Intelligent, Respectful Political Discourse, RIP

Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
You're right. It's all the other side's fault. You win.
More sarcasm from the left wing pravda artist.......who's only purpose is to divert blame.........

Your side is burning......and causing violence.........WE ARE RESPONDING TO IT...........and then you say we are the problem.......LMAO

Good Luck.....Sell that snake oil somewhere else. ...............or take back your party from the lunatics YOU CREATED....................They can't keep pushing without blow's what they want anyways..........OH WELL.
It was usually Gore Vidal. I'm old enough to remember.

What has happened is that identity has replaced ideology as the driving force in politics. The more a person relies on identity to form their views, the less rational they are as all their tribal instincts override their reason.

There used to be a fellow around here called Mac1958 who showed promise by way of understanding this, but then he caught the TDS virus and turned all woke. I miss the days when this fellow talked about the way the left assigns various identities to classes of either oppressor or oppressed and then reacted to these assumptions accordingly. Nowadays, he is one of the chief practitioners of this very process.

Mac probably realized his identity as unAmerican.

Anyway, if Mac is asking us to ask all civilized when the far left mob comes for blood, forget about it. We will defend ourselves with full force and if the high blow is not available, take the low blow.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

What happened was the Clinton Administration. Every political battle became take no prisoners, shoot the survivors blood sport.
It really picked up steam in 1994.

Before the election of 1994, democrats could make lame and fake arguments in congress and get away with it, because there was no real opposition....After the GOP unexpectedly took over both houses of the legislature, it all became character assassination...It wasn't that their arguments were wrong, it was because they were mean spirited, hard hearted, wrongheaded, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, racist, cat kicking reprobates.

It moistly went on hiatus for the Chimpy Bush years -he and the GOP sellouts gave them everything they wanted no matter how much shit they talked about them- then got turned up to 11 under Barry Obabble.
Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

The left abandoned liberalism when it embraced identity politics. The innate authoritarianism of cancel culture is more akin to fascism than liberalism, but few people have even noticed because it is CALLED liberalism.

Mac will not find these examples because his identity is now too strongly tied to being of the left to be able to see this authoritarianism for what it is.

Liberalism has already morphed into Neo-Marxism.
Neo-Marxism is cultural suicide that has an inherent arrogance totally lacking morality and spiritualism with little to no appreciation of history.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
You're right. It's all the other side's fault. You win.
More sarcasm from the left wing pravda artist.......who's only purpose is to divert blame.........

Your side is burning......and causing violence.........WE ARE RESPONDING TO IT...........and then you say we are the problem.......LMAO

Good Luck.....Sell that snake oil somewhere else. ...............or take back your party from the lunatics YOU CREATED....................They can't keep pushing without blow's what they want anyways..........OH WELL.

You do realize he's actively calling out the morbid left in this thread.. Right? You don't like Mac... I get that. Fine... But you are attacking him for doing exactly what you are doing. HE IS RESPONDING TO IT. He's attacking the morbidly stupid left there. Where is the problem?
Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

The left abandoned liberalism when it embraced identity politics. The innate authoritarianism of cancel culture is more akin to fascism than liberalism, but few people have even noticed because it is CALLED liberalism.

Mac will not find these examples because his identity is now too strongly tied to being of the left to be able to see this authoritarianism for what it is.

Liberalism has already morphed into Neo-Marxism.
Neo-Marxism is cultural suicide that has an inherent arrogance totally lacking morality and spiritualism with little to no appreciation of history.
It was Neo-Marxism from the outset....The progressives knew this back in the 1920s, when they stole the term "liberal" to hide their true intents.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
You're right. It's all the other side's fault. You win.
More sarcasm from the left wing pravda artist.......who's only purpose is to divert blame.........

Your side is burning......and causing violence.........WE ARE RESPONDING TO IT...........and then you say we are the problem.......LMAO

Good Luck.....Sell that snake oil somewhere else. ...............or take back your party from the lunatics YOU CREATED....................They can't keep pushing without blow's what they want anyways..........OH WELL.

You do realize he's actively calling out the morbid left in this thread.. Right? You don't like Mac... I get that. Fine... But you are attacking him for doing exactly what you are doing. HE IS RESPONDING TO IT. He's attacking the morbidly stupid left there. Where is the problem?
yup.......I realize that.........but I know who he is and always has will learn that in time.......

He does it every once and a while for the Narrative.......then right back to selling we are both the problem..........He's a fraud.........and will ALWAYS BE A FRAUD IN MY BOOK........

