Inner City Blacks Growing Disillusioned with the Democratic Party?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

This should be encouraging for free thinking people everywhere.

After a while, the rubs stop believing the Democrat lies.

Even Republicans stop believing RNC lies, eventually.
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The democrats that control the inner-cities don't stop the violence. They simply don't give a fuck...

I wouldn't blame the blacks if they stopped voting rat.
The democrats that control the inner-cities don't stop the violence. They simply don't give a fuck...

I wouldn't blame the blacks if they stopped voting rat.

Me neither for pretty much the same reason I stopped voting Publican; BOTH parties are owned by Wall Street and couldn't give a shit about Main Street Americans at all.

That is why they want open immigration; to water down our culture and divide us against each other while they plunder the national treasury.
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You somehow think the blacks are excluding you white leftist when they blame @ bitch about whitey??? Maybe it is you that controls the cities that simply don't care.
You somehow think the blacks are excluding you white leftist when they blame @ bitch about whitey??? Maybe it is you that controls the cities that simply don't care.

Yep, the capos that help cram their fellows into the ovens are always shocked, I mean SHOCKED, to find out it is finally THEIR TURN.


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