Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says

Oh yes they did. Leave it up for American patriot Steve McGarrett to set the record straight and prove you wrong. From Jan 24, 2017.

fbi clears flynn of allegations - Google Search
Toal garbage,
Not garbage, FACT!

How bout another source!

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit
They aren't done investigating kkk boy

Among one of the most retarded posts on USMB.

So they aren't still investigating the treasonous lowlives in this admin?

Try again, idiota

This from one of the most lazy. There has been no investigation if your talking about Flynn. Only speculation y the "news" people who Trump doesn't call on anymore. If an investigation does happen it will be interesting to see which of the leakers go's to jail.
Have you heard of Ben Rhodes?

IF Rhodes and his Boss Clapper did scuttle Flynn using illegally obtained audio for the express purpose of ensuring that Iran gets nuclear arms, as it very strongly appears, the Clapper and Rhodes BOTH deserve the needle.

This is treason, butthurt is not a defense for treason.
Have you heard of Ben Rhodes?

IF Rhodes and his Boss Clapper did scuttle Flynn using illegally obtained audio for the express purpose of ensuring that Iran gets nuclear arms, as it very strongly appears, the Clapper and Rhodes BOTH deserve the needle.

This is treason, butthurt is not a defense for treason.

Anyone who would do that does.Hell, even Obama had issues with leaks.

I recognize that Republicans in Trump's campaign consorted with Russian intelligence in a run up to the election, I recognize that his designated National Security Adviser was trading thoughts with Russian officials after the election, I recognize that the Russian dossier is real, I recognize that this is the tip of the iceberg and much, much more will come out. This is the Titanic you're sitting on and it is just a matter of time before you drown in this shit.

Your boy engaged in treason. Or at least that's what the evidence is showing. To protect the nuclear deal with Iran, these scum illegally tapped phones and intercepted emails (wire fraud). If Flynn jumped the gun in negotiating, that was bad judgement. Still, negotiation with foreign powers was his fucking job.

Clapper though, Clapper is just traitor. His butthurt is so great that he sold out our nation to Iran. Sad.

Clapper deserves the needle.
Have you heard of Ben Rhodes?

IF Rhodes and his Boss Clapper did scuttle Flynn using illegally obtained audio for the express purpose of ensuring that Iran gets nuclear arms, as it very strongly appears, the Clapper and Rhodes BOTH deserve the needle.

This is treason, butthurt is not a defense for treason.

Anyone who would do that does.Hell, even Obama had issues with leaks.

Leaks are one thing. A concerted effort to ensure that Iran gets nuclear weapons is another - it's called treason.
They aren't done investigating kkk boy

So Mz. Fakelawyer, the current evidence shows that Ben Rhodes, the Obama advisor, illegally wiretapped Michael Flynn in several ways, including email. cell phone, and SMS texting for the purpose of finding dirt to discredit him because Flynn was an opponent of the Obama plan to aid Iran in building nuclear arms.

The operation primarily focused on discrediting Flynn, an opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, in order to handicap the Trump administration's efforts to disclose secret details of the nuclear deal with Iran that had been long hidden by the Obama administration.

Insiders familiar with the anti-Flynn campaign told the Free Beacon that these Obama loyalists plotted in the months before Trump's inauguration to establish a set of roadblocks before Trump's national security team, which includes several prominent opponents of diplomacy with Iran. The Free Beacon first reported on this effort in January.

Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon requested anonymity in order to speak freely about the situation and avoid interfering with the White House's official narrative about Flynn, which centers on his failure to adequately inform the president about a series of phone calls with Russian officials.

Flynn took credit for his missteps regarding these phone calls in a brief statement released late Monday evening. Trump administration officials subsequently stated that Flynn's efforts to mislead the president and vice president about his contacts with Russia could not be tolerated.

However, multiple sources closely involved in the situation pointed to a larger, more secretive campaign aimed at discrediting Flynn and undermining the Trump White House.

"It's undeniable that the campaign to discredit Flynn was well underway before Inauguration Day, with a very troublesome and politicized series of leaks designed to undermine him," said one veteran national security adviser with close ties to the White House team. "This pattern reminds me of the lead up to the Iran deal, and probably features the same cast of characters."

