Instead of Demanding Student Loan Forgiveness, Why Don't Liberals Demand Price Controls on College Tuition?

I find it odd that liberals want the federal government to forgive/cancel student loan debt but never say anything about controlling the skyrocketing cost of college tuition. I guess since most universities are run by liberals, liberals don't want to rock their boat and spoil their gravy train. Rather, they want the rest of us to foot the bill for students who don't want to pay back their student loans.

Because liberals in government are what caused tuition explosion.
So to demand lower tuition would be to agree that all of the bullshit programs they made were a bad idea.
What is your basis for “most professors don’t make that much?” How about the whole notion of “tenured professors” where entitled not to be terminated for performance?

Go back to my post to Raycist from Cleveland, where I pointed out that 3/4 of professors are in fact Adjunct. They don't have tenure, they are making poverty wages.

The concept of Tenure is to protect intellectual freedom. You have to be a professor for a pretty long time to get tenure.
Except, as pointed out above, most people going to college major in something that they can use to advance a career.

Yes you did list them. My niece went into #3. She majored in biology ten years ago at the top of her class. She's still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida today.
Because liberals in government are what caused tuition explosion.
So to demand lower tuition would be to agree that all of the bullshit programs they made were a bad idea.

Exactly. As I stated, college is a business. Like any other business, it's all supply and demand. The liberal solution? Make the demand larger and have taxpayers pay for it.
What is your basis for “most professors don’t make that much?” How about the whole notion of “tenured professors” where entitled not to be terminated for performance?

Go back to my post to Raycist from Cleveland, where I pointed out that 3/4 of professors are in fact Adjunct. They don't have tenure, they are making poverty wages.

The concept of Tenure is to protect intellectual freedom. You have to be a professor for a pretty long time to get tenure.

“Intellectual freedom ???” Freedom from what? Concept aside, it is completely removed from reality working Americans don’t get a pass with “tenure”.
In a recent survey, they based the average salary of a college professor at $63,000 a year, plus very good benefits. Like any other profession, you work your way to better jobs if you are worth a shit. A community college professor is not going to make anything near what a professor at Yale makes.

Wow. So a college professor makes less money than I made as a buyer.

Glad I didn't waste time getting a Ph.D.

Now if you weren't stupid, you would have read the exchange instead of just reading my comment and shooting your mouth off. I never said government should limit what a professor should make. The person I made the comment to was asking how government could actually limit professors salaries. I was merely giving an example. I believe and have always believed that a person should be be paid whatever the market will allow. That means if Walmart can pay a person $7.50 to sweep floors, then that's what they should pay, just like I think if a college professor can make $500,000 a year, the that's what they should get paid if the market allows it.

Ray, people who live in slums and collect welfare don't get to call anyone stupid.

No, the problem is really supply and demand. When I was a kid, in a classroom of about 35 students, maybe ten or fifteen actually went to college. Today, nearly everybody in a class goes. Back in the 70's, you could get out of high school and make very good money being a UPS driver, work at an auto plant, work in the steel mills. College was not a necessity as it is today because there were a lot of blue collar jobs that one could easily make a living at.

Um... Yeah, now why can't kids make good money right out of high school anymore. OH, I know, because rich people got rid of unions and dumb-fucks like you went along with it.

Today, many blue collar jobs are lower pay. This is why people need an education or trade to make it in the US. Nobody is going to pay you 50K a year plus great benefits to turn nuts onto bolts, or to inspect parts from a die stamp machine.

No, you need an education to get a good job, that's the point. In my former field, purchasing, you can't get a job without a college degree today. 30 years ago, that wasn't the case. All you needed were basic math skills and good people skills to handle vendors professionally.

Yes, because your Gods (bureaucrats) stated so. Much like you, they know more than the doctors.

They know someone like you a doctor signed off on probably caused a horrific accident, which is why they upped the standards.

You don't have to go to college to look at a problem and come up with a reasonable solution. I didn't go to college, but my niece and nephew have. They were in debt until their early 30's, and my sister and her ex the same way for taking out loans on top of the loans their kids took. If not for their very wealthy Uncle passing away (a college teacher) two years ago, they would probably have been in debt into their late 30s.

So we just need to give everyone a rich uncle... oh, wait.

I don't live in the past like you do. People change, society changes, circumstances change, and you have to find solutions to the problems these changes may bring. As Ronald Reagan once said, government is not the solution to our problem--government is the problem. My suggestion of living at home for a couple years and going to college later may not be the total solution, but it's a better solution than going into debt for four years, and having to pay on that debt for 15 or 20 years.

