Insanity! Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As “Basic Income”

The city of Stockton went broke with the housing crash,
the money that will be given out next year is from a pilot program funded by the Economic Security Project. they are providing one million dollars. this is private money.
people just like to post, zero info needed.

Sure doesn't sound like the project will last very long. I don't know anything about Stockton, but somebody posted they have over 300,000 people there.

It may not work, but its nice to read about people willing to spend seed money to help improve other peoples life's. rather than just spew negative's about some place they don't live & have never been too.

The only reason I took interest in this subject is because I read an article (and started a forum on it) when (I believe) Switzerland wanted to experiment with basic income. Unlike this example, they wanted to get rid of all social programs, give every adult 18K a year, and you figure it out from there.

It seemed like a cure-all for many social problems and they calculated that it would save the country money.

So the idea is that you get this 18K a year, and it doesn't matter if you work, don't work, how much you are worth, how much you have, everybody gets 18K a year. But there is no welfare, no Social Security, no food stamps, no Medicare, no HUD, nothing. As conservative as I am, I kind of liked the idea.

Our social programs in the US discourage people from working. If you work, they deduct that money from your (whatever) benefits. So many people stay in poverty because it makes no sense to work for free. However, if we went to basic income, those people would have no more fear of making money; make as much as you want. It won't effect your stipend.

Nobody could complain about what anybody else has. So often we working people constantly complain about the leeches in life that live off of our hard working tax dollars, and stay home talking on their Obama phone. Basic income would eliminate all that.
This is true. Uber has found that out. The car kept stopping for assistance from the passengers. They had to drive the car themselves.

But they will work out those glitches, and then I would trust a computer more than a drunk behind the wheel.

I will be long gone before they become trustworthy enough to put one's life in its ... er, programming.

I hope so, I have another five or six years before I can retire. I'm a truck driver and they are experimenting with driverless trucks which I believe are very dangerous. Unlike a car where you don't have to do many calculations, you always have to think ahead of time when driving a truck. There is a big difference between trying to stop a 2,500 lbs vehicle and a 75,000 lbs vehicle.
The computer driven truck will know to slow down and stop long before you do. In this case size actually doesn't matter.

That's because you don't know anything about driving a truck.

If I see an asshole speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and he's headed towards my lane, I have to be proactive enough to give him enough room before he cuts me off. These idiots will cut in front of a truck with three or four feet to spare and slam on the brakes to get off on their exit. A computer can't spot an asshole. That takes a human being with experience, and trucks can't stop as fast as a car.

If I see a child approaching a walkway that I'm going to cross, I have to be very cautious when I make my turn. Many cities don't have people smart enough to design roads to accommodate a tractor-trailer, and we often have to drive over curbs to make the turn. If that child is too close where I know my trailer wheels are going to go, I have to make sure I go slow enough for the pedestrian to back off or if I have to stop. A computer won't be able to calculate that.
The computers knew the asshole was coming a mile before he showed up, his car also reports in on GPS, and the computer knows to watch for the width of the turn you idiot. It's not a drone that just drives over things. It can figure out what is a pothole and what is a child that fell in the street while you are texting on your cell phone. You have no idea how good this technology is already and when humans no longer drive the computers will know exactly where every vehicle they need be concerned about it is. The rest is watching out for a small child chasing a ball into the street and they already do that.

Whatever drugs you take, they must be good ones.

No, computers can't figure that out. Trusts me, I drove trucks with computers in them for driving aid. They are worthless. In a hundred years or so? Maybe, but even that's a stretch. A computer cannot make human calculations. You watch way too much television.
The city of Stockton went broke with the housing crash,
the money that will be given out next year is from a pilot program funded by the Economic Security Project. they are providing one million dollars. this is private money.
people just like to post, zero info needed.

Sure doesn't sound like the project will last very long. I don't know anything about Stockton, but somebody posted they have over 300,000 people there.
It is a ran down city. Crimes and drugs everywhere. It looks like a mini Tijuana. When looking at it from afar,that it looks as if Obama had smeared his filthy underwear with brown skid marks all over the town.

That's why I said maybe they should forget about the $500.00 and just buy everybody a gun.
I will be long gone before they become trustworthy enough to put one's life in its ... er, programming.

