Instead of Demanding Student Loan Forgiveness, Why Don't Liberals Demand Price Controls on College Tuition?

I find it odd that liberals want the federal government to forgive/cancel student loan debt but never say anything about controlling the skyrocketing cost of college tuition. I guess since most universities are run by liberals, liberals don't want to rock their boat and spoil their gravy train. Rather, they want the rest of us to foot the bill for students who don't want to pay back their student loans.

What else do you propose the government place price controls on? The rising costs of housing? Rent? Cell phones? Cars? CEO pay?

We have to bail out business all the time, why not controls to address this?
I find it odd that liberals want the federal government to forgive/cancel student loan debt but never say anything about controlling the skyrocketing cost of college tuition. I guess since most universities are run by liberals, liberals don't want to rock their boat and spoil their gravy train. Rather, they want the rest of us to foot the bill for students who don't want to pay back their student loans.
They have been for years trying to address the problem with runaway tuition. What is new is loan forgiveness.
I find it odd that liberals want the federal government to forgive/cancel student loan debt but never say anything about controlling the skyrocketing cost of college tuition. I guess since most universities are run by liberals, liberals don't want to rock their boat and spoil their gravy train. Rather, they want the rest of us to foot the bill for students who don't want to pay back their student loans.

What else do you propose the government place price controls on? The rising costs of housing? Rent? Cell phones? Cars? CEO pay?

We have to bail out business all the time, why not controls to address this?

Yes you deflected from answering.
How would you do that, exactly?

The same way they are instituting rent control in cities and states. If government has the power to limit people on what they can charge for rent, then they have the power to cap salary for teachers and professors.

The real problem is supply and demand. You want a job that pays anything close to a middle class lifestyle, you need to go to college. But we haven't really increased the SUPPLY of college seats.

Utter BS. You can make a decent living with your hands, it's just that when people think about getting any kind of education, they figure the heaviest thing they should have to carry is their briefcase.

People in construction make a good living, so do electricians, plumbers and HVAC. Welders don't do too bad depending on what welding field they get into. Mechanics make pretty good money too, especially diesel mechanics who are always in high demand. My former profession pays very well depending on who you are willing to work for and what kind of work you are willing to do. None of these professions require you to go into hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt. Trade schools are pretty affordable.

So what changed? What changed was Illinois, like most states, shifted the cost of operations from the State to the Students. The other part is that universities are kind of in an arms race to make facilities increasingly nicer to make going there more attractive.

So now you know where they are spending all that money they get.
Neither of those can be argued of benefit to society at large. Whereas, many of us now have relatives struggling to pay back college debt that was never such a burden back in our day. Things have changed significantly since these billionaires began popping up like cancerous tumors here and there..

It has nothing to do with billionaires. Yes, times have changed, and when they do, we have to change with them.

For instance college is much less affordable than years ago when you could get out of high school and right into college. I tell young parents today the very first thing they should do for that baby is open up a college growth account, contribute to it when possible, and in 18 years, you can have at least some of the college money up front.

There is no law that states you have to go to college from high school. If you can, live at home for a couple of years working a full-time job. Save all your money, and then enter college at the age of 21. You can still work part-time during the school year, and full-time again when school is out. It's also beneficial because kids have no real world experience when deciding what they'd like to do for the rest of their life. Getting out into the work field exposes them to different people and professions. It gives them time to think as an adult thus allowing them to make better choices when choosing a field of work.
Bigger states will get more. All the same.....quit moving your argument.

No, not necessarily. The states that will get more are the ones who shutdown and Fd everything up. This is the typical Democrat ploy of rewarding failure and penalizing success.
Repubs love free shit too. When has a military spending increase been paid for?

Military spending is not a personal investment, college is. Military benefits all Americans and many countries around the world, college doesn't. The defense of this country is a constitutional obligation of our federal government, college education is not.
Repubs love free shit too. When has a military spending increase been paid for?

Military spending is not a personal investment, college is. Military benefits all Americans and many countries around the world, college doesn't. The defense of this country is a constitutional obligation of our federal government, college education is not.

