Instead of the question, how about a poll on the subject of gun rights.

Do you support Ramos's right to buy, keep and bear arms

  • Yes

  • No

Results are only viewable after voting.
Exactly what "mental instability" did he suffer which should've, in your opinion, resulted in him being committed?
It looks like the psychiatric problems I was referring to were blown out of proportion. There were signs he was becoming unstable, but as usual, no one paid any attention,
It looks like the psychiatric problems I was referring to were blown out of proportion. There were signs he was becoming unstable, but as usual, no one paid any attention,

I see.

So you said he had a "history" of mental instability without the knowledge of what that history actually was.

That was pretty fuckin' stupid of you.

Let's see if you can do any better with this one: What were the "signs he was becoming unstable"?
Minority report
It looks like the psychiatric problems I was referring to were blown out of proportion. There were signs he was becoming unstable, but as usual, no one paid any attention,
There's a wide gulf between, "Nobody Paid Attention", and people paying attention but not seeing anything actionable.

There's millions of troubled kids in the country but damned few of them are so unstable that there's any legal recourse which would deprive them of any rights much less the right to purchase and possess firearms.

By the time someone is this far gone where there is something that would be actionable it's usually too late.
I voted yes, but only if there was nothing legally precluding him from purchasing one.

The problem with your question is that it's asked from a position of hindsight. Of course, anyone who knew what he would do if sold a gun would find a reason, regardless of how weak, to keep him from buying a gun.

Given everything that was, there was no legal reason to not sell him a gun. That's the unfortunate, yet inescapable, reality...

That's my reasoning for a yes also.

It's nice to see when people actually think about things and give sound reasonable explanations. Even if they oppose my own opinion I still respect someone that looks at the whole picture and doesn't just make a snap judgement based off of immediate emotion or popular opinion.

But yes, at the time he had every right to buy the gun.
It's nice to see when people actually think about things and give sound reasonable explanations. Even if they oppose my own opinion I still respect someone that looks at t

Too many people allow their emotions to dictate their response, but they'll never take the time to explain their reasoning. My guess is that fail to do that because they rarely exercise reason at all...

This is like asking if the illegal immigrant who shot and killed a US citizen still had “rights” to enter the country illegally.

Each illegal entry into the US after the first is a felony, they should have given him the max on each of those counts as well.

I guess slow justice is better than no justice at all.

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