Or we can just have subsidized college for people who deserve it and done.

the problem is, college is just to critical to what we call the American Dream today. What we saw in the Varsity Blues scandal proves that. Rich people were willing to cheat massively to give their kids an edge over that working class kid.

So- subsidized college based on merit. Sounds good to me.
“Intellectual freedom ???” Freedom from what? Concept aside, it is completely removed from reality working Americans don’t get a pass with “tenure”.

Here's the thing. Most professors don't just teach. The writing of papers is an equally important part of the job. Maybe it shouldn't be, but it is. Part of that really does include the intellectual freedom to express unpopular opinions.

It's not like Bob tightening Bolts at the factory.
Ray, people who live in slums and collect welfare don't get to call anyone stupid.

How am I stupid? You don't even know what welfare means. A person like me is more capable calling somebody stupid than a self-hating white with severe mental disorders he refuses to have addressed. At least I'm smart enough to see a doctor when I'm having an urgent problem.

Wow. So a college professor makes less money than I made as a buyer.

Glad I didn't waste time getting a Ph.D.

You should have spent more time trying to sharpen your comprehension skills. Again, some college professors make less and some college professors make more, just like some CEO"s make 200K a year and some CEO's make 8 million a year.

Um... Yeah, now why can't kids make good money right out of high school anymore. OH, I know, because rich people got rid of unions and dumb-fucks like you went along with it.

No, it's because the American consumer chose to buy cheaper products made from foreign countries because those union American workers charged too much for their products.

No, you need an education to get a good job, that's the point. In my former field, purchasing, you can't get a job without a college degree today. 30 years ago, that wasn't the case. All you needed were basic math skills and good people skills to handle vendors professionally.

Total bullshit. What you need is a trade, skill or college. But college is not the only avenue to get a good paying job.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

They know someone like you a doctor signed off on probably caused a horrific accident, which is why they upped the standards.

No, you have a bunch of dress shirts with nothing better to do. So they allow people with no experience who can't read a word of English come here to pilot those dangerous vehicles instead of an American with an excellent driving record and years of experience to take those jobs.

Or we can just have subsidized college for people who deserve it and done.

the problem is, college is just to critical to what we call the American Dream today. What we saw in the Varsity Blues scandal proves that. Rich people were willing to cheat massively to give their kids an edge over that working class kid.

So- subsidized college based on merit. Sounds good to me.

Of course it sounds good to you, you're a leftist. When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

If the commies get their next Pork bill passed, they will have put us 5 trillion dollars in the hole in just three months, putting us at near 35 trillion in debt. Government doesn't have the money to subsidize anything. If you want to go to college, there are ways YOU can get it done.
You should have spent more time trying to sharpen your comprehension skills. Again, some college professors make less and some college professors make more, just like some CEO"s make 200K a year and some CEO's make 8 million a year.

Well, 63K was the AVERAGE. Which means half of them were making less than that. Half of them were making more, which is still less than I made as a buyer or currently make as a resume writer.

How am I stupid? You don't even know what welfare means. A person like me is more capable calling somebody stupid than a self-hating white with severe mental disorders he refuses to have addressed. At least I'm smart enough to see a doctor when I'm having an urgent problem.

Ray, there isn't enough bandwidth to describe why you are stupid. Mostly, you keep voting for the people who screw you over by dismantling the middle class.

No, it's because the American consumer chose to buy cheaper products made from foreign countries because those union American workers charged too much for their products.

Most people still buy most of what they use domestically.... sorry. The problem wasn't the mean old foriegner was ripping you off, it was the rich person in the corner office. You see why you are stupid now?

No, you have a bunch of dress shirts with nothing better to do. So they allow people with no experience who can't read a word of English come here to pilot those dangerous vehicles instead of an American with an excellent driving record and years of experience to take those jobs.

They're not here to read, they are hear to drive. Why do they need to read. Everyone knows the red octagon means stop.

Oh, yeah, your boy Trump. Didn't put a stop to Mexican Drivers... the ones he claimed were rapists and murderers. He was fine with them because the One Percent was fine with them. You see why you are stupid now?

Of course it sounds good to you, you're a leftist. When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

If the commies get their next Pork bill passed, they will have put us 5 trillion dollars in the hole in just three months, putting us at near 35 trillion in debt. Government doesn't have the money to subsidize anything. If you want to go to college, there are ways YOU can get it done.

