Inside Kenyan college's scene of slaughter


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Inside Kenyan college s scene of slaughter News - Home

GARISSA, Kenya (CNN) -

Freshly laundered clothes still hang Friday in the dormitory at Garissa University College. Stuffed animals remain in one room. On the wall in another hangs a poster on proper preparation for Muslim prayer.

These small reminders of college life at this Kenyan school belie the horror of what happened here: the slaughter of at least 147 people, many of them students who lived in this building.

On Friday afternoon, more than 36 hours after the attack, investigators and Kenya Red Cross crews were finishing up the task of removing the bodies of dead students.

The corpses of four Al-Shabaab attackers -- dressed head to toe in black and still clutching their AK-47s -- remained where they fell, their bodies shattered in a torrent of bullets.

Investigators marked the locations of students' bodies with numbered tags before Red Cross workers came in to send them off to morgues.

They would call out to each other with the locations of the dead, reducing once promising lives, for the time being at least, to numbers.

Christian students massacred on Easter weekend by
devout Muslims, who carefully targeted their victims.
If it's a Religion of Peace then why is no one surprised?
Who are Somalia s al-Shabab - BBC News

Islamist militant group al-Shabab is battling the UN-backed government in Somalia, and has carried out a string of attacks in neighbouring Kenya. The group, which is allied to al-Qaeda, has been pushed out of most of the main towns it once controlled, but it remains a potent threat.

Who are al-Shabab?
Al-Shabab means The Youth in Arabic.

It emerged as the radical youth wing of Somalia's now-defunct Union of Islamic Courts, which controlled Mogadishu in 2006, before being forced out by Ethiopian forces.

There are numerous reports of foreign jihadists going to Somalia to help al-Shabab, from neighbouring countries, as well as the US and Europe.

It is banned as a terrorist group by both the US and the UK and is believed to have between 7,000 and 9,000 fighters.
Christians should leave these Muslim countries. Can't they tell that they aren't wanted there? Good old fashion Islamic brand of Conversion Therapy is the only answer!!!
Christians should leave these Muslim countries. Can't they tell that they aren't wanted there? Good old fashion Islamic brand of Conversion Therapy is the only answer!!!
So are you saying that Kenya is a Muslim country??????????????

I've been there..............don't see it................Why should Christians flee when these animals attack.............................

You've got it ass backwards there......................Time for BLOW BACK.............To stand your ground................

BTW...........the attackers were SENT TO HELL..............Where they belong.
How about we give them a taste of their own medicine...................

Convert to CHRIST OR DIE.............................That is 7th Century stuff.................We evolved...............they have devolved into ANIMALS................

It is appalling the murders that occur regularly around the world caused by radical Islam...and yet condemnation of radical Islam is seldom spoken by the powers that be.

The US gov continues to allow immigration of Muslims into the US, with little background checks. The FBI has stated radical Islamists are here.

It is as if the US gov WANTS terrorist acts to occur here. Of course, the war on terror is great for increasing the size and power of how can we expect government to prevent it?
Christians should start arming themselves rather than getting butchered all the time. These devout islam are the worse kind of living things that do not even deserve to be called animals. The sad part is this will happen again.

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