Interesting comparison on nation spending on climate change


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Seems to be one sided.
Not any more, thanks to President Trump putting America first.
If the USA reduces ALL POLLUTION by 100% within its borders, how is global warming not China's fault?

This is all Trump's fault?

Seems to me that Kathy Griffin should have held up the severed head of Xi Jinping.



Seems to be one sided.

Green is the new red is a reality! The left wants a transfer of wealth to other countries, climate is the way to do it.

In essence, this program is the way for the socialists to take down the USA without firing a single shot! