Injured Syrian Boy Escapes to Israel on Donkey for Medical Treatment


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
No doubt all of us here are happy that he wa able to make it into Israel to get help.

Injured Syrian Boy Escapes to Israel on Donkey for Medical Treatment
By Ze'ev Ben-Yechiel September 9, 2014 , 11:30 am


The 12-year-old injured in the Syrian conflict. (Photo: Ziv Medical Center)

A 12-year-old Syrian boy arrived over the weekend to an Israeli hospital with injuries to his arms, leg, and eyes sustained from a mortar attack on his home near Damascus. The boy was led on a donkey by his brother up the slopes of Mt. Hermon to an IDF base on the mountain, from where Israeli forces evacuated him to Ziv Medical Center in the northern town of Safed.

A spokesman for the hospital told Tazpit News Agency that the boy is the latest of 358 injured Syrians to be treated there in the last year and a half, most of them victims of the Syrian civil war.


The 12-year-old from Damascus in Ziv Hospital. (Photo: Ziv Medical Center)
Since the outbreak of the conflict, a total of some 1,200 Syrian medical refugees have received treatment in Israeli hospitals, according to the IDF. Among these is a large proportion of young adult males, some of whom are tacitly understood to be combatants fighting for various sides in the war.


Injured Syrian Boy Escapes to Israel on Donkey - Israel News
Yes we wish him the best, but your "concern" is quite contradictory to Israel's policy of firing mortars into populated areas of Gaza, which produces the exact same results. Can't have it both ways.
Yes we wish him the best, but your "concern" is quite contradictory to Israel's policy of firing mortars into populated areas of Gaza, which produces the exact same results. Can't have it both ways.

Yes, we can all see how much Forester is concerned about the over 10,000 children killed as a result of the conflict in Syria. He is so concerned that when he crawls onto this board, he shows so much sympathy and compassion for them. Yeah, right. His only obsession is with Israel so I am sure rational people have picked this up by now -- only because the Jews are involved. If it were other Muslims governing the country of Israel and another sect was shooting rockets into Israel and these other Muslims retaliated, the readers of this forum would never hear a word from Forester.. So tell us, Forester, have you any news you want to give us as to what is happening in the other countries in the Middle East other than Israel since you felt impelled to come over here? After all, even someone like you knows that the Middle East is such a huge area so you must have a little tidbit that you wish to share with us.
Yes, we can all see how much Forester is concerned about the over 10,000 children killed as a result of the conflict in Syria. He is so concerned that when he crawls onto this board, he shows so much sympathy and compassion for them. Yeah, right. His only obsession is with Israel so I am sure rational people have picked this up by now -- only because the Jews are involved. If it were other Muslims governing the country of Israel and another sect was shooting rockets into Israel and these other Muslims retaliated, the readers of this forum would never hear a word from Forester.. So tell us, Forester, have you any news you want to give us as to what is happening in the other countries in the Middle East other than Israel since you felt impelled to come over here? After all, even someone like you knows that the Middle East is such a huge area so you must have a little tidbit that you wish to share with us.

The Israelis are overjoyed at the Middle Eastern turmoil. It distracts from their own misdeeds and genocidal activities. The secret's out, though. Israel's dirty deeds were shown to the world via Twitter, etc.
Any compassion shown to an Arab is a complete farce, killers of sleeping children...
Yes, we can all see how much Forester is concerned about the over 10,000 children killed as a result of the conflict in Syria. He is so concerned that when he crawls onto this board, he shows so much sympathy and compassion for them. Yeah, right. His only obsession is with Israel so I am sure rational people have picked this up by now -- only because the Jews are involved. If it were other Muslims governing the country of Israel and another sect was shooting rockets into Israel and these other Muslims retaliated, the readers of this forum would never hear a word from Forester.. So tell us, Forester, have you any news you want to give us as to what is happening in the other countries in the Middle East other than Israel since you felt impelled to come over here? After all, even someone like you knows that the Middle East is such a huge area so you must have a little tidbit that you wish to share with us.

The Israelis are overjoyed at the Middle Eastern turmoil. It distracts from their own misdeeds and genocidal activities. The secret's out, though. Israel's dirty deeds were shown to the world via Twitter, etc.
Any compassion shown to an Arab is a complete farce, killers of sleeping children...

Yes, the Israelis leaders told Forester personally that they are so happy at what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. They consider Forester one of their closest friends and tell him what is on their minds. Evidently Forester must be comatose if he doesn't think the rest of the world doesn't know what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. Perhaps Forester is somewhat disappointed that he can't join his new friends. They would love to have a new recruit. After all, this ISIS, an extremist Muslim group, hates the Jews as much as Forester and they would welcome him with open arms.

Has anyone seen this phony Forester bring up genocide when it concerns the Christians in the Middle East. He no doubt had no feelings on seeing what the Yasidis, such a small group of people, were going through. With people like Forester, it is always ISRAEL, ISRAEL, ISRAEL as if the only things happening in the world were being caused by Israel and he rest of the Jews.
Sally-----for your personal edification----I have run into Israelis (in the course of my life) who took the same route some 65
years ago to escape Syria ------many children......forced to leave
their parents behind.....more recently my son encountered whilst in the US NAVY-----a Christian kid----whose parents are now
in Israel ----having escaped Syria some 20 years ago---same
route. The kid described his father---who has Israeli citizenship

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