Interesting article on muslims in america

Christians and jews are not taught to destroy non believers. Muslims are. that's the simple difference. like it or not.

Christians did a lot of destroying of unbelievers...much blood and carnage and forced conversions. No difference. Like it o not.

When? the Crusades? Do you know what the crusades were all about?
When and where were these so-called "forced conversions" ?

A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.
nothing in the OP is untrue, then or now.

I realize that you libs have to be tolerant to the point of your own deaths, but you really need to wake up lest you become the next San Bernardino type victim.

I would be willing to bet that a majority of the SB victims were liberals just like you, now they are DEAD

Plenty of it is untrue. For example, Muslims don't worship an Arabic moon diety (any more than Christians worship a near eastern warrier god).

Yes, actually the do. Why do you think the crescent moon is the symbol if Islam?

Modern Gods have origins in ancient Gods and most of our traditions are thinly disguised pagan rituals. So...does that mean Christians and Jews worship a Caananite War God?

Allah is literally the pagan moon god of the Arabs before Islam:

Yawah (aka God) was a Canaanite War God. So what? The Bible’s Yahweh, a War-God?: Called “Lord of Armies” Over 280 Times in the Bible and “Lord of Peace” Just Once (I)

Are they still the same Gods or morphed into something different?

Even if that were true, Allah is not the same god as the Christian god. Furthermore, Allah is the direct descendent of the Pagan Arab moon god.

Calling Yahweh a "war god" is deliberately attempt to confuse the issue. All cultures invoke their gods when fighting enemies. They still do.
Christians did a lot of destroying of unbelievers...much blood and carnage and forced conversions. No difference. Like it o not.

When? the Crusades? Do you know what the crusades were all about?
When and where were these so-called "forced conversions" ?

A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.


The Christian Church and its Persecutions of Pagans
Sample Chapter for Zagorin, P.: How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West.
Plenty of it is untrue. For example, Muslims don't worship an Arabic moon diety (any more than Christians worship a near eastern warrier god).

Yes, actually the do. Why do you think the crescent moon is the symbol if Islam?

Modern Gods have origins in ancient Gods and most of our traditions are thinly disguised pagan rituals. So...does that mean Christians and Jews worship a Caananite War God?

Allah is literally the pagan moon god of the Arabs before Islam:

Yawah (aka God) was a Canaanite War God. So what? The Bible’s Yahweh, a War-God?: Called “Lord of Armies” Over 280 Times in the Bible and “Lord of Peace” Just Once (I)

Are they still the same Gods or morphed into something different?

Even if that were true, Allah is not the same god as the Christian god. Furthermore, Allah is the direct descendent of the Pagan Arab moon god.

Calling Yahweh a "war god" is deliberately attempt to confuse the issue. All cultures invoke their gods when fighting enemies. They still do.

...Yahweh aka "God" is a direct descendent of a Pagan Caananite War God. It's not "invoking" anything - it's what he was in that incarnation. Like I said - all the modern Gods have their roots in even more ancient traditions and dieties - if you're going to promote "Allah" as a pagan moon god, then be honest and admit you are worshipping a pagan war god.
Yes, actually the do. Why do you think the crescent moon is the symbol if Islam?

Modern Gods have origins in ancient Gods and most of our traditions are thinly disguised pagan rituals. So...does that mean Christians and Jews worship a Caananite War God?

Allah is literally the pagan moon god of the Arabs before Islam:

Yawah (aka God) was a Canaanite War God. So what? The Bible’s Yahweh, a War-God?: Called “Lord of Armies” Over 280 Times in the Bible and “Lord of Peace” Just Once (I)

Are they still the same Gods or morphed into something different?

Even if that were true, Allah is not the same god as the Christian god. Furthermore, Allah is the direct descendent of the Pagan Arab moon god.

Calling Yahweh a "war god" is deliberately attempt to confuse the issue. All cultures invoke their gods when fighting enemies. They still do.

...Yahweh aka "God" is a direct descendent of a Pagan Caananite War God. It's not "invoking" anything - it's what he was in that incarnation. Like I said - all the modern Gods have their roots in even more ancient traditions and dieties - if you're going to promote "Allah" as a pagan moon god, then be honest and admit you are worshipping a pagan war god.

According to Wikipedia, your theory is nothing more than a rumor.

