Insurrection still raging in Portland: Antifa torches school HQ and cars

Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

Cut the sedition talk, brainwashed functional moron. There is no problem with our government except for conspiracy nut job GOP base morons....... Not a single one of your phony scandals and conspiracies have ever gone anywhere in the real world of journalism and law enforcement.
Ah yes, the infamous left wing echo chamber. "Real world" if it agrees, not if it doesn't.
Take a Midol Martha. It was a hundred or so wackos that basically took selfies and souvenirs.

Save that gaslighting for your fellow cultists, the only people dumb enough to believe it. The rest of us know you're lying. Your very violent fascist pals came very close to murdering the VP and large numbers of congresspeople, something that Trump would have used as an excuse to proclaim martial law.

99% of conservatives disavowed their actions.

Bull-freaking-crap. A third of them still openly back the violent fascist coup, a third lie and say it was no big deal, and a third say it was really antifa. Almost none of them have admitted what their side did and condemned it.
Had the VP and large numbers of congresscritters been killed, martial law would have been the right call. Truth is, we weren't close to any of that.
Cut the sedition talk, brainwashed functional moron. There is no problem with our government except for conspiracy nut job GOP base morons....... Not a single one of your phony scandals and conspiracies have ever gone anywhere in the real world of journalism and law enforcement.

Decent people think the two tiered system of justice where democrats are above the law is a pretty serious problem, you vile Nazi fuck.

James Comey is proven to have lied under oath to Congress.

IG Report: Comey Lied To Congress About FBI Probe Of Trump Campaign (

Why did Roger Stone go to prison but Comey didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

KGB Agent John Brennan lied to Congress.

John Brennan lied to Congress: Trey Gowdy (

Why did Roger Stone go to prison but KGB Brennan didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

Andrew McCabe lied to the FBI.

McCabe Lied Four Times To DOJ and FBI - Twice While Under Oath (

Why did Gen. Flynn go to prison but McCabe didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

There is no law for the Reich, Nazi democrats are not subject to any laws.
Last edited:
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

I was in Oregon for my entire 30s
It was so tranquil and nice
It's still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass.
it still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass
What about all the National Guard in DC for the bullshit conspiracy theory of March 4?

Who is the functional retard now, bitch?

The National Guard is protecting the Capitol so the Dems can push draconian gun control legislation through. The Dems will argue such legislation is necessary to stop white supremacist insurrectionists from overthrowing our government.

You might think these white supremacists are hiding behind every tree and bush with their AR-15s planning a new Civil War so they could enslave the blacks again. There may be a few nuts like that in our nation but they are fairly rare.

We are not near an uprising at this point. Perhaps a decade from now if the Dems keep rigging elections and pushing communism.
Funny thing is, they're going to get exactly what they're trying to avoid with all this bullshit.

One often meet his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

we're all sitting back saying "go for it, bitches."

They are not going to be able to enforce anything ever.

If anything, it's going to hurry the exit of states like Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Missouri, Idaho etc.

I can definitely see Texas leaving first followed by the other states you mention.

I don’t want to see my nation break apart but I definitely have no desire to live in a communist worker’s paradise.

If the Union does split I hope it’s a peaceful event wothout violence.
There is no more America
It’s 100 percent dead
We need to break up or go to war
I prefer no war

I personally hope we can resolve the animosity in our nation through peaceful elections which would restore sanity to our Congress by replacing liberal socialists with rational conservatives.

However I suspect the Dems will pass new election legislation that will guarantee they will win the seats they need to firmly control both Houses in Congress. Basically it will be legal to rig future elections.

I wish I had some faith in our Supreme Court to stop the Dems from ruining the great experiment in government our Founders invented. Unfortunately I suspect the Supreme Court will wuss out. If it does try to stop the democrats they will simply increase the size of the court and pack it with liberal Justices .

If this were to happen our nation will break apart. It will be a shadow of its former self much like Russia is of the old USSR. If this divorce occurs, I hope it is resolved peacefully. We definitely do not ever want to see another Civil War in this nation although this would be more guerrilla style warfare than armies facing each other.
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

I was in Oregon for my entire 30s
It was so tranquil and nice
It's still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass.
it still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass
What about all the National Guard in DC for the bullshit conspiracy theory of March 4?

Who is the functional retard now, bitch?

The National Guard is protecting the Capitol so the Dems can push draconian gun control legislation through. The Dems will argue such legislation is necessary to stop white supremacist insurrectionists from overthrowing our government.

You might think these white supremacists are hiding behind every tree and bush with their AR-15s planning a new Civil War so they could enslave the blacks again. There may be a few nuts like that in our nation but they are fairly rare.

We are not near an uprising at this point. Perhaps a decade from now if the Dems keep rigging elections and pushing communism.
Funny thing is, they're going to get exactly what they're trying to avoid with all this bullshit.

