Intelligent, Respectful Political Discourse, RIP

yup.......I realize that.........but I know who he is and always has will learn that in time.......

He does it every once and a while for the Narrative.......then right back to selling we are both the problem..........He's a fraud.........and will ALWAYS BE A FRAUD IN MY BOOK........

You will have to learn this on your own in time.
Maybe... But here, ON THIS TOPIC... He's an ally. I don't agree with Mac on all his policies... Lord knows he's further left than I am. But there is absolutely no harm with agreeing with him ON THIS TOPIC.

Helping him ON THIS TOPIC is helping ourselves. Will he go back to harping on "Trumpsters" later... I'm sure he will. But that doesn't mean we can't agree to help each other against the MORBID LEFT.

Maybe you don't want the help form one such as him... I do... I'll take any help I can get against the morbid left. Which Mac is not considering he's here trying to fight it just as we are.
I learned a long time ago that a nutter's (side irrelevant) biggest enemy is not a nutter from the other "side". They're easy.

A nutter's biggest enemy is a person who chooses to think for themselves, because we expose them for what they are.

There are people who simply will not be a part of any constructive or interesting conversation. I've learned that one, too.
I must say I find the language, personal insults, talk of shooting, hanging, exiling of “leftist, communist Demoncrats” incredibly more dangerous than language going in the opposite direction.

Add to this the rightwing fascination with guns and gun culture, their accusations that defenders of a woman’s right to abortion are “mass murderers,” the fact that among the right’s lunatic fringe are the great majority of actual domestic terrorists in recent years ...

The carrying-ons of spoiled and childish, but unarmed, liberal students against rightwing provocateurs or ruling class spokesman on various campuses (I haven’t been on a campus in decades so I can’t say how exaggerated this is in the news) seems not exactly “terrifying” to me. But what of free speech to protest and peaceful rights to boycott? State power is increasingly beIng used and laws passed to make BDS illegal. I do not defend liberal stupidity, “pronoun Nazis” or whatever is the fashion of the moment, but somehow I don’t see these types as serious threats.

I note that the anti-liberal leftist Chomsky, for instance, signed the petition about “cancel culture.” Most Democrats who defend our African American citizens against police bullying and abuse, are opposed to Confederate flags and monuments in public squares, are also clearly against criminality, looting, violent destructive behavior, etc. But the right insists on saying all Democrats support those activities. More violent language that makes real discussion almost impossible.
Actions speak louder than words..............They are the ones burning and looting and trying to stop speech from the other side...........PERIOD........

We are saying.........WARNING........END IT..............OR ELSE................that is the situation........and nothing more...........We didn't ask them to behave like animals.........they did that ON THEIR OWN........

They own this............When Obama was elected.....DID WE BURN THE COUNTRY TO THE GROUND........The TEA PARTY protested.............which cities DID WE BURN DOWN???

We didn't.........but they do.........we understand the Constitution and allow them to say IDIOTIC STUFF without trying to shut them down............But they do.

I must say I find the language, personal insults, talk of shooting, hanging, exiling of “leftist, communist Demoncrats” incredibly more dangerous than language going in the opposite direction.

Add to this the rightwing fascination with guns and gun culture, their accusations that defenders of a woman’s right to abortion are “mass murderers,” the fact that among the right’s lunatic fringe are the great majority of actual domestic terrorists in recent years ...

The carrying-ons of spoiled and childish, but unarmed, liberal students against rightwing provocateurs or ruling class spokesman on various campuses (I haven’t been on a campus in decades so I can’t say how exaggerated this is in the news) seems not exactly “terrifying” to me. But what of free speech to protest and peaceful rights to boycott? State power is increasingly beIng used and laws passed to make BDS illegal. I do not defend liberal stupidity, “pronoun Nazis” or whatever is the fashion of the moment, but somehow I don’t see these types as serious threats.

I note that the anti-liberal leftist Chomsky, for instance, signed the petition about “cancel culture.” Most Democrats who defend our African American citizens against police bullying and abuse, are opposed to Confederate flags and monuments in public squares, are also clearly against criminality, looting, violent destructive behavior, etc. But the right mostly insists on saying all Democrats support those activities. More violent language that makes real discussion almost impossible.
Its not as if anybody had ever said " fry 'em like bacon" or anything.
yup.......I realize that.........but I know who he is and always has will learn that in time.......

