Intelligent, Respectful Political Discourse, RIP

Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

How many righties have been shouting down, charging stages with intent of assault, rioting, and/or cancelling a single leftist speaking anywhere?

Name one...I fucking defy you.

Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left is much worse in this particular area.

I'm really not interested in another asymmetrical conversation. I'm bored to tears with them.
Chomsky makes some very intelligent and prescient observations...But then, as all leftists do, turns around and acts as doing more of what has clearly failed will somehow remedy the situation.

He is extraordinarily predictable. Everything he writes in terms of politics can be boiled down to one essential position, namely, that we are evil. He dresses up his polemics in very fancy ways, and not all of his opinions are errant by any means, but his sheer determination to paint America in the worst possible light reveals him to be an extremely shallow individual. He may be capable of great prose, but his application of language is geared towards propaganda rather than any sort of truly original analysis.

He may write about manufactured consent but his very purpose in the political realm is to manufacture opinion.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

How many righties have been shouting down, charging stages with intent of assault, rioting, and/or cancelling a single leftist speaking anywhere?

Name one...I fucking defy you.

Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left is much worse in this particular area.

I'm really not interested in another asymmetrical conversation. I'm bored to tears with them.

Here it is....You can't find one...It's not how they act.....They're more into appeasement and capitulation.

What you call "asymmetrical conversation" is in fact you getting called out on your bullshit....You've met the enemy, Buckwheat.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

How many righties have been shouting down, charging stages with intent of assault, rioting, and/or cancelling a single leftist speaking anywhere?

Name one...I fucking defy you.

Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left is much worse in this particular area.

I'm really not interested in another asymmetrical conversation. I'm bored to tears with them.

Here it is....You can't find one...It's not how they act.....They're more into appeasement and capitulation.

What you call "asymmetrical conversation" is in fact you getting called out on your bullshit....You've met the enemy, Buckwheat.

Sure, okay.
Chomsky makes some very intelligent and prescient observations...But then, as all leftists do, turns around and acts as doing more of what has clearly failed will somehow remedy the situation.

He is extraordinarily predictable. Everything he writes in terms of politics can be boiled down to one essential position, namely, that we are evil. He dresses up his polemics in very fancy ways, and not all of his opinions are errant by any means, but his sheer determination to paint America in the worst possible light reveals him to be an extremely shallow individual. He may be capable of great prose, but his application of language is geared towards propaganda rather than any sort of truly original analysis.

He may write about manufactured consent but his very purpose in the political realm is to manufacture opinion.
I don't disagree there....Yet he is good at identifying numerous problems, and doing so (mostly) correctly.

He's also a damned fine linguist and semanticist, which he uses to good effect to sway the uninitiated and gullible.
Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

The left abandoned liberalism when it embraced identity politics. The innate authoritarianism of cancel culture is more akin to fascism than liberalism, but few people have even noticed because it is CALLED liberalism.

Mac will not find these examples because his identity is now too strongly tied to being of the left to be able to see this authoritarianism for what it is.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

How many righties have been shouting down, charging stages with intent of assault, rioting, and/or cancelling a single leftist speaking anywhere?

Name one...I fucking defy you.

Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left is much worse in this particular area.

I'm really not interested in another asymmetrical conversation. I'm bored to tears with them.

Here it is....You can't find one...It's not how they act.....They're more into appeasement and capitulation.

What you call "asymmetrical conversation" is in fact you getting called out on your bullshit....You've met the enemy, Buckwheat.

Sure, okay.

And that's all you have...."Sure, okay".

Not one example where the right acts as the violent miscreants in your camp do, and you admit as much....Yet the right is just as much to blame for the degeneration of discourse, for no more reason than they have finally decided that appeasing spoiled little children who will never be mollified no matter what you do is no longer a viable option, and have chosen instead to fight back.

Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).
Story of your history on these boards..........because you know we'd wipe the floor with you.

Yet you still try to divert blame to us for the animals in your party.......PUT THEM ON A LEASH.
Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).
Story of your history on these boards..........because you know we'd wipe the floor with you.

Yet you still try to divert blame to us for the animals in your party.......PUT THEM ON A LEASH.
And you deliberately deleted the next line in my post.

This is why trying to communicate with people like you is pointless. You're habitual liars.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

How many righties have been shouting down, charging stages with intent of assault, rioting, and/or cancelling a single leftist speaking anywhere?

Name one...I fucking defy you.

Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left is much worse in this particular area.

I'm really not interested in another asymmetrical conversation. I'm bored to tears with them.

Here it is....You can't find one...It's not how they act.....They're more into appeasement and capitulation.

