Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

Because in 15803 instances since 9/11 Muslims in fact HAVE listened to such. That tells me there is OBVIOUSLY an issue. Why you deny that is beyond reason.

TheReligionofPeace - About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Don't be an asshole. I never denied anything.

How many Islamic terror attacks have been perpetrated by American Muslims?

Who said you denied shit? Can't you follow quotes? I was responding to SHogun's ridiculous assessment that the source of the material invalidated it's truth.

Dude, take a second, step back, and read the quoted post. It's right there. You responded to my post with "Why you deny that is beyond reason".

It's right there.
I will easily make the claim that the majority of American muslims have not comitted terrorist acts...

... just as i'll easily claim that the majority of christians don't fuck alter boys in the ass despite...

You originally did not say the majorotiy of American Muslims. You said American Muslims with no modifier, indicating the group as a whole. Glad you changed it.

However , even in that you prove the point. Christians don't have to decide to ignore it, because Christian preachers aren't preaching it. Much as white people in Philadelphia don't have to choose to ignore the crazy white guy on the corner talking about killn a ****** and they baby. Because there is no such white guy, but there sure are plenty of crazy Muslim clerics preaching kill non Believers, even here in the USA.

now you are just being stupid. I don't have to use the term "majority" when talking about all the christians who don't fuck alter boys in the ass, do I? Of course not.

way to keep leaping over the shark, fonze.


and, sure, there ARE christian preachers who preach fucking kids. Warren Jeffs does this exact thing. I guess.. Nawww... SURELY you don't want to be held accountable for the beliefs and actions of an AMERICAN CHRISTIAN...

face it, dude. You are wrong all day long and have nothing to defend your position with besides hypocritical standards and generalized stereotypes the likes of which you'd cry like a bitch if applied to you.

you are done.

Condemn the Church of the Latter Day Saints if it makes you feel better. They don't = all of Christianity. Oh wait I apply the same thinking to Muslims to. I am glad to differentiate Sunnis from Shiites from Kurds from American Muslims. From what I can tell the Kurds are the only Muslims who don't commit terrorist acts.

PS - I absolutely condemn the Catholic Church for not doing more to stop the raping of children within its Churches, I do not however condemn the Baptists for the Catholic Churches failings. See how that works................
That's very good, I'm glad to hear it.

If a crazy minister told me that God told him to tell me to kill people, I wouldn't listen either.

Why is it so hard for you to except that a majority of Muslims would do the same as you and I, and NOT listen?

Because in 15803 instances since 9/11 Muslims in fact HAVE listened to such. That tells me there is OBVIOUSLY an issue. Why you deny that is beyond reason.

TheReligionofPeace - About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Don't be an asshole. I never denied anything.

How many Islamic terror attacks have been perpetrated by American Muslims?

off the top of my head
Fort Hood
Beltway shooter
Jewish center shooting Washington state
Mall Shooting Utah
Motor vehicle jihad South Carolina .
Beyond that 100s of arrests with convictions.
Don't be an asshole. I never denied anything.

How many Islamic terror attacks have been perpetrated by American Muslims?

Who said you denied shit? Can't you follow quotes? I was responding to SHogun's ridiculous assessment that the source of the material invalidated it's truth.

Dude, take a second, step back, and read the quoted post. It's right there. You responded to my post with "Why you deny that is beyond reason".

It's right there.

No sir, I responded to Shogun's post in which SHE had quoted you. Honestly I tried to cut your quote out, but that never seems to work for me.
Who said you denied shit? Can't you follow quotes? I was responding to SHogun's ridiculous assessment that the source of the material invalidated it's truth.

Dude, take a second, step back, and read the quoted post. It's right there. You responded to my post with "Why you deny that is beyond reason".

It's right there.

No sir, I responded to Shogun's post in which SHE had quoted you. Honestly I tried to cut your quote out, but that never seems to work for me.

Maybe you tried to. But you failed - you just quoted my post, not Shogun's. But whatever, I don't really care.
No sir, I responded to Shogun's post in which SHE had quoted you. Honestly I tried to cut your quote out, but that never seems to work for me.

You thinking Shogun is a she alone makes me LOL.
You originally did not say the majorotiy of American Muslims. You said American Muslims with no modifier, indicating the group as a whole. Glad you changed it.

However , even in that you prove the point. Christians don't have to decide to ignore it, because Christian preachers aren't preaching it. Much as white people in Philadelphia don't have to choose to ignore the crazy white guy on the corner talking about killn a ****** and they baby. Because there is no such white guy, but there sure are plenty of crazy Muslim clerics preaching kill non Believers, even here in the USA.

now you are just being stupid. I don't have to use the term "majority" when talking about all the christians who don't fuck alter boys in the ass, do I? Of course not.

way to keep leaping over the shark, fonze.


and, sure, there ARE christian preachers who preach fucking kids. Warren Jeffs does this exact thing. I guess.. Nawww... SURELY you don't want to be held accountable for the beliefs and actions of an AMERICAN CHRISTIAN...

face it, dude. You are wrong all day long and have nothing to defend your position with besides hypocritical standards and generalized stereotypes the likes of which you'd cry like a bitch if applied to you.

you are done.