If Trump hadn't fucked up the economy so bad, we wouldn't need this level of spending to get us out.
I find it odd that liberals want the federal government to forgive/cancel student loan debt but never say anything about controlling the skyrocketing cost of college tuition. I guess since most universities are run by liberals, liberals don't want to rock their boat and spoil their gravy train. Rather, they want the rest of us to foot the bill for students who don't want to pay back their student loans.
OK. Let's freeze prices at current levels.
The cost tuition, books, fees to attend a public college on average totals about $11k per year.
Now assuming the average college student working 40 hours per week and earning $15 /hr they'll bring home about 24k after taxes.
Now take out that $11k and this student has $13k for ALL personal expenses.
Including food, rent, clothes, transportation, health care, et al.
Assuming $1000 per month for rent, food, utilities that leaves $83 per month for transportation, health care, pencils, pens, computer, cell phone....

Of course you don't see the issue here.
It's just math.
Ray, there isn't enough bandwidth to describe why you are stupid. Mostly, you keep voting for the people who screw you over by dismantling the middle class.

They didn't dismantle anything. If you're not going to buy their products, they can't pay their workers good wages. If you are only going to buy the cheapest item in the store, they have to compete with foreign labor which pays next to nothing.

Put the blame where it rightfully belongs--the American consumer.

Most people still buy most of what they use domestically.... sorry. The problem wasn't the mean old foriegner was ripping you off, it was the rich person in the corner office. You see why you are stupid now?

That guy in the corner office is competing with other guys in their corner offices. They attract customers by providing products or services for the lowest price.

They're not here to read, they are hear to drive. Why do they need to read. Everyone knows the red octagon means stop.

Oh, yeah, your boy Trump. Didn't put a stop to Mexican Drivers... the ones he claimed were rapists and murderers. He was fine with them because the One Percent was fine with them. You see why you are stupid now?

You're stupid because you don't know WTF you're talking about. I've only run across a handful of Mexican drivers. Most are from the middle-east, former USSR, or other countries. Why do you need to read English? TO READ THE FN ROAD SIGNS DUMMY!

If Trump hadn't fucked up the economy so bad, we wouldn't need this level of spending to get us out.

We need trillions of dollars of Democrat pork because of the economy China destroyed? And you call me stupid? :rolleyes:
You should have spent more time trying to sharpen your comprehension skills. Again, some college professors make less and some college professors make more, just like some CEO"s make 200K a year and some CEO's make 8 million a year.

Well, 63K was the AVERAGE. Which means half of them were making less than that. Half of them were making more, which is still less than I made as a buyer or currently make as a resume writer.

How am I stupid? You don't even know what welfare means. A person like me is more capable calling somebody stupid than a self-hating white with severe mental disorders he refuses to have addressed. At least I'm smart enough to see a doctor when I'm having an urgent problem.

Ray, there isn't enough bandwidth to describe why you are stupid. Mostly, you keep voting for the people who screw you over by dismantling the middle class.

No, it's because the American consumer chose to buy cheaper products made from foreign countries because those union American workers charged too much for their products.

Most people still buy most of what they use domestically.... sorry. The problem wasn't the mean old foriegner was ripping you off, it was the rich person in the corner office. You see why you are stupid now?

No, you have a bunch of dress shirts with nothing better to do. So they allow people with no experience who can't read a word of English come here to pilot those dangerous vehicles instead of an American with an excellent driving record and years of experience to take those jobs.

They're not here to read, they are hear to drive. Why do they need to read. Everyone knows the red octagon means stop.

Oh, yeah, your boy Trump. Didn't put a stop to Mexican Drivers... the ones he claimed were rapists and murderers. He was fine with them because the One Percent was fine with them. You see why you are stupid now?

Of course it sounds good to you, you're a leftist. When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

If the commies get their next Pork bill passed, they will have put us 5 trillion dollars in the hole in just three months, putting us at near 35 trillion in debt. Government doesn't have the money to subsidize anything. If you want to go to college, there are ways YOU can get it done.

If Trump hadn't fucked up the economy so bad, we wouldn't need this level of spending to get us out.

Well, 63K was the AVERAGE. Which means half of them were making less than that. Half of them were making more,

That's not what it means.
They didn't dismantle anything. If you're not going to buy their products, they can't pay their workers good wages. If you are only going to buy the cheapest item in the store, they have to compete with foreign labor which pays next to nothing.