He does it every once and a while for the Narrative.......then right back to selling we are both the problem..........He's a fraud.........and will ALWAYS BE A FRAUD IN MY BOOK........

You will have to learn this on your own in time.
Maybe... But here, ON THIS TOPIC... He's an ally. I don't agree with Mac on all his policies... Lord knows he's further left than I am. But there is absolutely no harm with agreeing with him ON THIS TOPIC.

Helping him ON THIS TOPIC is helping ourselves. Will he go back to harping on "Trumpsters" later... I'm sure he will. But that doesn't mean we can't agree to help each other against the MORBID LEFT.

Maybe you don't want the help form one such as him... I do... I'll take any help I can get against the morbid left. Which Mac is not considering he's here trying to fight it just as we are.
I learned a long time ago that a nutter's (side irrelevant) biggest enemy is not a nutter from the other "side". They're easy.

A nutter's biggest enemy is a person who chooses to think for themselves, because we expose them for what they are.

There are people who simply will not be a part of any constructive or interesting conversation. I've learned that one, too.
You talk about regressives yet here in this thread, you are agreeing with their every word.
Oh, here we go again with the hypocrites on the left, chiding down from their fake lofty laughable moral platitudes.

What respect the left show towards Trump voters and true Christians.
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Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!

The left abandoned liberalism when it embraced identity politics. The innate authoritarianism of cancel culture is more akin to fascism than liberalism, but few people have even noticed because it is CALLED liberalism.

Mac will not find these examples because his identity is now too strongly tied to being of the left to be able to see this authoritarianism for what it is.

Liberalism has already morphed into Neo-Marxism.
Neo-Marxism is cultural suicide that has an inherent arrogance totally lacking morality and spiritualism with little to no appreciation of history.

Beautifully expressed and exactly describes the left in America. Arrogant, immoral, faithless and Godless. It is a path to Nihilism and destruction. That is the only way it can go.
Most Democrats who defend our African American citizens against police bullying and abuse, are opposed to Confederate flags and monuments in public squares, are also clearly against criminality, looting, violent destructive behavior, etc. But the right insists on saying all Democrats support those activities. More violent language that makes real discussion almost impossible.
Sure, and that's a part of the rampant intellectual dishonesty that is wrecking us.

They've been convinced that they're in a "war", and in war, you can lie all you want. The ends justify the means.
Uhh... The Portland mayor clearly does support criminality, looting, violent destructive behavior, etc....

Now that one democrat ISN'T ALL DEMOCRATS. But... It's easy for the right to suggest it's all democrats when your sane democrats, AND IT'S LEADERS such as Pelosi, don't bother to condemn it, while AOC and the like actually promote it. It's about the only news that is going on, and the media sure as hell isn't showing that Dem's are against the Riots.

Problem: CNN, it's the biggest at fault so we'll use them, is seen as a mouthpiece of the DNC. Haven't seen any democrats going on there telling other democrats we condemn the criminality, looting, violent destructive behavior. Just that the people lighting fires, blowing shit up, and looting are "peaceful protesters"

Edit: Is it because the left : They've been convinced that they're in a "war", and in war, you can lie all you want. The ends justify the means.

Edti2: Could be the media isn't doing it's job. Could be the democrat leaders aren't doing their jobs by going on CNN to do it. Could be a lot of things... However it's clear that it's not getting done.

I don't say this to finger point... I say it to show the inherent flaw that is helping this disaster. I mean there **IS** media covering it... But it's not the mouth piece for the left. The left don't watch the media showing the burning cars, explosives, and sharpened polls to stab officers. That's who needs to see it. If they don't, why wouldn't the right think that they support the actions? IS IT NOT IMPORTANT?
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Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