One often meet his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

we're all sitting back saying "go for it, bitches."

They are not going to be able to enforce anything ever.

If anything, it's going to hurry the exit of states like Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Missouri, Idaho etc.

I can definitely see Texas leaving first followed by the other states you mention.

I don’t want to see my nation break apart but I definitely have no desire to live in a communist worker’s paradise.

If the Union does split I hope it’s a peaceful event wothout violence.
75% of the country at this point realizes that the GOP base are a bunch of brainwashed functional morons. You're done. Change the channel and try reality. To any newspaper or TV station in the world not owned by Rupert scumbag Murdoch.
Cut the sedition talk, brainwashed functional moron. There is no problem with our government except for conspiracy nut job GOP base morons....... Not a single one of your phony scandals and conspiracies have ever gone anywhere in the real world of journalism and law enforcement.

Decent people think the two tiered system of justice where democrats are above the law is a pretty serious problem, you vile Nazi fuck.

James Comey is proven to have lied under oath to Congress.

IG Report: Comey Lied To Congress About FBI Probe Of Trump Campaign (

Why did Roger Stone go to prison but Comey didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

KGB Agent John Brennan lied to Congress.

John Brennan lied to Congress: Trey Gowdy (

Why did Roger Stone go to prison but KGB Brennan didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

Andrew McCabe lied to the FBI.

McCabe Lied Four Times To DOJ and FBI - Twice While Under Oath (

Why did Gen. Flynn go to prison but McCabe didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

There is no law for the Reich, Nazi democrats are not subject to any laws.
Not a single one of your ridiculous phony scandals and conspiracies since travel gate have ever gone anywhere in the real world of the judiciary and journalists. Just with your bought off scumbag pundits on your one tiny GOP media of pure propaganda.
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

I was in Oregon for my entire 30s
It was so tranquil and nice
It's still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass.
it still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass
What about all the National Guard in DC for the bullshit conspiracy theory of March 4?

Who is the functional retard now, bitch?

The National Guard is protecting the Capitol so the Dems can push draconian gun control legislation through. The Dems will argue such legislation is necessary to stop white supremacist insurrectionists from overthrowing our government.

You might think these white supremacists are hiding behind every tree and bush with their AR-15s planning a new Civil War so they could enslave the blacks again. There may be a few nuts like that in our nation but they are fairly rare.

We are not near an uprising at this point. Perhaps a decade from now if the Dems keep rigging elections and pushing communism.
Funny thing is, they're going to get exactly what they're trying to avoid with all this bullshit.

One often meet his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

we're all sitting back saying "go for it, bitches."

They are not going to be able to enforce anything ever.

If anything, it's going to hurry the exit of states like Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Missouri, Idaho etc.

I can definitely see Texas leaving first followed by the other states you mention.

I don’t want to see my nation break apart but I definitely have no desire to live in a communist worker’s paradise.

If the Union does split I hope it’s a peaceful event wothout violence.
There is no more America
It’s 100 percent dead
We need to break up or go to war
I prefer no war

I personally hope we can resolve the animosity in our nation through peaceful elections which would restore sanity to our Congress by replacing liberal socialists with rational conservatives.

However I suspect the Dems will pass new election legislation that will guarantee they will win the seats they need to firmly control both Houses in Congress. Basically it will be legal to rig future elections.

I wish I had some faith in our Supreme Court to stop the Dems from ruining the great experiment in government our Founders invented. Unfortunately I suspect the Supreme Court will wuss out. If it does try to stop the democrats they will simply increase the size of the court and pack it with liberal Justices .

If this were to happen our nation will break apart. It will be a shadow of its former self much like Russia is of the old USSR. If this divorce occurs, I hope it is resolved peacefully. We definitely do not ever want to see another Civil War in this nation although this would be more guerrilla style warfare than armies facing each other.
Will get past this as soon as you people realize your totally missing formed and full of hate by your garbage hateful propaganda. Go ahead try something you idiot.
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

I was in Oregon for my entire 30s
It was so tranquil and nice
It's still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass.
it still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass
What about all the National Guard in DC for the bullshit conspiracy theory of March 4?

Who is the functional retard now, bitch?

The National Guard is protecting the Capitol so the Dems can push draconian gun control legislation through. The Dems will argue such legislation is necessary to stop white supremacist insurrectionists from overthrowing our government.

You might think these white supremacists are hiding behind every tree and bush with their AR-15s planning a new Civil War so they could enslave the blacks again. There may be a few nuts like that in our nation but they are fairly rare.

We are not near an uprising at this point. Perhaps a decade from now if the Dems keep rigging elections and pushing communism.
Funny thing is, they're going to get exactly what they're trying to avoid with all this bullshit.