You will have to learn this on your own in time.
Mac probably realized his identity as unAmerican.

Anyway, if Mac is asking us to ask all civilized when the far left mob comes for blood, forget about it. We will defend ourselves with full force and if the high blow is not available, take the low blow.

In Woketopia, there are some well-defined rules when it comes to WHO has to act civilized and who doesn't. If you are a coservative straight, white male, you have to act utterly civilized at all times, and can be accused of a miro somethingorother even if you are. Even something as simple as failure to apologize for who you are can get you in big trouble.

The further away you are from being a conervative, straight white male, the more leeway you have and if you are lucky enough to be a black lesbian, you can be just as hateful and nasty as you want as nobody can dare touch you. There is a pecking order to the world of woketopia, and fail to learn this pecking order at your own peril.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.
Most of the posts you would deem questionable may be people trying to out upmanship each other. People set in their ways are adamant about their views. I would like to believe that most people on these boards are not out in public causing trouble. But really want to see things get better for all. And then there comes the differences in how that can be done.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
You're right. It's all the other side's fault. You win.
More sarcasm from the left wing pravda artist.......who's only purpose is to divert blame.........

Your side is burning......and causing violence.........WE ARE RESPONDING TO IT...........and then you say we are the problem.......LMAO

Good Luck.....Sell that snake oil somewhere else. ...............or take back your party from the lunatics YOU CREATED....................They can't keep pushing without blow's what they want anyways..........OH WELL.

You do realize he's actively calling out the morbid left in this thread.. Right? You don't like Mac... I get that. Fine... But you are attacking him for doing exactly what you are doing. HE IS RESPONDING TO IT. He's attacking the morbidly stupid left there. Where is the problem?
Here's the funny part: When Obama was in office and I commented on him, the Regressive Lefties attacked me, saying I was a racist and actually a right winger

So now Trump is in office, and when I comment on him, the Trumpsters attack me,saying I'm actually a commie.

If Biden wins, the Regressives will be humping my leg again, just like the Trumpsters are.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling and shaking my head at the nutters.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
You're right. It's all the other side's fault. You win.
More sarcasm from the left wing pravda artist.......who's only purpose is to divert blame.........

Your side is burning......and causing violence.........WE ARE RESPONDING TO IT...........and then you say we are the problem.......LMAO

Good Luck.....Sell that snake oil somewhere else. ...............or take back your party from the lunatics YOU CREATED....................They can't keep pushing without blow's what they want anyways..........OH WELL.

You do realize he's actively calling out the morbid left in this thread.. Right? You don't like Mac... I get that. Fine... But you are attacking him for doing exactly what you are doing. HE IS RESPONDING TO IT. He's attacking the morbidly stupid left there. Where is the problem?
Here's the funny part: When Obama was in office and I commented on him, the Regressive Lefties attacked me, saying I was a racist and actually a right winger

So now Trump is in office, and when I comment on him, the Trumpsters attack me,saying I'm actually a commie.

If Biden wins, the Regressives will be humping my leg again, just like the Trumpsters are.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling and shaking my head at the nutters.
Most who have been here a while know you..........he might buy the snake oil for now.........that will go away in time........

Maybe you offer a coupon Mr. FRAUD.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.
Most of the posts you would deem questionable may be people trying to out upmanship each other. People set in their ways are adamant about their views. I would like to believe that most people on these boards are not out in public causing trouble. But really want to see things get better for all. And then there comes the differences in how that can be done.
This is just anecdotal, I realize, but it really seems to me that this crap is metastasizing throughout our society and culture. More and more people are like open emotional wounds, just ready to lose their shit at the slightest provocation.

When I'm talking with advisory clients and potential advisory clients, our conversation often ends up veering towards politics, because we have to discuss taxes and the economy. More and more, I swear, people are likely to go full drama queen and launch off into some angry, wild-eyed tirade about politics and the "other" party.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one seeing this, and I think we're entering some dangerous territory.
Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

The left abandoned liberalism when it embraced identity politics. The innate authoritarianism of cancel culture is more akin to fascism than liberalism, but few people have even noticed because it is CALLED liberalism.

Mac will not find these examples because his identity is now too strongly tied to being of the left to be able to see this authoritarianism for what it is.

Liberalism has already morphed into Neo-Marxism.
Neo-Marxism is cultural suicide that has an inherent arrogance totally lacking morality and spiritualism with little to no appreciation of history.
It was Neo-Marxism from the outset....The progressives knew this back in the 1920s, when they stole the term "liberal" to hide their true intents.

