Inside the nazi whitewash of Ukraine

You've never been in a real war, I mean America. You can't know what it is. The pond always saved you. The WW2 for you was some far away across the sea vague story that unlike in the rest of the world led to your after war good living for decades. No bombed to smithereens cities, no millions of lost lives, just happiness and business opportunities. You can't know who Hitler was, here's the ease you throw around your stupid comparisons with when you call a parent who won't buy you an ice cream a fascist, Putin a Hitler. There were of course the 400 000 good men who died in that war and who knew, but they didn't come home to tell you and those who survived didn't tell you enough, so it's not your fucking business to meddle in our affairs and make judgments.
Thanks for your latest revisionist history lesson. Unasked for and inaccurate though it may be, you showed a little initiative (unless Putin’s thugs are making you post more of your usual bullshit).
You can't be "a little bit of a Nazi". And if nazis rule in Ukraine, what do you call a state that provides weapons to nazis?
Wrong. A nation can have Nazi elements in it without the nation being Nazi.

Ukraine has a military division that is basically questionable on that account. It doesn’t make Ukraine a Nazi nation.
Thanks for your latest revisionist history lesson. Unasked for and inaccurate though it may be, you showed a little initiative (unless Putin’s thugs are making you post more of your usual bullshit).
Hey, history buff, as long as we're having a friendly back and forth here, there's a theory among your deficient compatriots about Zelly and the Uky nazis #18. The guy is a moron, you can see that with a naked eye, you on the other hand know how to spell typo, the upper tier that is, what's your take on that?
Hey, history buff, as long as we're having a friendly back and forth here, there's a theory among your deficient compatriots about Zelly and the Uky nazis #18. The guy is a moron, you can see that with a naked eye, you on the other hand know how to spell typo, the upper tier that is, what's your take on that?
Alexa. You know your constant trolling is dull. Don’t you?

What say you get back down on Putin’s tiny red sick dick and give him another memory for his pending eternity in hell. Toss that salad, too. Putin like you.
Under President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the level of Nazi influence and control in Ukraine has been unprecedented.

As always you're naive
The West is enemy of Russia for longer as 1,000 years, only one is survive, not two
So even if the entirely Ukraine would erecte Hitler's statues in any village, swastikas gonna be present on any square inch anything would be fine for the West
Alexa. You know your constant trolling is dull. Don’t you?

What say you get back down on Putin’s tiny red sick dick and give him another memory for his pending eternity in hell. Toss that salad, too. Putin like you.
You've given diversity a bad name and don't use it where you could. What's with the same old sick, dick, red, Putin bad, tiny salad? I was hoping to catch some new vocabulary from a well versed profanity connoisseur like you but you don't seem to deliver in that department either. Dull indeed.
The US doesn't hate countries like Russia, China, and Iran because of their form of government or Human Rights.
They hate them because they will not bow down to our rulers, do what they're told and let us control their government and resources.
The bully hates people that fight back
You've given diversity a bad name and don't use it where you could. What's with the same old sick, dick, red, Putin bad, tiny salad? I was hoping to catch some new vocabulary from a well versed profanity connoisseur like you but you don't seem to deliver in that department either. Dull indeed.
Toss his salad. Not tiny. Toss. That’s one of the special favors you perform on Putin.

You can’t be educated. You aren’t equipped for it.
Toss his salad. Not tiny. Toss. That’s one of the special favors you perform on Putin.

You can’t be educated. You aren’t equipped for it.
Okay then, since there's nothing new to learn from you, I'll have to make do with the old fashioned GFY.
Okay then, since there's nothing new to learn from you, I'll have to make do with the old fashioned GFY.
Alexa: go take a Midol. I’m fact, overdose on it. Have a nice hot bath and a good cry.

And when you’re busy tossing Putin’s salad, tell him his death is overdue.
Alexa: go take a Midol. I’m fact, overdose on it. Have a nice hot bath and a good cry.

And when you’re busy tossing Putin’s salad, tell him his death is overdue.
Really? You're not funny, asshole. Did anybody tell you about that? That's why you're a pathetic wifeless and childless loser. Think about it.
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You can even make a typo.

You’re easily upset.

You’re a pussy in every land.

Now back ON topic.

You’d be constrained to admit, if you were capable of honesty, that Putin is behaving militarily very much like sHitler. In fact, the analogy is spot on.
Proving once again that everything you know is wrong.
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Really? You're not funny, asshole. Did anybody tell you about that? That's why you're a pathetic wifeless and childless loser. Think about it.
My wife and kids also consider you a flaming enema nozzle. Everyone sees you for what you are. You poor little scumbag.

You truly aren’t able to post on topic are you?

You might as well try. Your ad hominems blow. Much like you.

The “topic” is the false claim that the Ukrainians are Nazis. Meanwhile, of course, it’s you literal asshole buddy, Putin, who is behaving like Hitler.

Pray with me for his death. We all should.

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