Yahweh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎) is the national god of the ancient kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.[2] His origins are mysterious, although they reach back to the early Iron Age and even the Late Bronze:[3] his name may have begun as an epithet of El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon,[4] but the earliest plausible mentions are in Egyptian texts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan.[5]

In the oldest biblical literature, Yahweh is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[6] he later became the main god of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and of Judah,[7] and over time the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as the god of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.[8][9] By the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and the true god of all the world.[9]
We have around two million Muslims in America

As a group, they tend to be well educated, family focused and law abiding

all true-----but even from secularized muslim families-------a CALIPHATIST can
(and a lot TOO OFTEN) does arise. Caliphatism is as central to Islamic ethos
as "jesus saves" is to christianity

true, but the difference is significant. Christians are not instructed to destroy non-Christians, whereas muslims are not considered good muslims unless they vow and practice the destruction on non-muslims.

Now, it is true that many American muslims to no follow those teachings. But it only takes a few like the San Bernardino and Ft Hood shooters.

To pretend that this is not a problem is very very naïve and dangerous.

There are some violent and intolerant biblical passages that if Christians were to follow - they would be no different than Muslim extremists. Likewise there are plenty of passages in the Quran urging restraint and tolerance and measured violence in self defense as defining a "good Muslim".

the "VERSES" are not the issue. The issue is the interpretation thereof. ..."

Totally agree - that's the issue with a lot of religious violence. The Bible and the Quran contain quite a bit of violence, calls to exterminate (reminiscent of Daleks) right alongside contradictory phrasing for tolerance and peace.
Modern Gods have origins in ancient Gods and most of our traditions are thinly disguised pagan rituals. So...does that mean Christians and Jews worship a Caananite War God?

Allah is literally the pagan moon god of the Arabs before Islam:

Yawah (aka God) was a Canaanite War God. So what? The Bible’s Yahweh, a War-God?: Called “Lord of Armies” Over 280 Times in the Bible and “Lord of Peace” Just Once (I)

Are they still the same Gods or morphed into something different?

Even if that were true, Allah is not the same god as the Christian god. Furthermore, Allah is the direct descendent of the Pagan Arab moon god.

Calling Yahweh a "war god" is deliberately attempt to confuse the issue. All cultures invoke their gods when fighting enemies. They still do.

...Yahweh aka "God" is a direct descendent of a Pagan Caananite War God. It's not "invoking" anything - it's what he was in that incarnation. Like I said - all the modern Gods have their roots in even more ancient traditions and dieties - if you're going to promote "Allah" as a pagan moon god, then be honest and admit you are worshipping a pagan war god.

According to Wikipedia, your theory is nothing more than a rumor.

Yahweh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎) is the national god of the ancient kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.[2] His origins are mysterious, although they reach back to the early Iron Age and even the Late Bronze:[3] his name may have begun as an epithet of El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon,[4] but the earliest plausible mentions are in Egyptian texts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan.[5]

In the oldest biblical literature, Yahweh is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[6] he later became the main god of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and of Judah,[7] and over time the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as the god of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.[8][9] By the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and the true god of all the world.[9]

From your source. He originated as a war god. If you read Wikipedia's entry on Allah - you will find similar uncertainties (these were ancient times) - Allah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its an old email from at least 2006. The word 'article' was added at some point. Apparently in attempt to polish the turd.

Email: "Can Muslims Be Good Americans?" | Media Matters Action Network

With mention of this on SNOPES message boards as early as 2006 Can a good Muslim be a good American?

ok so its been around a while. that doesn't change the validity of what it says.

You're right. It's just as unvalid now as it was then.

nothing in the OP is untrue, then or now.

I realize that you libs have to be tolerant to the point of your own deaths, but you really need to wake up lest you become the next San Bernardino type victim.

I would be willing to bet that a majority of the SB victims were liberals just like you, now they are DEAD

Plenty of it is untrue. For example, Muslims don't worship an Arabic moon diety (any more than Christians worship a near eastern warrier god).

Yes, actually the do. Why do you think the crescent moon is the symbol if Islam?
It must be so much fun for you to be so full of hate, blind hate.
When? the Crusades? Do you know what the crusades were all about?
When and where were these so-called "forced conversions" ?

A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.


The Christian Church and its Persecutions of Pagans
Sample Chapter for Zagorin, P.: How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West.

We're talking about conversion by conquest, not religious intolerance within the Roman Empire. That was impossible until Christianity became the dominant religion in the Empire.

No one ever claimed that Christianity never did anything offensive. However, such things were departures from the faith, not the fundamental doctrine of the religion. On the other hand, conquest of infidel nations and the murder and forced conversion of non-believers is a fundamental doctrine of Islam. Muhammad himself stated these doctrines. Christ never told anyone to murder people because they didn't believe in him. Muhammad did. He personally slaughtered hundreds of people, raped women, and enslaved people.