Condemn the Church of the Latter Day Saints if it makes you feel better. They don't = all of Christianity. Oh wait I apply the same thinking to Muslims to. I am glad to differentiate Sunnis from Shiites from Kurds from American Muslims. From what I can tell the Kurds are the only Muslims who don't commit terrorist acts.

PS - I absolutely condemn the Catholic Church for not doing more to stop the raping of children within its Churches, I do not however condemn the Baptists for the Catholic Churches failings. See how that works................

no sect of christianity = all of christianity, dummy. YET THEY ARE CHRISTIANS.

and no, you clearly don't distinguish between ANY group of muslim given that your whole fucking argument here is that, somehow, american muslims are evil and must not be allowed to build a fucking mosque in new york city.

I guess YOU don't see how it works when you don't blame baptists for the actions of catholics... but then don't have the slightest problem assuming that american muslims are about to GET US!


this is too easy.
No sir, I responded to Shogun's post in which SHE had quoted you. Honestly I tried to cut your quote out, but that never seems to work for me.

You thinking Shogun is a she alone makes me LOL.

Not a she, just another "internet tantrum boy" .
Real picture
Because in 15803 instances since 9/11 Muslims in fact HAVE listened to such. That tells me there is OBVIOUSLY an issue. Why you deny that is beyond reason.

TheReligionofPeace - About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Don't be an asshole. I never denied anything.

How many Islamic terror attacks have been perpetrated by American Muslims?

off the top of my head
Fort Hood
Beltway shooter
Jewish center shooting Washington state
Mall Shooting Utah
Motor vehicle jihad South Carolina .
Beyond that 100s of arrests with convictions.

do you think that is a longer list than what could be gathered of american christians pilphering the assholes of young children?
Who said you denied shit? Can't you follow quotes? I was responding to SHogun's ridiculous assessment that the source of the material invalidated it's truth.

Dude, take a second, step back, and read the quoted post. It's right there. You responded to my post with "Why you deny that is beyond reason".

It's right there.

No sir, I responded to Shogun's post in which SHE had quoted you. Honestly I tried to cut your quote out, but that never seems to work for me.

how is backtracking working for you, little girl? :rofl:
now you are just being stupid. I don't have to use the term "majority" when talking about all the christians who don't fuck alter boys in the ass, do I? Of course not.

way to keep leaping over the shark, fonze.


and, sure, there ARE christian preachers who preach fucking kids. Warren Jeffs does this exact thing. I guess.. Nawww... SURELY you don't want to be held accountable for the beliefs and actions of an AMERICAN CHRISTIAN...

face it, dude. You are wrong all day long and have nothing to defend your position with besides hypocritical standards and generalized stereotypes the likes of which you'd cry like a bitch if applied to you.

you are done.

Condemn the Church of the Latter Day Saints if it makes you feel better. They don't = all of Christianity. Oh wait I apply the same thinking to Muslims to. I am glad to differentiate Sunnis from Shiites from Kurds from American Muslims. From what I can tell the Kurds are the only Muslims who don't commit terrorist acts.

PS - I absolutely condemn the Catholic Church for not doing more to stop the raping of children within its Churches, I do not however condemn the Baptists for the Catholic Churches failings. See how that works................

no sect of christianity = all of christianity, dummy. YET THEY ARE CHRISTIANS.

and no, you clearly don't distinguish between ANY group of muslim given that your whole fucking argument here is that, somehow, american muslims are evil and must not be allowed to build a fucking mosque in new york city.

I guess YOU don't see how it works when you don't blame baptists for the actions of catholics... but then don't have the slightest problem assuming that american muslims are about to GET US!


this is too easy.

Please post the daylight between sects of Islam on the issue of dealing with mushrikun.
Don't be an asshole. I never denied anything.

How many Islamic terror attacks have been perpetrated by American Muslims?

off the top of my head
Fort Hood
Beltway shooter
Jewish center shooting Washington state
Mall Shooting Utah
Motor vehicle jihad South Carolina .
Beyond that 100s of arrests with convictions.

do you think that is a longer list than what could be gathered of american christians pilphering the assholes of young children?
Please post the scripture they are following before you attribute it to "Christian behavior"
Condemn the Church of the Latter Day Saints if it makes you feel better. They don't = all of Christianity. Oh wait I apply the same thinking to Muslims to. I am glad to differentiate Sunnis from Shiites from Kurds from American Muslims. From what I can tell the Kurds are the only Muslims who don't commit terrorist acts.

PS - I absolutely condemn the Catholic Church for not doing more to stop the raping of children within its Churches, I do not however condemn the Baptists for the Catholic Churches failings. See how that works................

no sect of christianity = all of christianity, dummy. YET THEY ARE CHRISTIANS.

and no, you clearly don't distinguish between ANY group of muslim given that your whole fucking argument here is that, somehow, american muslims are evil and must not be allowed to build a fucking mosque in new york city.