A.person getting a medical degree doesn't benefit the country? A person getting an engineering degree doesn't benefit the country? Etc.
A.person getting a medical degree doesn't benefit the country? A person getting an engineering degree doesn't benefit the country? Etc.

No, it benefits the individual. We can get doctors and engineers from other countries, and we do anyway. College is a personal investment because college graduates make more money than people who don't go to college in general.
A.person getting a medical degree doesn't benefit the country? A person getting an engineering degree doesn't benefit the country?

At least not any more than that which is expected of individuals---to be useful to society or productive. If one wants to become a carpenter, he learns, buys tools etc. Government (us) doesn't buy it for him.
Price controls are a great idea, although my slightly left of center political leanings would limit it to any college or university that receives public funding.
I find it odd that liberals want the federal government to forgive/cancel student loan debt but never say anything about controlling the skyrocketing cost of college tuition. I guess since most universities are run by liberals, liberals don't want to rock their boat and spoil their gravy train. Rather, they want the rest of us to foot the bill for students who don't want to pay back their student loans.
Dictating price is certainly the Trumpian way of governing, I'll give ya that Mike. LOL
Price controls are a great idea, although my slightly left of center political leanings would limit it to any college or university that receives public funding.
You don't even need to do that shit, which has proven to be disastrous (price controls). Just cut all bankruptcy exemptions and let people discharge that debt. Problem solved. No exorbitant lending will be given for shit education that is worthless (the real problem). Prices will control themselves.
Price controls are a great idea, although my slightly left of center political leanings would limit it to any college or university that receives public funding.
You don't even need to do that shit, which has proven to be disastrous (price controls). Just cut all bankruptcy exemptions and let people discharge that debt. Problem solved. No exorbitant lending will be given for shit education that is worthless (the real problem). Prices will control themselves.

Just cut all bankruptcy exemptions and let people discharge that debt.

Only if all college loans are made by the college.
No more government loans/guarantees.
A.person getting a medical degree doesn't benefit the country? A person getting an engineering degree doesn't benefit the country?

At least not any more than that which is expected of individuals---to be useful to society or productive. If one wants to become a carpenter, he learns, buys tools etc. Government (us) doesn't buy it for him.

By saying "at least not anymore" you are saying "yes, they do", you just couldn't bring yourself to say it.
A.person getting a medical degree doesn't benefit the country? A person getting an engineering degree doesn't benefit the country? Etc.

No, it benefits the individual. We can get doctors and engineers from other countries, and we do anyway. College is a personal investment because college graduates make more money than people who don't go to college in general.

From other countries where they get a degree at a University.
From other countries where they get a degree at a University.

Sometimes it's our university and sometimes it's from their country. In either case our tax dollars don't help them out, unless you're suggesting that our tax dollars go to bail foreign students out as well.
I benefited society by hauling freight all over this state. What would our society be without truck drivers? You wouldn't be able to get food or other products from your stores. Yes, what I did helped society, but I didn't take the job as a social obligation. I went into that field of work to benefit myself, and nobody should have to pay me other than my employer for it. If you want to be a truck driver, go to tractor-trailer school, pay for it, get your license, and then some experience.

In other words many of us have jobs that benefit society, but we aren't owned anything by taxpayers because of it, and neither should doctors or engineers.
From other countries where they get a degree at a University.

Sometimes it's our university and sometimes it's from their country. In either case our tax dollars don't help them out, unless you're suggesting that our tax dollars go to bail foreign students out as well.
I benefited society by hauling freight all over this state. What would our society be without truck drivers? You wouldn't be able to get food or other products from your stores. Yes, what I did helped society, but I didn't take the job as a social obligation. I went into that field of work to benefit myself, and nobody should have to pay me other than my employer for it. If you want to be a truck driver, go to tractor-trailer school, pay for it, get your license, and then some experience.

In other words many of us have jobs that benefit society, but we aren't owned anything by taxpayers because of it, and neither should doctors or engineers.

I didn't besmirch truck drivers. You seem to be feeling a but put off it seems because doctors actually do also benefit society AND we also fund CDL classes. If you are unemployed the unemployment offices in many places will fund your CDL classes.

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