It is fully blooming today.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
You're right. It's all the other side's fault. You win.
More sarcasm from the left wing pravda artist.......who's only purpose is to divert blame.........

Your side is burning......and causing violence.........WE ARE RESPONDING TO IT...........and then you say we are the problem.......LMAO

Good Luck.....Sell that snake oil somewhere else. ...............or take back your party from the lunatics YOU CREATED....................They can't keep pushing without blow's what they want anyways..........OH WELL.

You do realize he's actively calling out the morbid left in this thread.. Right? You don't like Mac... I get that. Fine... But you are attacking him for doing exactly what you are doing. HE IS RESPONDING TO IT. He's attacking the morbidly stupid left there. Where is the problem?
Here's the funny part: When Obama was in office and I commented on him, the Regressive Lefties attacked me, saying I was a racist and actually a right winger

So now Trump is in office, and when I comment on him, the Trumpsters attack me,saying I'm actually a commie.

If Biden wins, the Regressives will be humping my leg again, just like the Trumpsters are.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling and shaking my head at the nutters.
Most who have been here a while know you..........he might buy the snake oil for now.........that will go away in time........

Maybe you offer a coupon Mr. FRAUD.
I say it, they do it.

Mac's Pavlov's Dogs.

yup.......I realize that.........but I know who he is and always has will learn that in time.......

He does it every once and a while for the Narrative.......then right back to selling we are both the problem..........He's a fraud.........and will ALWAYS BE A FRAUD IN MY BOOK........

You will have to learn this on your own in time.
Maybe... But here, ON THIS TOPIC... He's an ally. I don't agree with Mac on all his policies... Lord knows he's further left than I am. But there is absolutely no harm with agreeing with him ON THIS TOPIC.

Helping him ON THIS TOPIC is helping ourselves. Will he go back to harping on "Trumpsters" later... I'm sure he will. But that doesn't mean we can't agree to help each other against the MORBID LEFT.

Maybe you don't want the help form one such as him... I do... I'll take any help I can get against the morbid left. Which Mac is not considering he's here trying to fight it just as we are.
Well, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has been very successful with its tactics, nowhere more so than on college campuses. That's why I started that thread today on Cancel Culture, because it's great seeing REAL liberals saying enough is enough. We just need more momentum.
I agree.

The fact remains that, as usual, just pointing the finger at the other side won't be enough. That's part of how we got to this ugly place - we're refusing to hold our own side accountable for its misdeeds, and that only enables more of the same.
This is where I'm having a hell of a hard time... See... The other side is EVERYONE ELSE that isn't me. What liberals/conservatives/democrats/republicans believe doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

I come here to explain why I think the way I do, get input from others and change or reinforce those beliefs, because I don't represent any of those parties very well. Some aspect of each, sure... But you can't really call me any of those with a straight face, and after hearing all my thoughts on the main issues, and it's not like any one of them wants to claim me because of that.

Which I'm completely ok with... But I'm back to my side, and everyone else's.

So... How do I hold anyone accountable except for myself? How can I help you here?
Well, the video in that other thread is a great place to start. Like anything else, you speak up when you have the chance. You could do it here, if anything is said from your side that you feel is counter-productive.

Here's an example: I have a list of about 30 posts from Trumpsters here that are blatantly racist. I take that word very seriously, so I don't spray it around like the Regressive Lefties like to. But that's exactly what those posts are, loud and clear.

I'd guess I've posted that (growing) list at least 25 times. Not ONCE have I seen a Trumpster go after the people who said those ugly things. But EVERY time I post it, the Trumpsters go after ME. Full disclosure, I'm fine with that, since it proves my point.

If a Left winger refuses to hold the idiot rioters accountable, if a Right winger refuses to hold the racists accountable, both people are only enabling more of the same behaviors. I won't be a part of that, so I'll hold BOTH accountable.

The great list.............LOL

So desperate that saves it........says looky here........but many are out of context......might even be sarcasm.........are some Racist.......YUP.....

But it is all you have.............a few words and nothing else.......All that you can deflect against what the DNC has become.........There is no respect from me to that party anymore............NONE......

Race card is over rated and overplayed..........and you are just another left nut pouring gas on the fire desperately trying to shift blame.......................that is all you are.......

The ship is going down due to uncontrolled flooding on the port side.......all ballast measures from the ballast system has failed.....We are going down DUE TO FLOODING FROM THE PORT SIDE.........and your beloved party OWNS IT.
You're right. It's all the other side's fault. You win.
More sarcasm from the left wing pravda artist.......who's only purpose is to divert blame.........