I guess YOU don't see how it works when you don't blame baptists for the actions of catholics... but then don't have the slightest problem assuming that american muslims are about to GET US!


this is too easy.

Please post the daylight between sects of Islam on the issue of dealing with mushrikun.

maybe you should go ask an American muslim so that when you walk away unscathed you can change your diaper and reconfigure your stereotype.
off the top of my head
Fort Hood
Beltway shooter
Jewish center shooting Washington state
Mall Shooting Utah
Motor vehicle jihad South Carolina .
Beyond that 100s of arrests with convictions.

do you think that is a longer list than what could be gathered of american christians pilphering the assholes of young children?
Please post the scripture they are following before you attribute it to "Christian behavior"

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 (King James Version)

28If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;

29Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

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jesus kicked moneychangers from the temple for defiling the temple. he said no where to react violently to transgressors; indeed, turning over some tables is hardly a call for validated violence. It's sad that you seem to have missed the point of that story.

Also, your previous mention of bringing flame to the world and putting brother against brother was a metaphor for a change in spiritual belief. Not, as you assume, some holy war conducted against non-believers. Note that no where in the NT will you find jesus calling people to war with anyone outside of the challenge of his spiritual message. We all know his quote to peter striking the ear off of the roman when they came for him. We all understand why he told peter to put away his sword. It's too bad you missed that day in sunday school.


And more:

Luke 12:49-53

I have come to set fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until the ordeal is over! Do you suppose I came to establish peace on earth? No indeed, I have come to bring division. For from now on, five members of a family will be divided, three against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother…

Matthew 10:21-22, 34-39

Brother will betray brother to death, and the father his child; children will turn against their parents and send them to their death. All will hate you for your allegiance to me; but the man who holds out to the end will be saved….You must not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a son’s wife against her mother-in-law; and a man will find his enemies under his own roof. No man is worthy of me who cares more for father or mother than for me; no man is worthy of me who cares for son or daughter; no man is worthy of me who does not take up his cross and walk in my footsteps. By gaining his life a man will lose it; by losing his life for my sake, he will gain it.

Jesus associated with Zealots for a reason, bub.

Again, you clearly have no idea that jebus was talking metaphorically about a conflict of spirituality.


So, bible scholar, care to cite the passage in which jebus gathered his army and pillaged Rome?


Praytell, go ahead and cite scripture which indicates a conflict with his message of peace otherwise... I look forward to reading how you invalidate his command to forgive others for their trangression as you have been forgiven. Please, show me where this grand battle finale is written!


oh man.. seriously.

Oh Man Seriously.

These books were written by people who never met Jesus and compiled centuries after his death.

Historically, Jesus associated with Zealots, who were revolutionaries. To think that he completely eschewed violence is inane.
Newsflash - 9/11 was not the first attack of the WTC. The Times Sq attempted bombing was only a few mobths ago. New Yorkers' "sensitivity and compassion" has been depleted. Its their turn for some "sensitivity"

Oh and where will all these "Muslim contractors" come from? There are EEOC laws in NY - not Sharia - yet.

There's going to be trouble. And unfortunately, I think that's what they want. Bloomberg played right into their hands.
Until the source of the money is made "transparent", this project should be stopped.

Allowing Islamofascists to set up a victory monument (originally named Cordoba House - think about it) near Ground Zero is beyond insanity.
no sect of christianity = all of christianity, dummy. YET THEY ARE CHRISTIANS.

and no, you clearly don't distinguish between ANY group of muslim given that your whole fucking argument here is that, somehow, american muslims are evil and must not be allowed to build a fucking mosque in new york city.

I guess YOU don't see how it works when you don't blame baptists for the actions of catholics... but then don't have the slightest problem assuming that american muslims are about to GET US!


this is too easy.

Please post the daylight between sects of Islam on the issue of dealing with mushrikun.

maybe you should go ask an American muslim so that when you walk away unscathed you can change your diaper and reconfigure your stereotype.
You are the expert,, you are the one making claims Prove there is daylight between these sect on issues that concern non muslims .
Use authentic scripture , consensus of the ulema fatwas and the tafsir.
Prove that these quran concepts text have been abrogated

Shirk is worse than Killing Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Since Jihad involves killing and shedding the blood of men, Allah indicated that these men are committing disbelief in Allah, associating with Him (in the worship) and hindering from His path, and this is a much greater evil and more disastrous than killing. Abu Malik commented about what Allah said:
﴿وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ﴾
(And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing.) Meaning what you (disbelievers) are committing is much worse than killing.'' Abu Al-`Aliyah, Mujahid, Sa`id bin Jubayr, `Ikrimah, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, Ad-Dahhak and Ar-Rabi` bin Anas said that what Allah said:
﴿وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ﴾
(And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing.) "Shirk (polytheism) is worse than killing.'' Tafsir Ibn Kathir
How can anyone who is against this Mosque because the people behind it are Muslims speak about defending the Constitution again when they are so willingly wanting to tear it up to suit their agenda in this case?
There are plenty of contractors in NYC who would have no problem building this mosque.

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