I hope so, I have another five or six years before I can retire. I'm a truck driver and they are experimenting with driverless trucks which I believe are very dangerous. Unlike a car where you don't have to do many calculations, you always have to think ahead of time when driving a truck. There is a big difference between trying to stop a 2,500 lbs vehicle and a 75,000 lbs vehicle.
The computer driven truck will know to slow down and stop long before you do. In this case size actually doesn't matter.

That's because you don't know anything about driving a truck.

If I see an asshole speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and he's headed towards my lane, I have to be proactive enough to give him enough room before he cuts me off. These idiots will cut in front of a truck with three or four feet to spare and slam on the brakes to get off on their exit. A computer can't spot an asshole. That takes a human being with experience, and trucks can't stop as fast as a car.

If I see a child approaching a walkway that I'm going to cross, I have to be very cautious when I make my turn. Many cities don't have people smart enough to design roads to accommodate a tractor-trailer, and we often have to drive over curbs to make the turn. If that child is too close where I know my trailer wheels are going to go, I have to make sure I go slow enough for the pedestrian to back off or if I have to stop. A computer won't be able to calculate that.
The computers knew the asshole was coming a mile before he showed up, his car also reports in on GPS, and the computer knows to watch for the width of the turn you idiot. It's not a drone that just drives over things. It can figure out what is a pothole and what is a child that fell in the street while you are texting on your cell phone. You have no idea how good this technology is already and when humans no longer drive the computers will know exactly where every vehicle they need be concerned about it is. The rest is watching out for a small child chasing a ball into the street and they already do that.

Whatever drugs you take, they must be good ones.

No, computers can't figure that out. Trusts me, I drove trucks with computers in them for driving aid. They are worthless. In a hundred years or so? Maybe, but even that's a stretch. A computer cannot make human calculations. You watch way too much television.
A computer is better at this than a human. The same with robots. You have no clue how soon people like you will be out of work. It will be too dangerous to let humans do that kind of thing and very soon.
I hope so, I have another five or six years before I can retire. I'm a truck driver and they are experimenting with driverless trucks which I believe are very dangerous. Unlike a car where you don't have to do many calculations, you always have to think ahead of time when driving a truck. There is a big difference between trying to stop a 2,500 lbs vehicle and a 75,000 lbs vehicle.
The computer driven truck will know to slow down and stop long before you do. In this case size actually doesn't matter.

That's because you don't know anything about driving a truck.

If I see an asshole speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and he's headed towards my lane, I have to be proactive enough to give him enough room before he cuts me off. These idiots will cut in front of a truck with three or four feet to spare and slam on the brakes to get off on their exit. A computer can't spot an asshole. That takes a human being with experience, and trucks can't stop as fast as a car.

If I see a child approaching a walkway that I'm going to cross, I have to be very cautious when I make my turn. Many cities don't have people smart enough to design roads to accommodate a tractor-trailer, and we often have to drive over curbs to make the turn. If that child is too close where I know my trailer wheels are going to go, I have to make sure I go slow enough for the pedestrian to back off or if I have to stop. A computer won't be able to calculate that.
The computers knew the asshole was coming a mile before he showed up, his car also reports in on GPS, and the computer knows to watch for the width of the turn you idiot. It's not a drone that just drives over things. It can figure out what is a pothole and what is a child that fell in the street while you are texting on your cell phone. You have no idea how good this technology is already and when humans no longer drive the computers will know exactly where every vehicle they need be concerned about it is. The rest is watching out for a small child chasing a ball into the street and they already do that.

Whatever drugs you take, they must be good ones.

No, computers can't figure that out. Trusts me, I drove trucks with computers in them for driving aid. They are worthless. In a hundred years or so? Maybe, but even that's a stretch. A computer cannot make human calculations. You watch way too much television.
A computer is better at this than a human. The same with robots. You have no clue how soon people like you will be out of work. It will be too dangerous to let humans do that kind of thing and very soon.

Keep dreaming. Our biggest problem today with trucks is with the computers, and those computers are only for emissions and diagnostics. 80% of the time when something goes wrong with a truck, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. Now they break down all the time because of it.

They have been working on driverless cars for well over a decade, and they still can't get the thing to work right. Even if they did, there would still be bugs in them once you start passing them around to millions of people. And trust me, driving a car is a piece of cake compared to driving a truck.
This is what happens when you elect a Democrat, especially a black one, as Mayor. Expect the town to become inhabited by the scourge of the earth.

Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As 'Basic Income'

Sales of ML 40s, KOOL 100s, and scratch off lottery tickets skyrocket.