One often meet his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

we're all sitting back saying "go for it, bitches."

They are not going to be able to enforce anything ever.

If anything, it's going to hurry the exit of states like Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Missouri, Idaho etc.

I can definitely see Texas leaving first followed by the other states you mention.

I don’t want to see my nation break apart but I definitely have no desire to live in a communist worker’s paradise.

If the Union does split I hope it’s a peaceful event wothout violence.
There is no more America
It’s 100 percent dead
We need to break up or go to war
I prefer no war

I personally hope we can resolve the animosity in our nation through peaceful elections which would restore sanity to our Congress by replacing liberal socialists with rational conservatives.

However I suspect the Dems will pass new election legislation that will guarantee they will win the seats they need to firmly control both Houses in Congress. Basically it will be legal to rig future elections.

I wish I had some faith in our Supreme Court to stop the Dems from ruining the great experiment in government our Founders invented. Unfortunately I suspect the Supreme Court will wuss out. If it does try to stop the democrats they will simply increase the size of the court and pack it with liberal Justices .

If this were to happen our nation will break apart. It will be a shadow of its former self much like Russia is of the old USSR. If this divorce occurs, I hope it is resolved peacefully. We definitely do not ever want to see another Civil War in this nation although this would be more guerrilla style warfare than armies facing each other.
It will be a bunch of redneck morons being chased down by the police. Go ahead you're unbelievable.
Local leaders don’t care the media doesn’t care the the Feds don’t care. I feel sorry for the people in Portland who didn’t vote for the current leadership but until they are voted out looks like Portland is screwed.
75% of the country at this point realizes that the GOP base are a bunch of brainwashed functional morons. You're done. Change the channel and try reality. To any newspaper or TV station in the world not owned by Rupert scumbag Murdoch.

Making shit up again, Nazi?

You vermin are such pathological liars.
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

I was in Oregon for my entire 30s
It was so tranquil and nice
It's still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass.
it still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass
What about all the National Guard in DC for the bullshit conspiracy theory of March 4?

Who is the functional retard now, bitch?

The National Guard is protecting the Capitol so the Dems can push draconian gun control legislation through. The Dems will argue such legislation is necessary to stop white supremacist insurrectionists from overthrowing our government.

You might think these white supremacists are hiding behind every tree and bush with their AR-15s planning a new Civil War so they could enslave the blacks again. There may be a few nuts like that in our nation but they are fairly rare.

We are not near an uprising at this point. Perhaps a decade from now if the Dems keep rigging elections and pushing communism.
Funny thing is, they're going to get exactly what they're trying to avoid with all this bullshit.

One often meet his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

we're all sitting back saying "go for it, bitches."

They are not going to be able to enforce anything ever.

If anything, it's going to hurry the exit of states like Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Missouri, Idaho etc.

I can definitely see Texas leaving first followed by the other states you mention.

I don’t want to see my nation break apart but I definitely have no desire to live in a communist worker’s paradise.

If the Union does split I hope it’s a peaceful event wothout violence.
There is no more America
It’s 100 percent dead
We need to break up or go to war
I prefer no war

I personally hope we can resolve the animosity in our nation through peaceful elections which would restore sanity to our Congress by replacing liberal socialists with rational conservatives.

However I suspect the Dems will pass new election legislation that will guarantee they will win the seats they need to firmly control both Houses in Congress. Basically it will be legal to rig future elections.

I wish I had some faith in our Supreme Court to stop the Dems from ruining the great experiment in government our Founders invented. Unfortunately I suspect the Supreme Court will wuss out. If it does try to stop the democrats they will simply increase the size of the court and pack it with liberal Justices .

If this were to happen our nation will break apart. It will be a shadow of its former self much like Russia is of the old USSR. If this divorce occurs, I hope it is resolved peacefully. We definitely do not ever want to see another Civil War in this nation although this would be more guerrilla style warfare than armies facing each other.
It will be a bunch of redneck morons being chased down by the police. Go ahead you're unbelievable.
More likely it will be a bunch of guys who fought in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and a dozen other hell holes. They have excellent training thanks to our military. Plus the cops will likely join them. I hear cops are not real fond of liberals.
Cut the sedition talk, brainwashed functional moron. There is no problem with our government except for conspiracy nut job GOP base morons....... Not a single one of your phony scandals and conspiracies have ever gone anywhere in the real world of journalism and law enforcement.

Decent people think the two tiered system of justice where democrats are above the law is a pretty serious problem, you vile Nazi fuck.

James Comey is proven to have lied under oath to Congress.

IG Report: Comey Lied To Congress About FBI Probe Of Trump Campaign (

Why did Roger Stone go to prison but Comey didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

KGB Agent John Brennan lied to Congress.