Your desperate attempts to paint Islam is no different than Christianity continue to fail.
The funny thing is that somehow - this is all supposed to "matter". The OP seems to think that by calling Allah a pagan moon god, he is somehow diminishing the religion of Islam. Yet, I am willing to bet that the writer of that anonymous email (it can't rightfully be called an "article") himself is a worshipper of a pagan war god. So what does it really matter when all of today's religions, deities, messiah's, rituals and story lines have their roots in more ancient traditions? I think that is actually kind of marvelous - it enhances the interconnectivity of the divine.
Allah is literally the pagan moon god of the Arabs before Islam:

Yawah (aka God) was a Canaanite War God. So what? The Bible’s Yahweh, a War-God?: Called “Lord of Armies” Over 280 Times in the Bible and “Lord of Peace” Just Once (I)

Are they still the same Gods or morphed into something different?

Even if that were true, Allah is not the same god as the Christian god. Furthermore, Allah is the direct descendent of the Pagan Arab moon god.

Calling Yahweh a "war god" is deliberately attempt to confuse the issue. All cultures invoke their gods when fighting enemies. They still do.

...Yahweh aka "God" is a direct descendent of a Pagan Caananite War God. It's not "invoking" anything - it's what he was in that incarnation. Like I said - all the modern Gods have their roots in even more ancient traditions and dieties - if you're going to promote "Allah" as a pagan moon god, then be honest and admit you are worshipping a pagan war god.

According to Wikipedia, your theory is nothing more than a rumor.

Yahweh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎) is the national god of the ancient kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.[2] His origins are mysterious, although they reach back to the early Iron Age and even the Late Bronze:[3] his name may have begun as an epithet of El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon,[4] but the earliest plausible mentions are in Egyptian texts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan.[5]

In the oldest biblical literature, Yahweh is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[6] he later became the main god of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and of Judah,[7] and over time the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as the god of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.[8][9] By the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and the true god of all the world.[9]

From your source. He originated as a war god. If you read Wikipedia's entry on Allah - you will find similar uncertainties (these were ancient times) - Allah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's not "the war god" of the Canaanites, as you claimed.
Christians did a lot of destroying of unbelievers...much blood and carnage and forced conversions. No difference. Like it o not.

When? the Crusades? Do you know what the crusades were all about?
When and where were these so-called "forced conversions" ?

A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.

What bullshit. What absolute bullshit. Christian countries invaded and destroyed the cultures of non-Christian countries during hundreds of years of imperialism. Christian missionaries 'converted' people in those countries by decimating their cultures and bribing them with food, shelter, etc., and by manipulating them into believing that if they didn't convert to Christianity they would burn in hell. But mostly, the Christians had power, and the missionaries used that power to manipulate simple people into becoming 'Christians' in order to get rewards. They were not 'voluntarily converted to Christianity.' They were manipulated, bribed and frightened into it.
A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.


The Christian Church and its Persecutions of Pagans
Sample Chapter for Zagorin, P.: How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West.

We're talking about conversion by conquest, not religious intolerance within the Roman Empire. That was impossible until Christianity became the dominant religion in the Empire.

"Religious intolerance" include forceable conversions (or did you miss that part)? That is "conquest" - subduing and destroying local religious traditions under the aim of enforcing one religion.

No one ever claimed that Christianity never did anything offensive. However, such things were departures from the faith, not the fundamental doctrine of the religion. On the other hand, conquest of infidel nations and the murder and forced conversion of non-believers is a fundamental doctrine of Islam. Muhammad himself stated these doctrines. Christ never told anyone to murder people because they didn't believe in him. Muhammad did. He personally slaughtered hundreds of people, raped women, and enslaved people.

Your desperate attempts to paint Islam is no different than Christianity continue to fail.

Baloney. It was very much a part of the fundamental doctrine as was "turning the other cheek" and was wide spread once Christianity attained a state of widespread political power. Look at the OT for inspiration (and despite claims by Christians that the OT doesn't count it has historically been used to justify violence). For example the passage "I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword" has been interpreted by Christians as a call to holy war. The only thing that has domesticated it is the removal of religion from government.
When? the Crusades? Do you know what the crusades were all about?
When and where were these so-called "forced conversions" ?

A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.

What bullshit. What absolute bullshit. Christian countries invaded and destroyed the cultures of non-Christian countries during hundreds of years of imperialism. Christian missionaries 'converted' people in those countries by decimating their cultures and bribing them with food, shelter, etc., and by manipulating them into believing that if they didn't convert to Christianity they would burn in hell. But mostly, the Christians had power, and the missionaries used that power to manipulate simple people into becoming 'Christians' in order to get rewards. They were not 'voluntarily converted to Christianity.' They were manipulated, bribed and frightened into it.

better than being beheaded, or buried neck deep and stoned to death.

It is true the more people have died in the name of religion than any other cause in the history of the world.

But we live in today's world and the only religion doing that today is Islam.
When? the Crusades? Do you know what the crusades were all about?
When and where were these so-called "forced conversions" ?