States never talk about how they prey on the poor with their rigged state lotteries.
Nope. That would be bad for business, like Trump's casinos ripping off the little guy so he gets rich.
The computer driven truck will know to slow down and stop long before you do. In this case size actually doesn't matter.

That's because you don't know anything about driving a truck.

If I see an asshole speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and he's headed towards my lane, I have to be proactive enough to give him enough room before he cuts me off. These idiots will cut in front of a truck with three or four feet to spare and slam on the brakes to get off on their exit. A computer can't spot an asshole. That takes a human being with experience, and trucks can't stop as fast as a car.

If I see a child approaching a walkway that I'm going to cross, I have to be very cautious when I make my turn. Many cities don't have people smart enough to design roads to accommodate a tractor-trailer, and we often have to drive over curbs to make the turn. If that child is too close where I know my trailer wheels are going to go, I have to make sure I go slow enough for the pedestrian to back off or if I have to stop. A computer won't be able to calculate that.
The computers knew the asshole was coming a mile before he showed up, his car also reports in on GPS, and the computer knows to watch for the width of the turn you idiot. It's not a drone that just drives over things. It can figure out what is a pothole and what is a child that fell in the street while you are texting on your cell phone. You have no idea how good this technology is already and when humans no longer drive the computers will know exactly where every vehicle they need be concerned about it is. The rest is watching out for a small child chasing a ball into the street and they already do that.

Whatever drugs you take, they must be good ones.

No, computers can't figure that out. Trusts me, I drove trucks with computers in them for driving aid. They are worthless. In a hundred years or so? Maybe, but even that's a stretch. A computer cannot make human calculations. You watch way too much television.
A computer is better at this than a human. The same with robots. You have no clue how soon people like you will be out of work. It will be too dangerous to let humans do that kind of thing and very soon.

Keep dreaming. Our biggest problem today with trucks is with the computers, and those computers are only for emissions and diagnostics. 80% of the time when something goes wrong with a truck, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. Now they break down all the time because of it.

They have been working on driverless cars for well over a decade, and they still can't get the thing to work right. Even if they did, there would still be bugs in them once you start passing them around to millions of people. And trust me, driving a car is a piece of cake compared to driving a truck.
I trust you on nothing, You're an idiot who couldn't figure out when to get the fuck out of dodge.

Uber's Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery: 50,000 Budweisers
This is what happens when you elect a Democrat, especially a black one, as Mayor. Expect the town to become inhabited by the scourge of the earth.

Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As 'Basic Income'

Sales of ML 40s, KOOL 100s, and scratch off lottery tickets skyrocket.

States never talk about how they prey on the poor with their rigged state lotteries.
Nope. That would be bad for business, like Trump's casinos ripping off the little guy so he gets rich.

Your ignorance on this topic is rather evident. Casino's are required to pay out a high percentage, 93% in Vegas last I heard. Guess how much state lotteries pay out, more like 40%.
This is what happens when you elect a Democrat, especially a black one, as Mayor. Expect the town to become inhabited by the scourge of the earth.

Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As 'Basic Income'

Sales of ML 40s, KOOL 100s, and scratch off lottery tickets skyrocket.

States never talk about how they prey on the poor with their rigged state lotteries.
Nope. That would be bad for business, like Trump's casinos ripping off the little guy so he gets rich.

Your ignorance on this topic is rather evident. Casino's are required to pay out a high percentage, 93% in Vegas last I heard. Guess how much state lotteries pay out, more like 40%.
They take money from the mathematically stupid, meaning most Americans. I am unconcerned about the pay-out rates.
This is what happens when you elect a Democrat, especially a black one, as Mayor. Expect the town to become inhabited by the scourge of the earth.

Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As 'Basic Income'

Sales of ML 40s, KOOL 100s, and scratch off lottery tickets skyrocket.

States never talk about how they prey on the poor with their rigged state lotteries.
Nope. That would be bad for business, like Trump's casinos ripping off the little guy so he gets rich.

Your ignorance on this topic is rather evident. Casino's are required to pay out a high percentage, 93% in Vegas last I heard. Guess how much state lotteries pay out, more like 40%.
They take money from the mathematically stupid, meaning most Americans. I am unconcerned about the pay-out rates.

They prey on the poor, you are an example of why this is allowed.
Sales of ML 40s, KOOL 100s, and scratch off lottery tickets skyrocket.

