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Injustice for white males

So are you saying that you know someone who is black that has a lower credit score than you, was granted a loan and you were turned down?

Or are you just generalizing?

I have never been turned down on a loan but then I have never put in for a low interest loan designed for minorities. My skin color prohibits such opportunities.

You poor,poor persecuted man
Yeah, WTF does he think he is being white and entitled to low-interest loans?! Hell, he's not even a Mexican or a woman!
White males are being pursecuted. I really don't need you to give me a statue as I am sure the statue did not mean that much to her. She just wanted equal rights as many of us white males wish for today.

As a white male I feel humiliated that I have to drink from a seperate water fountain

But on the bright side, 42 out of 43 Presidents have been white males
you are nothing more than a lazy socialist that sold his sole for union perks.

Did he sell the rest of his shoes too, or only the soles?
Yeah, WTF does he think he is being white and entitled to low-interest loans?! Hell, he's not even a Mexican or a woman!

I don't know how white men survive in this country
Work and native intellect would be my guess, given that welfare entitlements seem to be the realm of others by and large.
I often wonder how others manage.

Oh? :eusa_eh: Are you saying most recipients of welfare entitlements are non-whites?
I don't know how white men survive in this country
Work and native intellect would be my guess, given that welfare entitlements seem to be the realm of others by and large.
I often wonder how others manage.

Oh? :eusa_eh: Are you saying most recipients of welfare entitlements are non-whites?
No, certainly not. However an inordinate percentage of them are not white, something approaching 50% in fact. I imagine white males, which was the topic introduced, would be much less.
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Do you actually believe that Caucasion males are smarter and more capable, as a group, than anyone else on Earth?

As far as my premise about bullying: it is term I applied very loosely. If you are at all a student of human behavior and the history of civilization, you would realize male dominance goes back to the beginning of mankind and is based on physical strength. The rest is explained by reading and understanding history, human migration around the planet, the rise and fall of civilizations, and a plethora of other things. But you are probably not interested in doing that as you may learn something you don't want to believe, or it may just be too much trouble.

Bullies often win; it doesn't mean they are smarter, it doesn't mean they are superior in complex abilities: it just means they are good at being bullies.
Was just making a point on your loose termed analogy as you had put it, but anyways here is something else to ponder, now is this some of that bullying you refer to in which whites guy's were guilty of in your mind, and were these white guy's just a bunch of dummies according to you maybe ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37Mjbw0GBog]US Navy Aircaft Carrier Yorktown - "The Fighting Lady: The Lady and the Sea" 1945 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm1_D5crgPk]"MEMPHIS BELLE" - B-17 Flying Fortress and her crew - World War Two Documentary - YouTube[/ame]

Now here are the blacks contribution also to the war effort, so are they also bullies in your mind or are they smart aviators who were in the process of making their way in America as Americans, and having a desire to also protect and keep America safe, otherwise once given the chance to do so by the whites in acceptance there of, and this because the whites knew that they were smart just as well ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8ZScRrewMk]Tuskegee Airmen - 70 Years Ago - YouTube[/ame]

There has been a culture clash over time between the races, in which is being overcome by smart people on both sides of the fence as it were, but it has never been about black and white as a skin color, but more of a mis-understanding of the cultures in which created the product of the outward lived actions that were based upon the created culture from what was known as the mindset of the individuals or group as percieved by another, and this at the various times in which they had crossed paths or met.

There has been an evolving going on within the races over time, that has created a cross culture that is hopefully known as being an American, but there are those who don't want to be an American or rather they are confused as to who it is that they actually are anymore or who it is that they would want to be in life and/or to be represented as a culture amongst their group as it evolves. I think this is what we are all witnessing today in America, where as culture clash is a problem still, and it even goes on among or within a single race that is evolving still, and therefore it is percieved by some who are within a race, that the others who are of the same race, are somehow forsaking the original culture, and therefore this makes them bad or uncle tom's and tomasina's if the whites are involved anywhere in their change or evolving.

Nowadays many white men in America feel threatened by the idea of not being on top and they see that as discrimination.

