some asshole is OFFENDED, offended my ass, they just are the usual rectal orifices that are procreating every hour of everyday that love to make trouble.

Dear idiot, when its governemnt money being spent you dont get top billing.

No one makes you take your merry christmas sign off yout house huh?

When you spend the peoples money or use the peoples property for clebration it does not deserve christian top billing.

GET IT!!!!!!!!

If you have a permit (that adds to the "peoples" coffers) to use 'the people's property', your free speech (freedom of expression) should not be limited to 'non-religious'. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I believe that Christmas celebrations across Christian faiths would be covered under the the right of the people peaceably to assemble.

Bah, humbug!

If you want to pay for a parade, go ahead and get a permit.

When the parade is paid for by the govt with taxpayers money, the christians don't get to decide shit about the parade
The first preemptive strike at the War on Christmas (tm)! I was wondering when the battle would get underway.

Thank you, Mr Inhofe - here's hoping you and your blessed family have a wonderful Hannukah and a happy Kwanza.

And a Blessed Winter Solstice....the Reason for the Season (being when it is)

No, because if it was the reason for the season, date would change as it does for Easter (something I've never liked, but then I didn't make the Roman calender we follow).

The fact the Roman Catholics/Calender set Christmas at the time pagans once celebrated is well known.

I don't think that de-legitimizes Christmas any more than setting it at another time of the year. I'm sure there was once a pagan day for any other date on the calender.

We should rejoice that instead of sacrificing children (as pagans once did), we now give gifts to them. THAT is because of Christ.

(and OH yes, pagans sacrificed children. I once got into a big debate with a big time pagan witch on that. She lost BIG TIME.)

Easter has to do with phases of the moon not the seasons change. The spring and winter equinox change very little on date.
the phase of the moon has nothing to do with the change of the seasons.
why is it christains think only their religion should be recognized?

Who said that?

This country, I know you have heard it, is more than 70% Christian (believing, not necessarily practicing). As the country grew, employees requested Christian celebration time or Christian business owners would close to celebrate Christian occasions. Non-Christians are not ordered to "celebrate" or participate in any religious events. When that number of the population celebrates something at the same time, it does not go, unnoticed. It is not meant to "offend" anyone. It is a time of joy, a reminder that a child was born with the intent of bringing peace to mankind (His schedule, not ours).

If you go into any other religious community in the USA, you will not find Christians protesting their celebrations. In cases where the population is very large, their days have been declared "holidays" (which by the way is also a religious term = holy day).

There is not a denial of other religions at Christmas, just a celebration of the Christian holiday. It is a time for joy. If you want to be honest, that might be the reason you find fault with the "holiday"; it is not about misery.

If you only recognize one religions holidays, then you are indeed denying the significance of the other religions' holidays.

There is nothing special about your worship of human sacrifice. It is no more (or less bloody) and disgusting than the other religions beliefs.

get yourself some balls and rail about Hannaku and Rhamadan, then we'll believe you until that time you are a bitter old peice of shit who likes to dump on Christmas nothing more.
And a Blessed Winter Solstice....the Reason for the Season (being when it is)

No, because if it was the reason for the season, date would change as it does for Easter (something I've never liked, but then I didn't make the Roman calender we follow).

The fact the Roman Catholics/Calender set Christmas at the time pagans once celebrated is well known.

I don't think that de-legitimizes Christmas any more than setting it at another time of the year. I'm sure there was once a pagan day for any other date on the calender.

We should rejoice that instead of sacrificing children (as pagans once did), we now give gifts to them. THAT is because of Christ.

(and OH yes, pagans sacrificed children. I once got into a big debate with a big time pagan witch on that. She lost BIG TIME.)

Read up on the Roman Saturnalia and how the Early Christian church didn't even celebrate their Christ's birthday for 300 years.....(people didn't celebrate birthdays back then, only death days)...and how they had intense competition from several cults such as the extremely popular cults celebrating the, they co-opted the holiday.

Also how Christmas used to be cleebrated in Jolly old England by drunken orgies and such.
where Santa came from and the Christmas tree.

In FACT the Christians are the ones who have been waging war on multiple pagan winter equinox holidays for centuries.
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So let's see how that works

Non-christians are wished a Merry Xmas. They have no problem with it

Christians are wished a Happy Holiday. Christians declare war.

Are they cutting off people's heads...???

Nothing says "Christianity is a peaceful religion" like "Our methods of killing are nicer than those other guys"

So.... who are the "Christians" killing now????
The first preemptive strike at the War on Christmas (tm)! I was wondering when the battle would get underway.

Thank you, Mr Inhofe - here's hoping you and your blessed family have a wonderful Hannukah and a happy Kwanza.

And a Blessed Winter Solstice....the Reason for the Season (being when it is)

No, because if it was the reason for the season, date would change as it does for Easter (something I've never liked, but then I didn't make the Roman calender we follow).