A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.

What bullshit. What absolute bullshit. Christian countries invaded and destroyed the cultures of non-Christian countries during hundreds of years of imperialism. Christian missionaries 'converted' people in those countries by decimating their cultures and bribing them with food, shelter, etc., and by manipulating them into believing that if they didn't convert to Christianity they would burn in hell. But mostly, the Christians had power, and the missionaries used that power to manipulate simple people into becoming 'Christians' in order to get rewards. They were not 'voluntarily converted to Christianity.' They were manipulated, bribed and frightened into it.

Like with Islam - conversions were a mixture of voluntary, expedient and forced and that really is the history of the spread of religion in the ancient world. The conquering forces brought their own religion - soemtimes wiping out the old, sometimes tolerating it, sometimes mixing it together. It's silly to think that some how Christianity is "more special" than the others in this regard.
A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.

What bullshit. What absolute bullshit. Christian countries invaded and destroyed the cultures of non-Christian countries during hundreds of years of imperialism. Christian missionaries 'converted' people in those countries by decimating their cultures and bribing them with food, shelter, etc., and by manipulating them into believing that if they didn't convert to Christianity they would burn in hell. But mostly, the Christians had power, and the missionaries used that power to manipulate simple people into becoming 'Christians' in order to get rewards. They were not 'voluntarily converted to Christianity.' They were manipulated, bribed and frightened into it.

better than being beheaded, or buried neck deep and stoned to death.

It is true the more people have died in the name of religion than any other cause in the history of the world.

But we live in today's world and the only religion doing that today is Islam.

Some in Islam. Buried and stoned is hardly widespread in the Muslim world. Being beheaded - oddly, people get all upset at that but have no problem with people being grilled to death in an electric chair or hung by the neck or shot by a firing squad.
The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.

What bullshit. What absolute bullshit. Christian countries invaded and destroyed the cultures of non-Christian countries during hundreds of years of imperialism. Christian missionaries 'converted' people in those countries by decimating their cultures and bribing them with food, shelter, etc., and by manipulating them into believing that if they didn't convert to Christianity they would burn in hell. But mostly, the Christians had power, and the missionaries used that power to manipulate simple people into becoming 'Christians' in order to get rewards. They were not 'voluntarily converted to Christianity.' They were manipulated, bribed and frightened into it.

better than being beheaded, or buried neck deep and stoned to death.

It is true the more people have died in the name of religion than any other cause in the history of the world.

But we live in today's world and the only religion doing that today is Islam.

Some in Islam. Buried and stoned is hardly widespread in the Muslim world. Being beheaded - oddly, people get all upset at that but have no problem with people being grilled to death in an electric chair or hung by the neck or shot by a firing squad.

the difference is innocent vs guilty. sorry if that was too complex for you.
A thousand years of Catholic brutality against so-called 'heretics', for starters.

The Crusades were launched because Islam was trying to wipe out the Christian world. Most of the territory that is now Islam was once Christian. It was all converted through war and slaughter. Idiots like you ignore that history and focus on a few pathetic counter attacks launched by Christianity. Only idiots of your calibre are swallowing that "logic."

You mean the after the Christians tried to wipe out the Pagan world? And the territory that was then Christian was once Jewish and all those religious upstarts ....:lol:

Actually...the Crusades were launched because of a number of reasons but there is frantic religious historic revisionism going on in an attempt to white wash the crusades and the horrible slaughter occurred. Jeruselum and it's surrounding areas held a mix of Muslims, Jews and Christians under Muslim rulers (so much for forceable conversions). I think you need to "own" your own religious history of blood. Once a religion becomes a political power - life can suck for the non-members.

Christians didn't "wipe out" the pagan world. Pagans for the most part voluntarily converted to Christianity.

Your understanding of history is mostly the product of propaganda.

What bullshit. What absolute bullshit. Christian countries invaded and destroyed the cultures of non-Christian countries during hundreds of years of imperialism. Christian missionaries 'converted' people in those countries by decimating their cultures and bribing them with food, shelter, etc., and by manipulating them into believing that if they didn't convert to Christianity they would burn in hell. But mostly, the Christians had power, and the missionaries used that power to manipulate simple people into becoming 'Christians' in order to get rewards. They were not 'voluntarily converted to Christianity.' They were manipulated, bribed and frightened into it.

better than being beheaded, or buried neck deep and stoned to death.

It is true the more people have died in the name of religion than any other cause in the history of the world.

But we live in today's world and the only religion doing that today is Islam.

What percentage of anti-abortion terrorists are not Christian?
If you love muslims and they are just so loving of Americans, then why when I search for the peaceful muslims on YouTube, looks like there rally's are not very pro America. Any explanations would be helpful.

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