Insurrection at the Capitol Building.

Framed. One of the witnesses perjured himself. Video and time stamps prove it. Try to keep up.
Yet they are still in jail.

You got duped lol. That's embarrassing.

I can help you. Link me the article that makes this claim and I will point out to you how it duped you. Then you will be be able to filter fake bullshit.
Yet they are still in jail.

You got duped lol. That's embarrassing.

I can help you. Link me the article that makes this claim and I will point out to you how it duped you. Then you will be be able to filter fake bullshit.
If any lawyer has the guts to pursue this they will not be. The fact that lawyers are intimidated and threatened with disbarment are why things like this are not acted on. No way to run the justice system unless you are criminals. That is who we have running things, traitorous criminals. You enable this crap.
If any lawyer has the guts to pursue this they will not be.

Will you hold your breath?

The fact that lawyers are intimidated and threatened with disbarment are why things like this are not acted on.

Who was intimidated?

No way to run the justice system unless you are criminals. That is who we have running things, traitorous criminals. You enable this crap.
Did you have a link so I could help you recognize how you are being duped?
Will you hold your breath?

Who was intimidated?

Did you have a link so I could help you recognize how you are being duped?
Who was intimidated? A list of lawyers that defended Trump. There is an organization founded for that purpose.
Who was intimidated? A list of lawyers that defended Trump. There is an organization founded for that purpose.
Lol, filing ethics complaints hardly qualifies as intimidation.
When it lead s to disbarment is sure as Hell is intimidation. Lying asshole.
If they get disbarred then they deserved it.

Based on your logic lawyers can be as unethical as they want because if you disbarred them it's intimidation.

Poor logic.
Protesting 6+ years of the left's lies and obfuscation.......that's what happened.

Yes to your original query.
None of the indictments were for protesting and ironically they were there because of the right wings lies about the election; not your imagined 6 years of lies victimhood routine from Democrats.
You approve of cancel culture then.
No. That is a Trump humper thing but the left does it to a much lesser extent.

I don't. I can't really. I live in Trump humper central. Most of the people I work with are trumpers. The guy who blows out my sprinklers has a Trump flag at his house. Most of the local stores are Trump supporter ran.

I just go about my business and don't worry about cancel culture nonsense.

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