States never talk about how they prey on the poor with their rigged state lotteries.
Nope. That would be bad for business, like Trump's casinos ripping off the little guy so he gets rich.

Your ignorance on this topic is rather evident. Casino's are required to pay out a high percentage, 93% in Vegas last I heard. Guess how much state lotteries pay out, more like 40%.
They take money from the mathematically stupid, meaning most Americans. I am unconcerned about the pay-out rates.

They prey on the poor, you are an example of why this is allowed.
I am an example? Simply because I don't help pass a law that outlaws dumbfucks turning over their money to pie in the sky schemes and legal thieves like Trump? I can't pass a law that protects against all the stupid things humans do. That's why I like Europe, the fucking 500 foot fall was what should have told you not to take a selfie on a cliff. There it's on you if you are too stupid to live.
That's because you don't know anything about driving a truck.

If I see an asshole speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and he's headed towards my lane, I have to be proactive enough to give him enough room before he cuts me off. These idiots will cut in front of a truck with three or four feet to spare and slam on the brakes to get off on their exit. A computer can't spot an asshole. That takes a human being with experience, and trucks can't stop as fast as a car.

If I see a child approaching a walkway that I'm going to cross, I have to be very cautious when I make my turn. Many cities don't have people smart enough to design roads to accommodate a tractor-trailer, and we often have to drive over curbs to make the turn. If that child is too close where I know my trailer wheels are going to go, I have to make sure I go slow enough for the pedestrian to back off or if I have to stop. A computer won't be able to calculate that.
The computers knew the asshole was coming a mile before he showed up, his car also reports in on GPS, and the computer knows to watch for the width of the turn you idiot. It's not a drone that just drives over things. It can figure out what is a pothole and what is a child that fell in the street while you are texting on your cell phone. You have no idea how good this technology is already and when humans no longer drive the computers will know exactly where every vehicle they need be concerned about it is. The rest is watching out for a small child chasing a ball into the street and they already do that.

Whatever drugs you take, they must be good ones.

No, computers can't figure that out. Trusts me, I drove trucks with computers in them for driving aid. They are worthless. In a hundred years or so? Maybe, but even that's a stretch. A computer cannot make human calculations. You watch way too much television.
A computer is better at this than a human. The same with robots. You have no clue how soon people like you will be out of work. It will be too dangerous to let humans do that kind of thing and very soon.

Keep dreaming. Our biggest problem today with trucks is with the computers, and those computers are only for emissions and diagnostics. 80% of the time when something goes wrong with a truck, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. Now they break down all the time because of it.

They have been working on driverless cars for well over a decade, and they still can't get the thing to work right. Even if they did, there would still be bugs in them once you start passing them around to millions of people. And trust me, driving a car is a piece of cake compared to driving a truck.
I trust you on nothing, You're an idiot who couldn't figure out when to get the fuck out of dodge.

Uber's Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery: 50,000 Budweisers

And you're a moron that does't read what she posts, from your article:

Don't worry. Otto, which Uber bought last summer for roughly $680 million, doesn't want to put Martin or anyone else out of work.

Its technology works only on the highway, where it doesn't have to deal with tricky variables like jaywalking pedestrians, four-way stops, or kids on bicycles. It maintains a safe following distance, and changes lanes only when absolutely necessary.

Drivers, in effect, become harbor pilots, bringing the ship to port

So it costs 680 million dollars compared to a truck that costs between 125 to 250K depending on how fancy you want to get. It doesn't eliminate the driver, and as I stated, it can't make human calculations when it comes to people.
The computers knew the asshole was coming a mile before he showed up, his car also reports in on GPS, and the computer knows to watch for the width of the turn you idiot. It's not a drone that just drives over things. It can figure out what is a pothole and what is a child that fell in the street while you are texting on your cell phone. You have no idea how good this technology is already and when humans no longer drive the computers will know exactly where every vehicle they need be concerned about it is. The rest is watching out for a small child chasing a ball into the street and they already do that.

Whatever drugs you take, they must be good ones.

No, computers can't figure that out. Trusts me, I drove trucks with computers in them for driving aid. They are worthless. In a hundred years or so? Maybe, but even that's a stretch. A computer cannot make human calculations. You watch way too much television.
A computer is better at this than a human. The same with robots. You have no clue how soon people like you will be out of work. It will be too dangerous to let humans do that kind of thing and very soon.

