Intel Confirms ISIS Hid Among Refugee Hordes Flooding Europe

In Germany last week, the vice president of Bavaria’s intelligence-gathering agency, Manfred Hauser, announced ISIS “hit squads” had entered Europe with the flood of migrants that came across the borders over the last year and a half. According to Hauser, there are hundreds of reports that these kinds of terrorist cells have infiltrated European countries, and “irrefutable evidence that there is an IS command structure in place” that will “likely” launch a coordinated attack on Germany.

It appears ISIS took advantage of Europe’s generosity by concealing its fighters in the mass of people desperately seeking a new home. If this comes as a surprise, you haven’t been paying attention.

Intel Confirms ISIS Hid Among Refugee Hordes Flooding Europe

'Top U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday that ISIS was likely to attempt direct attacks on the U.S. in the coming year and that the group was infiltrating refugees escaping from Iraq and Syria to move across borders.

ISIS "will probably attempt to conduct additional attacks in Europe, and attempt to direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016," Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday.'

Intelligence official: ISIS to attempt US attacks in 2016 -

Hillary appears eager for Americans to share this experience, but Trump puts the safety of Americans ahead of political correctness.

Your conclusion is too simplistic. Trump advertises he has a big stick and engages in Brinkmanship with a billion followers of Islam and a million immigrants, most of whom simply want to leave in peace and be left alone. to simple it down for the undecided, Trump wants to build walls as part of his hate and fear campaign, HRC wants to build bridges. HRC has experience in governance, Trump has experience in bullying an bribing.

HRC understands that our nuclear arsenal is a deterrent, Trump believes it is a tool to use to get his way; HRC tells people what they need to know and understand, Trump tells people what they may want to hear.

HRC will use measured responses with our allies in response to terror attacks, Trump will respond with unrestrained power without a moments hesitation to consider the unintended consequences of such a response.
That may be your fantasy, but the reality is Trump's estimation of the danger of admitting the refugees from Syria and Iraq and other places suffering from war and terrorism is in line with intelligence estimates in the US and Europe, while Hillary's is calculated not to keep Americans safe but only to get votes.

While your mind may be riddled with images of hate, to those who are able to understand what Trump is saying, the issues of refugees from the ME and the illegal immigrants from Mexico are quite distinct. The vast majority of refugees from mainly Muslim countries cannot be properly vetted because adequate data from these war torn countries does not exist in most cases. It may be true that most of the refugees simply want a better life, but without sufficient data to properly vet them, it is simply not possible in many cases tell those who are or are likely to become terrorists or terrorist supporters from those who will not. These are the facts that have been reported by both US and European intelligence and in light of these facts, Trump's demand that no refugees be admitted until there is a clear process of determining who is safe and who isn't is devised. In terms you might be able to understand, Trumps is saying for the sake of security all the refugees should be considered guilty until proven innocent and Hillary is saying they should be considered innocent until proven guilty. Trumps proposal is harsh for the refugees and safe for Americans. Hillary's proposal is generous for the refugees and dangerous for Americans.

While hate seems to cover all of your thinking, those who understand what Trump has said, realize that these illegals are keeping wages low and unemployment high for unskilled American laborers and are sending $24 billion a year back to Mexico to be invested in the Mexican economy rather than in the US economy as it would be if they were not here. In choosing between what is best for poor Americans and what is best for poor Mexicans, Trump chooses what is best for poor Americans, despite the fact it will be harsh for poor Mexicans, but Hillary's speech writer, focus groups and image consultants have decided choosing what is best for the poor Mexicans at the expense of poor Americans will secure for her the Hispanic vote, so she has issued an open invitation to every poor person south of the border to come to America anyway they can by promising to make them all American citizens.

I understand the risks, from foreign nationals and domestic converts to terrorism. The issue is complicated and at first blush would like to see ISIS & Assad obliterated by the awesome power of our military.

I am outraged by the video and commentary last night on the news of hospitals built underground, treating the wounded and dying, in Syria; dying from chemical weapons and traditional bombs and the apparent silence of this slaughter by other Arab / Muslim leaders in the Middle East.

But let's be clear, we cannot trust Russia under the Putin Regime, he's a powerful man with the little man complex who seems to lack any sense of concern for the carnage on going in Syria. Putin will have his way with Trump, and when Trump finally gets it, his response cannot be trusted either. We don't need a shooting war with the Russians, and if the cold war heats up we can be sure China will put pressure on our far east allies.

The world today is much too complicated to risk putting an inexperienced, apparent narcissist, into the chair in the oval office. He will be manipulated by the Military Industrial Complex and at best we will start a new round of arms building, and the work Reagan and Gorbachev put into SALT will be for not.

Do you grasp Hitlery's relationship with Putin? She has experience. She'll sell him whatever part of America he wants, and she'll keep the money safely tucked away in the Clinton Foundation which is nothing more that Hillary's private checking account.
The world is about to get a whole lot more complicated, now that Hitlery sold our uranium mines to Putin. Hillary does trust the little man as long as he keeps giving her money. She trusts the Arabs too, because they gave her millions.

She intends to change America forever by flooding this country with Muslims. Please don't let her. She does not have America's best interest at heart. She works for Brussels.
In Germany last week, the vice president of Bavaria’s intelligence-gathering agency, Manfred Hauser, announced ISIS “hit squads” had entered Europe with the flood of migrants that came across the borders over the last year and a half. According to Hauser, there are hundreds of reports that these kinds of terrorist cells have infiltrated European countries, and “irrefutable evidence that there is an IS command structure in place” that will “likely” launch a coordinated attack on Germany.

It appears ISIS took advantage of Europe’s generosity by concealing its fighters in the mass of people desperately seeking a new home. If this comes as a surprise, you haven’t been paying attention.

Intel Confirms ISIS Hid Among Refugee Hordes Flooding Europe

'Top U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday that ISIS was likely to attempt direct attacks on the U.S. in the coming year and that the group was infiltrating refugees escaping from Iraq and Syria to move across borders.

ISIS "will probably attempt to conduct additional attacks in Europe, and attempt to direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016," Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday.'

Intelligence official: ISIS to attempt US attacks in 2016 -

Hillary appears eager for Americans to share this experience, but Trump puts the safety of Americans ahead of political correctness.
Fear fear fear fear fear!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Trump's campaign slogan: "They're all coming to kill you!!! ALL of them!!!!!!"
And Hillary says, "As long as you vote for me before they kill you, I'll be happy."
We still have 5 months of Obama in office. We'll all be long dead before anyone can vote for Hillary. Been saying so for years, as a proud Tea Party Patriot. It'll come true any day now... aaaaaany day now.......

What did the tea party tell you, Old? How many gays died in Orlando again? Let's ask them if bringing Muslims here is a good idea. You dig up their graves and I'll ask them if Muslims in America think differently than the ones in France or Germany....

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