John Brennan lied to Congress: Trey Gowdy (

Why did Roger Stone go to prison but KGB Brennan didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

Andrew McCabe lied to the FBI.

McCabe Lied Four Times To DOJ and FBI - Twice While Under Oath (

Why did Gen. Flynn go to prison but McCabe didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

There is no law for the Reich, Nazi democrats are not subject to any laws.
Not a single one of your ridiculous phony scandals and conspiracies since travel gate have ever gone anywhere in the real world of the judiciary and journalists. Just with your bought off scumbag pundits on your one tiny GOP media of pure propaganda.

Reich has its' privilege for sure.

The problem with setting up the apartheid two tiered system of injustice we have is that something is always going to give.

You are smug in your confidence that everyone knows that democrats, the Nazis, are above the law and there is a no hint of justice in America.

The PROBLEM you fucking Nazis face is that everyone knows that democrats, the Nazis, are above the law and there is a no hint of justice in America.
It will be a bunch of redneck morons being chased down by the police. Go ahead you're unbelievable.

What if we dress as Nazi Brown Shirts?


Then we can murder, rape, burn, and loot with absolutely no consequence at all. Just like you have done for over a year on your Kristalnacht.
Local leaders don’t care the media doesn’t care the the Feds don’t care. I feel sorry for the people in Portland who didn’t vote for the current leadership but until they are voted out looks like Portland is screwed.
Only on Fox! Nobody cares nothing serious is going on at all, just idiocy repeated endlessly....
It will be a bunch of redneck morons being chased down by the police. Go ahead you're unbelievable.

What if we dress as Nazi Brown Shirts?

View attachment 465998

Then we can murder, rape, burn, and loot with absolutely no consequence at all. Just like you have done for over a year on your Kristalnacht.
What a load of garbage that only brain washed functional morons believe. The kids are all right lol.
Cut the sedition talk, brainwashed functional moron. There is no problem with our government except for conspiracy nut job GOP base morons....... Not a single one of your phony scandals and conspiracies have ever gone anywhere in the real world of journalism and law enforcement.

Decent people think the two tiered system of justice where democrats are above the law is a pretty serious problem, you vile Nazi fuck.

James Comey is proven to have lied under oath to Congress.

IG Report: Comey Lied To Congress About FBI Probe Of Trump Campaign (

Why did Roger Stone go to prison but Comey didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

KGB Agent John Brennan lied to Congress.

John Brennan lied to Congress: Trey Gowdy (

Why did Roger Stone go to prison but KGB Brennan didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

Andrew McCabe lied to the FBI.

McCabe Lied Four Times To DOJ and FBI - Twice While Under Oath (

Why did Gen. Flynn go to prison but McCabe didn't?

Oh, Reich has it's privilege.

There is no law for the Reich, Nazi democrats are not subject to any laws.
Not a single one of your ridiculous phony scandals and conspiracies since travel gate have ever gone anywhere in the real world of the judiciary and journalists. Just with your bought off scumbag pundits on your one tiny GOP media of pure propaganda.

Reich has its' privilege for sure.

The problem with setting up the apartheid two tiered system of injustice we have is that something is always going to give.

You are smug in your confidence that everyone knows that democrats, the Nazis, are above the law and there is a no hint of justice in America.

The PROBLEM you fucking Nazis face is that everyone knows that democrats, the Nazis, are above the law and there is a no hint of justice in America.
Nazis are right-wing nut jobs like you, dumbass brain washed functional moron. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. Socialists are simply always democratic. Fair capitalism with a good safety net like horrible places like Canada and New Zealand, The Netherlands and France that have everything that AOC and Sanders want..... English speaking people's of the world are the only ones who don't know what socialism is- the poor brainwashed baffled by b******* ignoramuses.
It will be a bunch of redneck morons being chased down by the police. Go ahead you're unbelievable.

What if we dress as Nazi Brown Shirts?

View attachment 465998

Then we can murder, rape, burn, and loot with absolutely no consequence at all. Just like you have done for over a year on your Kristalnacht.
What a load of garbage that only brain washed functional morons believe. The kids are all right lol.

Look, a Nazi is lying - another demon just got their horns....

Nazis are right-wing nut jobs like you, dumbass brain washed functional moron. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. Socialists are simply always democratic. Fair capitalism with a good safety net like horrible places like Canada and New Zealand, The Netherlands and France that have everything that AOC and Sanders want..... English speaking people's of the world are the only ones who don't know what socialism is- the poor brainwashed baffled by b******* ignoramuses.

And another demon gets it's horns!

How long have you been collecting a paycheck from hard working Americans while you and your union refuse to do your fucking job?

In a way it's a good thing you lazy slobs refuse to go into the classrooms. Public education is tantamount to child abuse, after all.

Imagine someone as ignorant and dishonest as you perverting the mind of a child. :eek:

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