This is merely a narrow perception of yours I'm guessing, and it is one that does not bare out in the facts or the truth of the matter across the board, especially after all the sacrifices that the white man has made, in order to lift up the black culture and black people over time within this nation. They have been lifted up to a level that is equal to that of the same opportunity access and levels in which the whites have had now, and so what is still the problem? In some cases they may have even been lifted up above and beyond those levels, and in this the black man has made his way within these levels as found within his life struggles and achievements that has since been found in evidenced of within these multi-layered levels as a result of. What the white man (not all white men) are looking at however these days, is the reverse discrimination issue, or the vengeance issue that is being still taught to the young black youth by there peers, yet as a tactic to be used to get gain from by way of the old blame game. This is a problem these days.

Actual discrimination in hiring areas now, is going on within the fast food industry, where as it appears that it has now developed a preference for hiring blacks or Mexicans instead of being an equal opportunity employer as they are supposed to be across the board, and by law in this nation. This is another huge problem that will begin to be addressed by the working class whites I think real soon, because this is limiting access to their youth who are white, and it can be seen as reverse discrimination, in which it is actually reverse discrimination as is being found within the hiring practices in these areas now. OK, but who exactly is behind this? It will soon be known, and it may not be actually the blacks per any representing power they may have who are behind this or the blacks themselves, as they merely could be only a benefactor in it all, and so ironically it may actually be the whites who are behind this, so it will be interesting to see what is going on within this situation or area soon. Lawsuits will begin to fly soon enough from the left and from the right, especially once realize the reverse roll in this or the ignoring of the federal laws in this case, so fast food industry beware, as you are dealing in something that was fought over in this nation, and has been much blood spilled over in this nation to get these anti-discrimination laws in place.

What I think is that they are simply experiencing what the rest of society has always known, that life isn't fair and no matter how bright and beautiful and wonderful you are, something unfair is going to come along and shoot you down, or at least make things hard for you.

Hey there is no problem with struggling or being shot down in life, and no one is blaming anyone for their personal struggles and/or their being shot down in life, well not as I know of in my circles anyway. Now where the problem comes in for some, is when people see an organized effort by another group or groups in this nation, whom seemingly hope to somehow, someday create a struggle for another in this country as a group so it appears, but what for I ask? Is it for vengeance or payback maybe ? Then this is all being looked at or based upon ones skin color when ever it is possible once again, only that a different skin color is going to be the victim this time around maybe ?

Is this yet another big problem in this nation that just goes backwards, and on and on and on in this nation it all goes, where as people can't help but through their ignorance of the whole story to act out stupidly, so they have a tendency to pick and choose the parts that empower their agenda and vengeance against another now through such ignorance or purpose maybe? This is reverse racism, and it is out there and operational in this nation by those who hate and will always hate. It's so easy to spot these types, where as all one has to do is listen to the rhetoric they spew, and then the actions that come as a result of their rhetoric... It's the white this and the white that in which stays on the end of their lips always, but is it accurate anymore or is it just the blame game being used as a tactic to get gain from these days ?

They just aren't used to being discriminated against as the rest of us are. They don't, even now, know what real discrimination is, not as a group they don't.

You've been discriminated against as of late, and this at the hands of the white people, do tell about this experience please.

I think all Americans want to be American, but many don't feel included because of their ethnic background, their race, or something else, so they get bristly and act like they don't want to fit in or something.

Not buying this, but I hope this is what it is, because these things can be fixed on a daily basis within ones life here in America quite easily, unless this is not what it is, and instead it is driven by hatred and vengeance where as there won't be an easy fix for that one in ones life sad to say.

It's bravado, it's being bristly, it's what people do when they are hurt.

Hurt as individuals or hurt as a group, who were what these days being hurt by a larger group in America? How long does this hurt last (generations upon generations), and when acting bristly or using bravado, what is this suppose to gain for a person when doing this against possibly those who had nothing to do with the past, and may even be an ally of theirs, but yet who knew as the person was stereo typed in by ones color by mistake maybe ? These mistakes are always made so easily to, and all because no one is using sound mind and judgment in these situations when acting in these ways usually, so yes people do get hurt, and it isn't always the ones people think that got hurt, but rather it was the innocent ones instead who get hurt.

