Injunction Against Federal Use Of Force May Finally Diminish The Federal Instigated Riots!

It would have been more helpful if the obama- appointed quack judge had signed an order prohibiting leftwing rioters from damaging or setting fire to federal buildings

then federal law enforcement would not be in portland to begin with

Of course Oregon already has state laws prohibiting arson and vandalism, and these would be enforced by Portland police or Oregon state troopers except that Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler (criminal himself) has been stopping them from doing that.

Oregon governor Kate Brown is just as bad. Both of these nitwit rogues are blaming Trump (who is simply adhering to Article 2 of the US Constitution, which prescribes it as his DUTY to enforce the law as he is doing). Brown & Wheeler have chosen to be on the side of the criminal mob, rather than the constitution, and federal law enforcement officers. They should be jailed along with the street creeps.
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Donald John Trump is widely known unable to read daily Intel briefings, and so does not. July 16, the also illiterate agency acting director caused to be released a report--data-free--alleging "Violent Anarchists" to be what Portland Police were labeling "Groups" of their neighbor--some drug overdosed even.

Oregon is known for "Potlatch" behavior, even--celebratory of the original indigenous human inhabitants on which the Pacific Northwest relies. Kyzr poster even apparently claims heritage from someplace where individual differences are not permitted. US nationally allows for differences in people and behaviors.

What may have been a local law enforcement strategy was incited to a riot at the direction of RNC illiterates, now elevated in the courts to near-criminal bunch of homeless, able to be charged rent for their "Occupy Portland," violent protest--approaching that level in legal opinion.

Protectionist poster and Mac-7 poster and moonglow poster even delight in showing themselves illiterate--and different from one another.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is actually about a bad idea!)
It's been reported that federal officers have suffered permanent blindness from the protestors' lasers...

If they are suffering PERMANENT INJURIES, the use of tear gas and nonlethal rounds is definitely justified in self defense!!!

At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision after earlier this week demonstrators, who have shown up in crowds of over 1,000 for more than 50 consecutive nights, shined lasers in their eyes and threw fireworks at a federal courthouse, officials said.

During Monday night's confrontation, one person also threatened to cut off the water supply to federal officers inside the building.

Federal Protective Service (FPS) Deputy Director of Operations Richard “Kriss” Cline said at a press conference on Tuesday that a crowd of more than 1,000 “rioters” surrounded the Hatfield Federal Courthouse and began removing plywood coverings before attempting to throw objects – some of them incendiary – through the windows at federal officers inside.
Protectionist poster and Mac-7 poster and moonglow poster even delight in showing themselves illiterate--and different from one another.
Yeah ? And suppose you show a shred of evidence to support that. Wanna recite Article 2 of the Constitution for us ? :biggrin:
The "Occupy Portland" movement is basis illiterate, and now even borderline criminal regarded--for two weeks.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is also a bad idea--celebratory mostly of the Royal House of Pharaoh!)
It's been reported that federal officers have suffered permanent blindness from the protestors' lasers...

If they are suffering PERMANENT INJURIES, the use of tear gas and nonlethal rounds is definitely justified in self defense!!!

At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision after earlier this week demonstrators, who have shown up in crowds of over 1,000 for more than 50 consecutive nights, shined lasers in their eyes and threw fireworks at a federal courthouse, officials said.
If these screwballs are firing lasers at cops and permenantly blinding them, those screwballs should be shot DEAD , with real bullets.
Widely unknown is that the Trump administration's Acting Secretary of Riot Instigation--Homeland Security--is at basis qualification illiterate. The President isn't to up on reading Intel Reports himself. So lawsuits have done the reading of events on the ground instead. The federal use of force against qualified observers and journalists is now prohibited. Federal riot instigators are not immune, even, from usual protections against abuse of force while instigated their crimes.

What Law Enforcement in Portland, locally: May have been doing is not apparent in any judicial reviews, so far. FBI informants may have been seeking data on narcotics sales, for example. Anyone notes why Republicans felt threatened--free marketeers that they are. Their response may have been motivated by some sense of loyalty to violence-prone illegal narcotics vendors. There is no legal finding so far of that.

To that extent, then the federal riot instigators so far have gotten off.

Their use of force is now curtailed for at least two weeks.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The prayers for life-denigration--e. g. Matt 25: 14-30--to be established on earth: Remain intact! The butchers have foreign beliefs on which to rely!)
Widely known? What's widely known is democrats refuse to stop the crime!
It's been reported that federal officers have suffered permanent blindness from the protestors' lasers...

If they are suffering PERMANENT INJURIES, the use of tear gas and nonlethal rounds is definitely justified in self defense!!!

At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision after earlier this week demonstrators, who have shown up in crowds of over 1,000 for more than 50 consecutive nights, shined lasers in their eyes and threw fireworks at a federal courthouse, officials said.
If these screwballs are firing lasers at cops and permenantly blinding them, those screwballs should be shot DEAD , with real bullets.
Considering that the protestors were also attempting to throw incendiary objects inside (attempting to burn the building), I agree....
Illiterate anti-USA, protectionist poser: Shows basis illiteracy about Portland, OR events!

"Since this continues to be widely circulated and believed, let's break this down factually," Wheeler wrote on Twitter. "Concerning the recent protests: There were no orders to police to stand-down. No 'handcuffs' placed on them."

This afternoon, Police Chief Danielle Outlaw opened a press conference by confirming that Wheeler had issued no such order for the June 30 protests.
Even attempted blinding of the "Occupy Portland," homeless officials--is protectionist poster supported!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, is not about even inter-agency cooperation!)
Protectionist poster and Mac-7 poster and moonglow poster even delight in showing themselves illiterate--and different from one another.
Yeah ? And suppose you show a shred of evidence to support that. Wanna recite Article 2 of the Constitution for us ? :biggrin:
mascale has got to be foreign, he won't say where he's from. Another fucking kibbitzer from some shit-hole commenting on US politics.
Kyzr poster delights in showing himself to be illiterate, and not from USA-supportive of individual differences the basis evidence of USA!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Of the foreign stories are their prayers--Matt 25: 14-30!)
Kyzr poster delights in showing himself to be illiterate, and not from USA-supportive of individual differences the basis evidence of USA!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Of the foreign stories are their prayers--Matt 25: 14-30!)
mascale must be ashamed of where he's from. Sorry to hear.
mascale has got to be foreign, he won't say where he's from. Another fucking kibbitzer from some shit-hole commenting on US politics.
I notice he sounds like he's got marbles in his mouth. Needs a course in English language.
"Since this continues to be widely circulated and believed, let's break this down factually," Wheeler wrote on Twitter. "Concerning the recent protests: There were no orders to police to stand-down. No 'handcuffs' placed on them."

This afternoon, Police Chief Danielle Outlaw opened a press conference by confirming that Wheeler had issued no such order for the June 30 protests.
So Outlaw and Wheeler LIE about the stand down order. What a surprise!

:puhleeze:We're supposed to think that the cops are standing down against orders to take action, right ? Because they enjoy watching criminal destruction > :right::laugh:


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