Institutionalized Racism Courtesy Of The Usual Suspects


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012

I've said it in here a hundred times, people.

They haven't changed in 150 years. They're still the same racists they were back in 1861 when we had to slap the snot out of them to get them to listen.

Affirmative Action?

No, this is racism, plain and simple.

Not "Reverse Racism". There is no such thing as 'reverse racism'.

There is only racism.


Sexism. Isn't it funny... (ha.....fucking.....ha) that everything dems accuse others of is what they're actually doing?

California Dems Want Constitutional Amendment Allowing Public Universities To Consider Race And Gender When Selecting Students For Admission…


Constitutionally-enshrined affirmative action.

Via Campus Reform:

The University of California may be able to consider race, gender, and national origin when selecting students for admission if a state constitutional amendment passes this November.

The proposed amendment, SCA-5, would nullify restrictions imposed by Proposition 209, which restricts admission standards on the basis of “race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.” Proposition 209 was originally approved in 1996 in order to prohibit state institutions from giving preferential treatment to select individuals for public employment, public contracting, or public education.

SCA-5 has to pass the California State Assembly to appear as a referendum on the ballot in November. State Senator Edward Hernandez (D) authored the legislation as a response to the decrease in minority enrollment within the UC system.

The UC Board of Regents will only take a stance on SCA-5 if it makes it to the ballot, Shelly Meron, a spokeswoman for the UC Office of the President, told The Daily Nexus, UC Santa Barbara’s student-run newspaper.

Additionally, any policy changes would have to go through a long implementation process in the UC system, where it would be have to be reviewed and approved by the by the Board of Regents and Academic Senate, she said.

They've been doing it surreptitiously in gubmint for the last 40 years under the guise of AA, now they want to codify it and make it permanent -- EVERYWHERE??

Of course, you know that by posting in this thread, you'll be called a racist, a misogynist and every other name libturds can think of.

But isn't it time we told them to eat shit and literally die?

Isn't it time we started thinking about fairness and doing away with racism in this Country?

People, racism is racism. Period.

For 150 years dimocraps favored Whites over Blacks. Now they favor Blacks over Whites.

Why? Simple. Votes.

Anybody that thinks dimocraps have principles is out of their fucking minds.

They're building a coalition, a wall that can only cause catastrophic damage when it breaks. And it will. It will break.


Better to deal with it now when all that will happen is a few hurt feelings than to let it fester until it's too late for talking.


It's all about skin color and identity politics for them.

More on the way, I'm sure.


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