Innocent civilians in war:

10/7/23. Hamas didn't have any qualms about murdering civilians. We go back to say, Attila the Hunn raped pillaged. and murdered innocent people. America bombed the holey shit out of Berlin, the Luftwaffe slaughtered innocent civilians in Coventry. Hamas hides behind civilians and use their deaths cynically as propaganda tools. Even the Nazis didn't do that.
Obama and the American war machine didn't mind killing innocent civilians. Russia didn't mind. Ukraine didn't mind. Israel doesn't mind. Hamas doesn't mind. Stalin didn't mind. Hitler didn't mind. Roman Caesars didn't mind.

Killing is a human trait embraced by every government known to mankind. And the ones that don't appear to be warmongers probably allow abortion. So no government is completely innocent.

So what's that say about governments run by men? It says: Buy a gun and lots of ammo.
Yup. We remember Obama's drones, but hypocrites on campus were largely silent then.
Hamas surpassed the NAZIS. Hitler murdered innocent civilians, but they didn't hide behind their own civilians to shield them or cynically use their deaths for sympathy points from the media. Because NOBODY bought that bullshit logic.
You are insane.
How many Palestinian children does Israel need to murder to make you feel better?

It's all about you after all. :)

But yeah, Israel's 80 year campaign of genocide is wrong.
No genocide. No murder.

MiniTwat lies again.
10/7/23. Hamas didn't have any qualms about murdering civilians. We go back to say, Attila the Hunn raped pillaged. and murdered innocent people. America bombed the holey shit out of Berlin, the Luftwaffe slaughtered innocent civilians in Coventry. Hamas hides behind civilians and use their deaths cynically as propaganda tools. Even the Nazis didn't do that.
All true. In war there will be collateral damage that includes many innocent. It is inescapable which is why war is one of the most stupid, insane concepts humankind ever came up with.

But for sure the tyrants of the past whether Marxist, Nazi, barbarian or any others making war on others had no moral qualms about slaughtering innocents no matter how young. But I don't recall any putting their own in front of the guns or clubs or arrows or whatever hoping for injuries, maiming, deaths that they could then use for propaganda or an excuse to avenge. Not until Hamas and their ilk.
All true. In war there will be collateral damage that includes many innocent. It is inescapable which is why war is one of the most stupid, insane concepts humankind ever came up with.
War derives from human nature.
War derives from human nature.
Not all human nature. But as Jesus is quoted as saying: "Matthew 24:6 NIV: You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."

But even though war seems to be a result of the human condition, I still say it is the most stupid, indecent, indefensible activity that humankind has ever come up with whether one declared on one's own people or other nations or whatever.
10/7/23. Hamas didn't have any qualms about murdering civilians. We go back to say, Attila the Hunn raped pillaged. and murdered innocent people. America bombed the holey shit out of Berlin, the Luftwaffe slaughtered innocent civilians in Coventry. Hamas hides behind civilians and use their deaths cynically as propaganda tools. Even the Nazis didn't do that.
In my opinion, Israel is doing far more to protect average, non-militant "Palestinian" people in Gaza than Hamas is doing.
Not all human nature.
All human nature is all human nature.
When a sufficiently important issue cannot be otherwise resolved, human nature is to resort to violence.
War is that violence on a societal level.
But even though war seems to be a result of the human condition, I still say it is the most stupid, indecent, indefensible activity that humankind has ever come up with whether one declared on one's own people or other nations or whatever.
So long as you understand its never going to go away.
I remember the west bombed the holey hell out of Germany , Berlin and killed many many civilians. The Axis did the same, they bombed civilians. Coventry. London. The Allies Bombed the hell out of Berlin or Dresden and firebombed Tokyo. This isn't meant to be pedantic. HAMAS is worse than the Nazis. In every sense of the word.

Hamas is a tool of Israel. They are crucial to Netanyahu's strategy to prevent any 2 state solution. That's why he's funded them (1.5 billion dollars) through Qatar.

This is a filthy, dangerous game.. all to prevent a just peace or a Palestinian state.
Hamas is a tool of Israel. They are crucial to Netanyahu's strategy to prevent any 2 state solution. That's why he's funded them (1.5 billion dollars) through Qatar.

This is a filthy, dangerous game.. all to prevent a just peace or a Palestinian state.

Give that crap a rest already
Another mosque sermon Surada?
But when it comes to Jews returning to their historic homeland, you would reject the Bible.
Genesis, 21:12 Right?
They didnt just return. They continue to steal land and brutalise the natives.
The truth is that the bombing of Gaza is just a vengeance mission.Civilised countries dont act like that.

What do "civilised" countries do, Tammy? Allow terrorists to kill their innocent civilians and go "ho hum, terrorists are going to terrorize"?

You're loops

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