The fact the Roman Catholics/Calender set Christmas at the time pagans once celebrated is well known.

I don't think that de-legitimizes Christmas any more than setting it at another time of the year. I'm sure there was once a pagan day for any other date on the calender.

We should rejoice that instead of sacrificing children (as pagans once did), we now give gifts to them. THAT is because of Christ.

(and OH yes, pagans sacrificed children. I once got into a big debate with a big time pagan witch on that. She lost BIG TIME.)

Some pagans sacrificed children....such as the Phoenicians. Some Celts sacrificed kings if things were bad. But a lot of what you hear is Christian propaganda.
Who said that?

This country, I know you have heard it, is more than 70% Christian (believing, not necessarily practicing). As the country grew, employees requested Christian celebration time or Christian business owners would close to celebrate Christian occasions. Non-Christians are not ordered to "celebrate" or participate in any religious events. When that number of the population celebrates something at the same time, it does not go, unnoticed. It is not meant to "offend" anyone. It is a time of joy, a reminder that a child was born with the intent of bringing peace to mankind (His schedule, not ours).

If you go into any other religious community in the USA, you will not find Christians protesting their celebrations. In cases where the population is very large, their days have been declared "holidays" (which by the way is also a religious term = holy day).

There is not a denial of other religions at Christmas, just a celebration of the Christian holiday. It is a time for joy. If you want to be honest, that might be the reason you find fault with the "holiday"; it is not about misery.

If you only recognize one religions holidays, then you are indeed denying the significance of the other religions' holidays.

There is nothing special about your worship of human sacrifice. It is no more (or less bloody) and disgusting than the other religions beliefs.

get yourself some balls and rail about Hannaku and Rhamadan, then we'll believe you until that time you are a bitter old peice of shit who likes to dump on Christmas nothing more.

When the Jews start whining about a War on Hannukah, I'll rail. Same goes for the muslims

Christians are the only ones who are poutraged over the Holidays.
why is it christains think only their religion should be recognized?


This is how liberals think. It isn't "fair" for Christians to ENJOY Christmas because there are more of them that observe Christmas than some freaky pagan day.

And since liberals think it isn't FAIR, the only remedy is to suppress Christmas so that those NOT celebrating Christmas feel less resentful.

That's the liberal idea of fair.

Tell me TruthDoesn'tMatter. Would you go to Muslim Countries and tell them they could only call Ramadan "holiday" because it's unfair more muslims celebrate muslim holidays in those countries as not?

Where is this idea of "fair" come in? Only when it comes to Christians?

Where in the first amendment does it give us the right to religion and free expression, UNLESS more people celebrate one religion as compared to others?

I don't see a liberal clause in the first amendment for making things "fair" as defined by liberals.

YES, more Americans celebrate Christmas than do some freaky Wiccan day where they dance naked to the sun.

More Americans celebrate Christmas than Chanukah, or Rammadan, or Kwanza. What of it?

That doesn't stop anyone from celebrating their Holiday.

But just because there is a majority that celebrate Christmas doesn't mean the petty, resentful, PC crowd can suppress it.

It's Christmas, and there is a reason we celebrate it.

Just because the PC crowd doesn't like that, doesn't stop our right to celebrate it.
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And a Blessed Winter Solstice....the Reason for the Season (being when it is)

No, because if it was the reason for the season, date would change as it does for Easter (something I've never liked, but then I didn't make the Roman calender we follow).

The fact the Roman Catholics/Calender set Christmas at the time pagans once celebrated is well known.

I don't think that de-legitimizes Christmas any more than setting it at another time of the year. I'm sure there was once a pagan day for any other date on the calender.

We should rejoice that instead of sacrificing children (as pagans once did), we now give gifts to them. THAT is because of Christ.

(and OH yes, pagans sacrificed children. I once got into a big debate with a big time pagan witch on that. She lost BIG TIME.)

Some pagans sacrificed children....such as the Phoenicians. Some Celts sacrificed kings if things were bad. But a lot of what you hear is Christian propaganda.

Look who the muslims are killing. You gonna rail about Rhamadan? I can't wait.
And a Blessed Winter Solstice....the Reason for the Season (being when it is)

No, because if it was the reason for the season, date would change as it does for Easter (something I've never liked, but then I didn't make the Roman calender we follow).

The fact the Roman Catholics/Calender set Christmas at the time pagans once celebrated is well known.

I don't think that de-legitimizes Christmas any more than setting it at another time of the year. I'm sure there was once a pagan day for any other date on the calender.

We should rejoice that instead of sacrificing children (as pagans once did), we now give gifts to them. THAT is because of Christ.

(and OH yes, pagans sacrificed children. I once got into a big debate with a big time pagan witch on that. She lost BIG TIME.)

Some pagans sacrificed children....such as the Phoenicians. Some Celts sacrificed kings if things were bad. But a lot of what you hear is Christian propaganda.

Could we sacrifice a few in congress?

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