Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

Please explain what is "dysfunctional" about our current health care system. How many people are not receiving necessary health care, and why should people who like their health care be forced into a different system?
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.

So you don't like that Health Care Companies get to keep 20 cents of every premium dollar to run their business with?
Please explain what is "dysfunctional" about our current health care system. How many people are not receiving necessary health care, and why should people who like their health care be forced into a different system?

There are plenty of things dysfunctional about it, but that doesn't mean Medicare for All is the answer.
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.
The "liberals" are the biggest corporate butt sniffers out there....And in case you hadn't noticed, insurance companies buy a shit ton of commercial time on the "news" networks.
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

Please explain what is "dysfunctional" about our current health care system. How many people are not receiving necessary health care, and why should people who like their health care be forced into a different system?
It's still unobtainable for many. It's very limited and health care is still decided by insurance companies.
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

Please explain what is "dysfunctional" about our current health care system. How many people are not receiving necessary health care, and why should people who like their health care be forced into a different system?
It's still unobtainable for many. It's very limited and health care is still decided by insurance companies.
Lasik and cosmetic surgery aren't decided by insurance companies, and the prices for those procedures keeps dropping.
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.
The "liberals" are the biggest corporate butt sniffers out there....And in case you hadn't noticed, insurance companies buy a shit ton of commercial time on the "news" networks.
Democratic Party is. I am a liberal. If you notice the guy that sits on the board of sad media conglomerate also sits on the board of an insurance company or hospital etc.
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.

So you don't like that Health Care Companies get to keep 20 cents of every premium dollar to run their business with?
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

Please explain what is "dysfunctional" about our current health care system. How many people are not receiving necessary health care, and why should people who like their health care be forced into a different system?
It's still unobtainable for many. It's very limited and health care is still decided by insurance companies.
Lasik and cosmetic surgery aren't decided by insurance companies, and the prices for those procedures keeps dropping.

The people that I work with aren't looking for lasik or cosmetic surgery, oddball.
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.
The "liberals" are the biggest corporate butt sniffers out there....And in case you hadn't noticed, insurance companies buy a shit ton of commercial time on the "news" networks.
Democratic Party is. I am a liberal. If you notice the guy that sits on the board of sad media conglomerate also sits on the board of an insurance company or hospital etc.
The only real liberals left are the libertarians, ancaps, and agorists...The media is corporatist/fascist.

As a self-described "liberal" what's it going to take for you to recognize that the gubmint that has used insurance companies as their faithful toadies, is the last bunch of goobers interested in truly fixing the problem?
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.

So you don't like that Health Care Companies get to keep 20 cents of every premium dollar to run their business with?
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

Please explain what is "dysfunctional" about our current health care system. How many people are not receiving necessary health care, and why should people who like their health care be forced into a different system?
It's still unobtainable for many. It's very limited and health care is still decided by insurance companies.
Lasik and cosmetic surgery aren't decided by insurance companies, and the prices for those procedures keeps dropping.

The people that I work with aren't looking for lasik or cosmetic surgery, oddball.

So you don't like that Health Care Companies get to keep 20 cents of every premium dollar to run their business with?
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.

So you don't like that Health Care Companies get to keep 20 cents of every premium dollar to run their business with?
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

Please explain what is "dysfunctional" about our current health care system. How many people are not receiving necessary health care, and why should people who like their health care be forced into a different system?
It's still unobtainable for many. It's very limited and health care is still decided by insurance companies.
Lasik and cosmetic surgery aren't decided by insurance companies, and the prices for those procedures keeps dropping.

The people that I work with aren't looking for lasik or cosmetic surgery, oddball.
You're missing the point.....Those things are relatively inexpensive because people pay for them out-of-pocket as the providers have to compete for business.

The answer to all this mess is to return medical care to the free market, not add more gizmos and fidget spinners to the Rube Goldberg of the medical insurance racket.
It's still unobtainable for many. It's very limited and health care is still decided by insurance companies.

For whom is health care unobtainable? Please be specific.

Health care insurance coverage is determined by the applicable policy. You can get more if you pay more.

Do you also oppose private insurance for auto, life, home and liability coverage?
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

...The lobbying group declares that its aim is to “change the conversation around Medicare for All” in order to “minimize the potential for this option in healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.” According to media reports, one healthcare executive reassured employees in a company meeting that the healthcare industry has “done a lot more than you would think” to sabotage any move in the direction of universal healthcare (Washington Post, 4/12/19). The PAHCF’s massive coalition of lobbyists representing virtually every part of the for-profit healthcare industry are united not only in opposition to a single-payer system like Medicare for All, but also to “every single Democratic proposal that would significantly expand the government’s role in healthcare.”

Corporate media have also boosted centrist presidential candidates taking the most money from the healthcare industry (, 4/28/19, 7/3/19, 9/9/19, 12/12/19). Joe Biden is a reliable mouthpiece for the PAHCF’s opposition to Medicare for All by constantly lying about the proposal, even shamelessly using dead family members to attack it. A company linked to Biden’s campaign has also been caught testing messages “designed to undercut support among Democrats for Medicare for All,” finding that Democrats are “most swayed by” arguments that the “program would impose a heavy cost on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens.” Pete Buttigieg famously flip-flopped on the issue after accepting the legal bribes often euphemized as “campaign contributions.”
Insurance Lobby Talking Points Don’t Come With Warning Labels

There is no "liberal" media. You have some nitwits and some prostitutes (poorly) writing some crap.

So you don't like that Health Care Companies get to keep 20 cents of every premium dollar to run their business with?
Ever since The Intercept (11/20/18) found several planning documents by the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), a benign-sounding corporate alliance formed to prevent any kind of reform and prop up the dysfunctional US healthcare system’s profits, corporate media have been reporting on the PAHCF’s efforts to defend the US’s for-profit healthcare system (The Hill, 6/28/19).

Please explain what is "dysfunctional" about our current health care system. How many people are not receiving necessary health care, and why should people who like their health care be forced into a different system?
It's still unobtainable for many. It's very limited and health care is still decided by insurance companies.
Lasik and cosmetic surgery aren't decided by insurance companies, and the prices for those procedures keeps dropping.

The people that I work with aren't looking for lasik or cosmetic surgery, oddball.
You're missing the point.....Those things are relatively inexpensive because people pay for them out-of-pocket as the providers have to compete for business.

The answer to all this mess is to return medical care to the free market, not add more gizmos and fidget spinners to the Rube Goldberg of the medical insurance racket.

That free market isn't free. It will continue to have zero effect on the populations that need medical care the most.
It's still unobtainable for many. It's very limited and health care is still decided by insurance companies.

For whom is health care unobtainable? Please be specific.

Health care insurance coverage is determined by the applicable policy. You can get more if you pay more.

Do you also oppose private insurance for auto, life, home and liability coverage?

Specifically for men/women that do not have custody of their children or have no children and can't qualify through children's state aid. Those who are intentionally kept from working full time in order to obtain it via their employment. 18 year olds that have no parents or parents don't have insurance. Unemployed/under employed. That's not even touching psychiatric are or medications or dental care.

If insurance companies were Johnny on the spot with home coverage this would be great. I think the big scam is paying so much out of pocket for the insurance and then they jack the rates up or take their sweet time taking care of business.

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