Keep dreaming. Our biggest problem today with trucks is with the computers, and those computers are only for emissions and diagnostics. 80% of the time when something goes wrong with a truck, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. Now they break down all the time because of it.

They have been working on driverless cars for well over a decade, and they still can't get the thing to work right. Even if they did, there would still be bugs in them once you start passing them around to millions of people. And trust me, driving a car is a piece of cake compared to driving a truck.
I trust you on nothing, You're an idiot who couldn't figure out when to get the fuck out of dodge.

Uber's Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery: 50,000 Budweisers

And you're a moron that does't read what she posts, from your article:

Don't worry. Otto, which Uber bought last summer for roughly $680 million, doesn't want to put Martin or anyone else out of work.

Its technology works only on the highway, where it doesn't have to deal with tricky variables like jaywalking pedestrians, four-way stops, or kids on bicycles. It maintains a safe following distance, and changes lanes only when absolutely necessary.

Drivers, in effect, become harbor pilots, bringing the ship to port

So it costs 680 million dollars compared to a truck that costs between 125 to 250K depending on how fancy you want to get. It doesn't eliminate the driver, and as I stated, it can't make human calculations when it comes to people.
Just a matter of time. Rome wasn't built in a day but the fact that the computers can do most of the driving already means you, and millions of others, are out of a job in no time at all.
Whatever drugs you take, they must be good ones.

No, computers can't figure that out. Trusts me, I drove trucks with computers in them for driving aid. They are worthless. In a hundred years or so? Maybe, but even that's a stretch. A computer cannot make human calculations. You watch way too much television.
A computer is better at this than a human. The same with robots. You have no clue how soon people like you will be out of work. It will be too dangerous to let humans do that kind of thing and very soon.

Keep dreaming. Our biggest problem today with trucks is with the computers, and those computers are only for emissions and diagnostics. 80% of the time when something goes wrong with a truck, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. Now they break down all the time because of it.

They have been working on driverless cars for well over a decade, and they still can't get the thing to work right. Even if they did, there would still be bugs in them once you start passing them around to millions of people. And trust me, driving a car is a piece of cake compared to driving a truck.
I trust you on nothing, You're an idiot who couldn't figure out when to get the fuck out of dodge.

Uber's Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery: 50,000 Budweisers

And you're a moron that does't read what she posts, from your article:

Don't worry. Otto, which Uber bought last summer for roughly $680 million, doesn't want to put Martin or anyone else out of work.

Its technology works only on the highway, where it doesn't have to deal with tricky variables like jaywalking pedestrians, four-way stops, or kids on bicycles. It maintains a safe following distance, and changes lanes only when absolutely necessary.

Drivers, in effect, become harbor pilots, bringing the ship to port

So it costs 680 million dollars compared to a truck that costs between 125 to 250K depending on how fancy you want to get. It doesn't eliminate the driver, and as I stated, it can't make human calculations when it comes to people.
Just a matter of time. Rome wasn't built in a day but the fact that the computers can do most of the driving already means you, and millions of others, are out of a job in no time at all.

Keep dreaming. We can't even get our truck GPS's to work properly all the time. They are "supposed to" give routes that are truck accessible, but often take our drivers to roads that are no truck zones, have low bridges or otherwise impossible to make turns from. They use them as an aid but not totally dependable.
This is what happens when you elect a Democrat, especially a black one, as Mayor. Expect the town to become inhabited by the scourge of the earth.

Stockton, CA To Give $500 To Residents As 'Basic Income'
HA ha...Stockton is one of the California cities tha declared bankruptcy. This was done in order to get out from under the mountain of debt via the public employee pension obligations and ridiculously expensive public employee union contracts that the city and its taxpayers could no longer afford.
Now this.....Jesus Christ.
Whatever drugs you take, they must be good ones.

No, computers can't figure that out. Trusts me, I drove trucks with computers in them for driving aid. They are worthless. In a hundred years or so? Maybe, but even that's a stretch. A computer cannot make human calculations. You watch way too much television.
A computer is better at this than a human. The same with robots. You have no clue how soon people like you will be out of work. It will be too dangerous to let humans do that kind of thing and very soon.

Keep dreaming. Our biggest problem today with trucks is with the computers, and those computers are only for emissions and diagnostics. 80% of the time when something goes wrong with a truck, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. Now they break down all the time because of it.