The Free Beacon first reported in January that, until its final days in office, the Obama administration hosted several pro-Iran voices who were critical in helping to mislead the American public about the terms of the nuclear agreement. This included a former Iranian government official and the head of the National Iranian American Council, or NIAC, which has been accused of serving as Iran's mouthpiece in Washington, D.C.}

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Look, I realize you have utterly zero knowledge of law and have never read our Constitution; but there is a special term for what these people did.

It starts with a T, and ends with something you will never have. reason....

'Tail-gunner' Joe McCarthy would be proud of the anti-Americans whom reside in the deep-state.
ummmm, McCarthy used whistleblowers to blow up institutions. JFC Have you even heard of Whittiker Chambers? LOL
Going by the photos on his Twitter account, Schindler looks like an alkie.
They aren't done investigating kkk boy

So Mz. Fakelawyer, the current evidence shows that Ben Rhodes, the Obama advisor, illegally wiretapped Michael Flynn in several ways, including email. cell phone, and SMS texting for the purpose of finding dirt to discredit him because Flynn was an opponent of the Obama plan to aid Iran in building nuclear arms.

The operation primarily focused on discrediting Flynn, an opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, in order to handicap the Trump administration's efforts to disclose secret details of the nuclear deal with Iran that had been long hidden by the Obama administration.

Insiders familiar with the anti-Flynn campaign told the Free Beacon that these Obama loyalists plotted in the months before Trump's inauguration to establish a set of roadblocks before Trump's national security team, which includes several prominent opponents of diplomacy with Iran. The Free Beacon first reported on this effort in January.

Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon requested anonymity in order to speak freely about the situation and avoid interfering with the White House's official narrative about Flynn, which centers on his failure to adequately inform the president about a series of phone calls with Russian officials.

Flynn took credit for his missteps regarding these phone calls in a brief statement released late Monday evening. Trump administration officials subsequently stated that Flynn's efforts to mislead the president and vice president about his contacts with Russia could not be tolerated.

However, multiple sources closely involved in the situation pointed to a larger, more secretive campaign aimed at discrediting Flynn and undermining the Trump White House.

"It's undeniable that the campaign to discredit Flynn was well underway before Inauguration Day, with a very troublesome and politicized series of leaks designed to undermine him," said one veteran national security adviser with close ties to the White House team. "This pattern reminds me of the lead up to the Iran deal, and probably features the same cast of characters."

The Free Beacon first reported in January that, until its final days in office, the Obama administration hosted several pro-Iran voices who were critical in helping to mislead the American public about the terms of the nuclear agreement. This included a former Iranian government official and the head of the National Iranian American Council, or NIAC, which has been accused of serving as Iran's mouthpiece in Washington, D.C.}

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Look, I realize you have utterly zero knowledge of law and have never read our Constitution; but there is a special term for what these people did.

It starts with a T, and ends with something you will never have. reason....

I agree that the Flynn resignation needs to be fully investigated
Strategy can be deadly when using it against your adversaries exposing them.

What did this strategy expose, exactly, other than Trump's connections to Russia and overall incompetence and dishonesty?

Are you suggesting that Trump deliberately allowed Flynn and Pence to become sacrificial lambs so that he could put the intelligence services in a position where they felt they had to leak in order to protect our constitutional republic?

Because that's about the stupidest theory I've ever heard, apart from your other whackadoo racist theories.
It exposed Obamas treasonous sell out to the Russians....
Obama isn't president anymore.
Why? It's pointless and has zero to do with anything at all. It's nothing but a shiny dot on the wall to keep libs uppity. Get over the tax's, they ain't coming.
If you don't care, why ask the question?

Oh, it was just a dodge.
Strategy can be deadly when using it against your adversaries exposing them.

What did this strategy expose, exactly, other than Trump's connections to Russia and overall incompetence and dishonesty?

Are you suggesting that Trump deliberately allowed Flynn and Pence to become sacrificial lambs so that he could put the intelligence services in a position where they felt they had to leak in order to protect our constitutional republic?

Because that's about the stupidest theory I've ever heard, apart from your other whackadoo racist theories.
It exposed Obamas treasonous sell out to the Russians....
Obama isn't president anymore.
The question is NOT whether Obama sold out. The question is whether after Obama, who was the president at the time, expelled Russian "diplomats" (spies) Flynn was on the phone with the Russian ambassador discussing US sanctions of Russia, and if so, whether that may have had an effect on Putin not retaliating WHILE OBAMA WAS STILL PRESIDENT

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