Again, most products are still made here... Most jobs aren't manufacturing and never were. This was about the One Percent dismantling the middle class, which you were fine with, because you are kind of dopey.

You're stupid because you don't know WTF you're talking about. I've only run across a handful of Mexican drivers. Most are from the middle-east, former USSR, or other countries. Why do you need to read English? TO READ THE FN ROAD SIGNS DUMMY!

Wow... Okay. Still the same issue... the traffic signs are designed with illiterates in mind.

We need trillions of dollars of Democrat pork because of the economy China destroyed? And you call me stupid?

China didn't make trump fuck up the plague or the economy. He did that himself. But I'm sure you are happy you finally got a Stupid-American to represent your demographic.
“Intellectual freedom ???” Freedom from what? Concept aside, it is completely removed from reality working Americans don’t get a pass with “tenure”.

Here's the thing. Most professors don't just teach. The writing of papers is an equally important part of the job. Maybe it shouldn't be, but it is. Part of that really does include the intellectual freedom to express unpopular opinions.

It's not like Bob tightening Bolts at the factory.

Tenure is also freedom from performance metrics. Bob tightening Bolts gets measured for performance.
Tenure is also freedom from performance metrics. Bob tightening Bolts gets measured for performance.

Bob's work can be measured... A tenured professor, quite differently. They are required to submit so many papers a year, they are required to teach so many classes a year. That's a measurement
Tenure is also freedom from performance metrics. Bob tightening Bolts gets measured for performance.

Bob's work can be measured... A tenured professor, quite differently. They are required to submit so many papers a year, they are required to teach so many classes a year. That's a measurement

Goddam right they are measured differently. What are the consequences if professor doesn’t hit or exceed the standard? If they are tenured, little or nothing happens. Bob is most likely looking for another job. Real world vs. the coddle culture in Big Academia.
Again, most products are still made here... Most jobs aren't manufacturing and never were. This was about the One Percent dismantling the middle class, which you were fine with, because you are kind of dopey.

No, I'm kind of experienced. I seen our customers pack up and leave the state or country because they couldn't compete having unions. Their choice was move or join their employees in the unemployment line.

Look at just about any electronics next time you go to the store. They are all made in China. Our furniture? You bet, China. Most all of our plastic is made in China, and everything today is just about plastic. We lost the textile industry years ago, and many Americans drive Japanese cars, including myself.

My washing machine broke and my repairman couldn't get any parts for it last summer. I asked him what was the most reliable brand top buy. He said none of them. They are all junk today because most of them are actually made in China. Oh, they put different names on them, but the names are the only American part on the machine.

In 1985 at the beginning of Reagan's second term, we imported 3 billion dollars of goods. In 2000, the US imported 81 billion in goods. The last year of Hussein, we were up to 539 billion. It dropped a little after that when Trump came to office and started to work on better trade agreements with our trading partners. Now mind you, this is just imports from China, not India, Vietnam, South Korea, none of them. Just China.

Wow... Okay. Still the same issue... the traffic signs are designed with illiterates in mind.

Traffic signs are written in English. If a sign says enter I-271 south from middle lane, WTF kind of symbol do they put up? Don't be stupid. You need to be able to read ALL signs on the road to do it safely. Trust me, you're talking to an expert.

China didn't make trump fuck up the plague or the economy. He did that himself. But I'm sure you are happy you finally got a Stupid-American to represent your demographic.

The US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries. Trump did the best job anybody could possibly do with our economy given the Chinese attack on the world. Look at what the vegetable is doing now! He's letting diseased and Covid immigrants into the country untested, and busing them from cost to coast all across our country. It's not like anybody is surprised. We've been telling you clowns he was going to do this for the past six months! Did you listen? No, because liberals always think they know better than everybody else.

As for the economic damage we did suffer, that was from commie cities and states that closed every damn thing down. Trump didn't do that, the commies did.
Goddam right they are measured differently. What are the consequences if professor doesn’t hit or exceed the standard? If they are tenured, little or nothing happens. Bob is most likely looking for another job. Real world vs. the coddle culture in Big Academia.

Uh, guy, do you know how many marginal workers there are out there who still have jobs? Come on, get real.

To get to the point of being tenured, a professor has to be exemplary in his field, achieve a Ph.D. or some other doctoral level education, and be there for years.

For a job that pays an average of $63,000 a year.

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