Here Mac opines about how nobody beleives anything Democrats say any more, since they all decided to be POS traitors and put violent street thugs on the payrolls and send them into the streets, encouraging hate crimes, looting, and attacks on police officers and Federal buildings. He thinks 'the other side' has to take his sicko deviant racist POS 'crime syndicate's 'positions' and extortion racket seriously or something, MAc thinks riots, looting, making heroes out of violent criminal thugs, and treason is 'intelligent, respectful,' ad nauseam.
Here Mac opines about how nobody beleives anything Democrats say any more, since they all decided to be POS traitors and put violent street thugs on the payrolls and send them into the streets, encouraging hate crimes, looting, and attacks on police officers and Federal buildings. He thinks 'the other side' has to take his sicko deviant racist POS 'crime syndicate's 'positions' and extortion racket seriously or something, MAc thinks riots, looting, making heroes out of violent criminal thugs, and treason is 'intelligent, respectful,' ad nauseam.
Here Mac opines about how nobody beleives anything Democrats say any more, since they all decided to be POS traitors and put violent street thugs on the payrolls and send them into the streets, encouraging hate crimes, looting, and attacks on police officers and Federal buildings. He thinks 'the other side' has to take his sicko deviant racist POS 'crime syndicate's 'positions' and extortion racket seriously or something, MAc thinks riots, looting, making heroes out of violent criminal thugs, and treason is 'intelligent, respectful,' ad nauseam.
Your party is
The violence in America right now in many major cities is overwhelmingly coming from the far left. That is not even a debatable point. But idiot Dims in the media and Congress say don't believe your eyes, believe us. :lol:

Nobody is buying that shit. 76% of Americans are saying the violent protest are out of hand. The 24% not admitting it are liars or anarchists.
I just wanted to thank Mac for helping bring things into focus. You see, I decided not to vote for either candidate in 2016 as I liked neither and found there were limits to how far I would go in regards to the lesser of two evils decision making process. Nowadays, though, he is calling people like me "Trumpsters" for opposing BLM and ANTIFA thuggery, and I really don't want to disappoint the fellow, so I really have no choice but to vote for Trump.

Thanks, Mac!
The violence in America right now in many major cities is overwhelmingly coming from the far left. That is not even a debatable point. But idiot Dims in the media and Congress say don't believe your eyes, believe us. :lol:

Nobody is buying that shit. 76% of Americans are saying the violent protest are out of hand. The 24% not admitting it are liars or anarchists.
So why have you guys changed the subject from a decay in our political discourse, which has been a decades-long process, to the violence we have been seeing over the last few weeks?

Okay, I'm just kidding, I know why. It's because you guys have no idea how to have a rational, honest, intelligent conversation about complicated issues.
Okay, I'm just kidding, I know why. It's because you guys have no idea how to have a rational, honest, intelligent conversation about complicated issues.
WTF is complicated about it.............They are burning .....looting and killing......and we don't like it.

How is that complicated you Fraud?
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us?

Over the half-century the Democrats became open enemies of the United States.
Then lets have another civil war and give us a chance to wipe out you evil red neck racists .. your trailer trash We blew it the last time
Okay, I'm just kidding, I know why. It's because you guys have no idea how to have a rational, honest, intelligent conversation about complicated issues.
WTF is complicated about it.............They are burning .....looting and killing......and we don't like it.

How is that complicated you Fraud?
I'll keep this as simple as I can for you, Einstein.

This thread has nothing to do with the riots.

Okay? got that, slugger? Simple enough?
Okay, I'm just kidding, I know why. It's because you guys have no idea how to have a rational, honest, intelligent conversation about complicated issues.
WTF is complicated about it.............They are burning .....looting and killing......and we don't like it.

How is that complicated you Fraud?
Because it's not about actual real events... It's about the discourse itself, and why it's a problem that we can't talk to each other.

Which... I DID ADDRESS. Directly to their points on why it's so damn hard. It's more about the ideology than the actual events.

I likely should have left out real events myself... But thought it was necessary to show the point effectively.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us?

Over the half-century the Democrats became open enemies of the United States.
Then lets have another civil war and give us a chance to wipe out you evil red neck racists .. your trailer trash We blew it the last time

Yeah. When you attacked Ft. Sumter, you sure did. Do you think a repeat would change the outcome?

Only someone who hates the country would want another civil war.

I believe if you people were to actually make such a boneheaded move, it would be among the shortest-lived uprisings in history.

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