They have been working on driverless cars for well over a decade, and they still can't get the thing to work right. Even if they did, there would still be bugs in them once you start passing them around to millions of people. And trust me, driving a car is a piece of cake compared to driving a truck.
I trust you on nothing, You're an idiot who couldn't figure out when to get the fuck out of dodge.

Uber's Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery: 50,000 Budweisers

And you're a moron that does't read what she posts, from your article:

Don't worry. Otto, which Uber bought last summer for roughly $680 million, doesn't want to put Martin or anyone else out of work.

Its technology works only on the highway, where it doesn't have to deal with tricky variables like jaywalking pedestrians, four-way stops, or kids on bicycles. It maintains a safe following distance, and changes lanes only when absolutely necessary.

Drivers, in effect, become harbor pilots, bringing the ship to port

So it costs 680 million dollars compared to a truck that costs between 125 to 250K depending on how fancy you want to get. It doesn't eliminate the driver, and as I stated, it can't make human calculations when it comes to people.
Just a matter of time. Rome wasn't built in a day but the fact that the computers can do most of the driving already means you, and millions of others, are out of a job in no time at all.
Your post shockingly stupid. Even for this dump of a site
A computer is better at this than a human. The same with robots. You have no clue how soon people like you will be out of work. It will be too dangerous to let humans do that kind of thing and very soon.

Keep dreaming. Our biggest problem today with trucks is with the computers, and those computers are only for emissions and diagnostics. 80% of the time when something goes wrong with a truck, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. Now they break down all the time because of it.

They have been working on driverless cars for well over a decade, and they still can't get the thing to work right. Even if they did, there would still be bugs in them once you start passing them around to millions of people. And trust me, driving a car is a piece of cake compared to driving a truck.
I trust you on nothing, You're an idiot who couldn't figure out when to get the fuck out of dodge.

Uber's Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery: 50,000 Budweisers

And you're a moron that does't read what she posts, from your article:

Don't worry. Otto, which Uber bought last summer for roughly $680 million, doesn't want to put Martin or anyone else out of work.

Its technology works only on the highway, where it doesn't have to deal with tricky variables like jaywalking pedestrians, four-way stops, or kids on bicycles. It maintains a safe following distance, and changes lanes only when absolutely necessary.

Drivers, in effect, become harbor pilots, bringing the ship to port

So it costs 680 million dollars compared to a truck that costs between 125 to 250K depending on how fancy you want to get. It doesn't eliminate the driver, and as I stated, it can't make human calculations when it comes to people.
Just a matter of time. Rome wasn't built in a day but the fact that the computers can do most of the driving already means you, and millions of others, are out of a job in no time at all.
Your post shockingly stupid. Even for this dump of a site
Try to keep up before you find the person who replaced you drinks WD-40.

When Robots Rule : Programs : Discovery Science : Discovery Press Web

Last edited:
Keep dreaming. Our biggest problem today with trucks is with the computers, and those computers are only for emissions and diagnostics. 80% of the time when something goes wrong with a truck, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. Now they break down all the time because of it.

They have been working on driverless cars for well over a decade, and they still can't get the thing to work right. Even if they did, there would still be bugs in them once you start passing them around to millions of people. And trust me, driving a car is a piece of cake compared to driving a truck.
I trust you on nothing, You're an idiot who couldn't figure out when to get the fuck out of dodge.

Uber's Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery: 50,000 Budweisers

And you're a moron that does't read what she posts, from your article:

Don't worry. Otto, which Uber bought last summer for roughly $680 million, doesn't want to put Martin or anyone else out of work.

Its technology works only on the highway, where it doesn't have to deal with tricky variables like jaywalking pedestrians, four-way stops, or kids on bicycles. It maintains a safe following distance, and changes lanes only when absolutely necessary.

Drivers, in effect, become harbor pilots, bringing the ship to port

So it costs 680 million dollars compared to a truck that costs between 125 to 250K depending on how fancy you want to get. It doesn't eliminate the driver, and as I stated, it can't make human calculations when it comes to people.
Just a matter of time. Rome wasn't built in a day but the fact that the computers can do most of the driving already means you, and millions of others, are out of a job in no time at all.
Your post shockingly stupid. Even for this dump of a site
Try to keep up before you find the person who replaced you drinks WD-40.

When Robots Rule : Programs : Discovery Science : Discovery Press Web

Not in your unborn great great grandchildren's lifetime.
Get it?

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