The hundreds of years of the abduction and slavery of blacks was truly a holocaust and is not going to be undone in a hundred years.

So lets start in America, in order to undo hundreds of years of the abductions and black oppression as well as the enslavement of blacks in the world now ?

The affects of that and the very slow acceptance of black people into American society, at all levels, has created a problem that doesn't seem to go away; but, in fact, it is going away, albeit slowly. Americans always want everything right now. Everything has to happen fast. The economy was supposed to recover over night, it seems, rather than taking years, as it will. They see a president who doesn't fix everything immediately as a failure. Women and other minorities are slowly making their way into all levels of the workforce in American society, but that is happening, at least for women, with a great deal of difficulty and struggle. Everything always changes; nothing ever stays the same. Change can be very slow and difficult. That is what we are seeing and experiencing. White men feeling picked upon is part of it. IMO they need to see the broader picture. I know men have been given priority over me in getting a job because in my profession, in the area I work, there are usually more women than men, so all things being equal, the male applicant will get the job. What do I do? There isn't anything I can do. I shrug my shoulders and move on.

No matter what the job is, the qualified person for that job (in which should entail the complete picture of that persons character, level of comprehension, physical attributes if required, attitude, ability to be trained as determined by the company being hired at, otherwise either by testing or maybe even just a simple analogy of the person based upon his or her past record at other jobs or their extremely good characteristics as is shown or is found out by the interviewer in the interview), but never should a person be hired based upon their skin color (or) their being a man or a woman, unless in the case between a man and a woman there are physical attributes expected in which determines whether or not a man is needed instead of a woman being needed, where as the woman would not be suited for such a job in such a situation in which might be the case.

I am for equal pay between women and men, otherwise if a woman is doing the same level of work as a man, and yet is getting less than that of a man when doing so, then I am against men getting more than a woman in such a situation as that, and so the woman is taken advantage of because she is a woman. I don't go for that stuff at all, and neither should anyone else in this nation anymore.
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You always see negros with white women but you never see a white dude with a negro woman. Now THAT'S got to be some kind of injustice!!!
Could it be that black women are more prejudice than white women maybe ?
Obviously, I do not concern myself much with political correctness which demands that there cannot be any differences between races, at least intellectually.

Absurd isn't it. ? Liberals tell us the races are different physically but identical mentally??!!
You always see negros with white women but you never see a white dude with a negro woman. Now THAT'S got to be some kind of injustice!!!

That ties in with the fact that most years there are ZERO cases of negro women raped by white men, but thousands of white women raped by black men. Another extremely significant fact the state media keeps from us.
I don't know how white men survive in this country

White men have ability. Even with all the persecution, they do all right.

White males are a superior species

That is why they deserve to rule

Jawohl mein furer! :D


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You always see negros with white women but you never see a white dude with a negro woman. Now THAT'S got to be some kind of injustice!!!
Could it be that black women are more prejudice than white women maybe ?

My experience in listening to black women is that they may be more wary of getting involved with white man because of how he might treat her. That is, he might treat her with callousness, his family/friends might not accept her, etc. They are concerned he is only interested in her because she is black, not in her as an individual, that he is just curious about being with a black woman, etc. However, nowadays I often see black women with white men; it is becoming more common, so the idea that it never happens is incorrect. My nephews have a white father and a black mother.
To the people complaining about AA and "keeping the white man down", I don't believe they see this scenerio as a positive in any way.

The biggest impediment to Afirmative Action was not prejudice against blacks, hispanics and women but a preconception of what made a good manager, policeman or doctor. In most cases, that meant a white male.

It was not until we saw minorities and women filling these positions that it became no big deal

While I agree with you, I don't believe that the racists crying about "keeping the white man down" agree.

That's a very good point. I would not say that all of those complaining about AA are racists......in many cases i think that they are more ignorant of what the real impact of AA has been, and who the real beneficiaries of it have been.

In the minds of the easily influenced, and simple minded, there is a perpetual mental picture of an underqualified black male who will be be rewarded at the expense of a "better qualified" white male.

The same ubiquitous" black bogeyman "who wants to move into his neighborhood, rob his house, or even worse, sleep with his wife or girlfriend.

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