What you call "asymmetrical conversation" is in fact you getting called out on your bullshit....You've met the enemy, Buckwheat.

Sure, okay.

I haven't see it either. But I have been absolutely bombarded with college speakers shut down because of their conservative leanings over the years. In fact, I just watched a video today that doesn't actually shut down the speaker, but it does show an inkling on the OP's problem.


Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

How many righties have been shouting down, charging stages with intent of assault, rioting, and/or cancelling a single leftist speaking anywhere?

Name one...I fucking defy you.

Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left is much worse in this particular area.

I'm really not interested in another asymmetrical conversation. I'm bored to tears with them.

Here it is....You can't find one...It's not how they act.....They're more into appeasement and capitulation.

What you call "asymmetrical conversation" is in fact you getting called out on your bullshit....You've met the enemy, Buckwheat.

Sure, okay.

I haven't see it either. But I have been absolutely bombarded with college speakers shut down because of their conservative leanings over the years. In fact, I just watched a video today that doesn't actually shut down the speaker, but it does show an inkling on the OP's problem.


Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

How many righties have been shouting down, charging stages with intent of assault, rioting, and/or cancelling a single leftist speaking anywhere?

Name one...I fucking defy you.

Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left is much worse in this particular area.

I'm really not interested in another asymmetrical conversation. I'm bored to tears with them.

Here it is....You can't find one...It's not how they act.....They're more into appeasement and capitulation.

What you call "asymmetrical conversation" is in fact you getting called out on your bullshit....You've met the enemy, Buckwheat.

Sure, okay.

I haven't see it either. But I have been absolutely bombarded with college speakers shut down because of their conservative leanings over the years. In fact, I just watched a video today that doesn't actually shut down the speaker, but it does show an inkling on the OP's problem.


Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.

I see LOTS of conservative posters here calling out the kkk and neo Nazis.

I see almost NO leftists here calling out their left wing equivalents like BLM or Antifa, and THAT is the real problem. You give lip service to calling out your own, but fail to recognize the enormous disparity vis a vis right and left in regards to who is actually doing so.
Can't think of any offhand (although admittedly I'm not really trying).
Story of your history on these boards..........because you know we'd wipe the floor with you.

Yet you still try to divert blame to us for the animals in your party.......PUT THEM ON A LEASH.
And you deliberately deleted the next line in my post.

This is why trying to communicate with people like you is pointless. You're habitual liars.
Was the only thing in your post true..........everything else was your standard BS.

Where are the examples from our side doing the crap your beloved party is doing now.

1 side is pushing this shit......burning and looting...........IT ISN'T US........and we ARE GETTING VERY PISSED

Have a nice day Mr. Tribalman
Was the only thing in your post true..........everything else was your standard BS.

Where are the examples from our side doing the crap your beloved party is doing now.

1 side is pushing this shit......burning and looting...........IT ISN'T US........and we ARE GETTING VERY PISSED

Have a nice day Mr. Tribalman

I'm an independent rather than being on your side, per se, but I'm getting pretty pissed as well. I own a small business, and this utter hatred being displayed against others who run small businesses among leftists is beyond the pale. First they tell you that you can no longer earn a living, and then they tolerate their goons burning it down.

I would think ANYBODY in that position would be pissed, but the sheeple on this board who defend all of that shit are simply incapable of empathy for others, and so are incapable of understanding the lives of those who are being victimized by the Democrats
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Was the only thing in your post true..........everything else was your standard BS.

Where are the examples from our side doing the crap your beloved party is doing now.

1 side is pushing this shit......burning and looting...........IT ISN'T US........and we ARE GETTING VERY PISSED

Have a nice day Mr. Tribalman

I'm an independent rather than being on your side, per se, but I'm getting pretty pissed as well. I own a small business, and this utter hatred being displayed against others who run small businesses among leftists is beyond the pale. First they tell you that you can no longer earn a living, and then they tolerate their goons burning it down.

I would think ANYBODY in that position would be pissed, but the sheeple on this board who defend all of that shit are simply incapable of empathy for others, and so are incapable of understanding the lives of those who are being victimized by the Democrats
I'm starting to see the houses for sales signs going up again.........45 miles to work......same as 2008........hope I'm wrong.......don't think so.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

watch some old cross fire episodes. you can see the change occur as more and more, people like james carville, instead of trying to make good cases, started putting more energy into gotchas, and personal attacks and talking over people.

and conservatives, let them. so it worked. they got positive feedback, so they kept doing it, and more and more.

ann coulter was a response to that. a good one.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
You're right. It's all the other side's fault. You win.

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