Your side is burning......and causing violence.........WE ARE RESPONDING TO IT...........and then you say we are the problem.......LMAO

Good Luck.....Sell that snake oil somewhere else. ...............or take back your party from the lunatics YOU CREATED....................They can't keep pushing without blow's what they want anyways..........OH WELL.

You do realize he's actively calling out the morbid left in this thread.. Right? You don't like Mac... I get that. Fine... But you are attacking him for doing exactly what you are doing. HE IS RESPONDING TO IT. He's attacking the morbidly stupid left there. Where is the problem?
Here's the funny part: When Obama was in office and I commented on him, the Regressive Lefties attacked me, saying I was a racist and actually a right winger

So now Trump is in office, and when I comment on him, the Trumpsters attack me,saying I'm actually a commie.

If Biden wins, the Regressives will be humping my leg again, just like the Trumpsters are.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling and shaking my head at the nutters.
Most who have been here a while know you..........he might buy the snake oil for now.........that will go away in time........

Maybe you offer a coupon Mr. FRAUD.
I say it, they do it.

Mac's Pavlov's Dogs.

I have always called you out..........and NEVER have you accepted the violence challenge comparing left to the right......Tea Party to DNC riots..............

YOU CAN'T.........We are not the problem..............the DNC is the problem

You act as if we are the problem.............for example.......Someone comes up to you ....and you are minding your own business..........sees a maga hat.....snatches the drink and your hat and throws it in your face.........AND EVEN THOUGH IT WAS A KID was an adult in this example.....who gets up and BEATS HIS ASS....

Beats his ass because he started it.........instigated it.......and deserved to get beat down.........Your ROUTINE will blame the one defending .....not the is what you do daily here.

The long timers here know can't hide it...........and you can't help yourself
yup.......I realize that.........but I know who he is and always has will learn that in time.......

He does it every once and a while for the Narrative.......then right back to selling we are both the problem..........He's a fraud.........and will ALWAYS BE A FRAUD IN MY BOOK........

You will have to learn this on your own in time.
Maybe... But here, ON THIS TOPIC... He's an ally. I don't agree with Mac on all his policies... Lord knows he's further left than I am. But there is absolutely no harm with agreeing with him ON THIS TOPIC.

Helping him ON THIS TOPIC is helping ourselves. Will he go back to harping on "Trumpsters" later... I'm sure he will. But that doesn't mean we can't agree to help each other against the MORBID LEFT.

Maybe you don't want the help form one such as him... I do... I'll take any help I can get against the morbid left. Which Mac is not considering he's here trying to fight it just as we are.
Your time you will learn not to trust him.......Good luck.

I know what he is.........and REFUSE.......GOOD LUCK.
I must say I find the language, personal insults, talk of shooting, hanging, exiling of “leftist, communist Demoncrats” incredibly more dangerous than language going in the opposite direction.

Add to this the rightwing fascination with guns and gun culture, their accusations that defenders of a woman’s right to abortion are “mass murderers,” the fact that among the right’s lunatic fringe are the great majority of actual domestic terrorists in recent years ...

The carrying-ons of spoiled and childish, but unarmed, liberal students against rightwing provocateurs or ruling class spokesman on various campuses (I haven’t been on a campus in decades so I can’t say how exaggerated this is in the news) seems not exactly “terrifying” to me. But what of free speech to protest and peaceful rights to boycott? State power is increasingly beIng used and laws passed to make BDS illegal. I do not defend liberal stupidity, “pronoun Nazis” or whatever is the fashion of the moment, but somehow I don’t see these types as serious threats.

I note that the anti-liberal leftist Chomsky, for instance, signed the petition about “cancel culture.” Most Democrats who defend our African American citizens against police bullying and abuse, are opposed to Confederate flags and monuments in public squares, are also clearly against criminality, looting, violent destructive behavior, etc. But the right mostly insists on saying all Democrats support those activities. More violent language that makes real discussion almost impossible.
Most Democrats who defend our African American citizens against police bullying and abuse, are opposed to Confederate flags and monuments in public squares, are also clearly against criminality, looting, violent destructive behavior, etc. But the right insists on saying all Democrats support those activities. More violent language that makes real discussion almost impossible.
Sure, and that's a part of the rampant intellectual dishonesty that is wrecking us.

They've been convinced that they're in a "war", and in war, you can lie all you want. The ends justify the means.

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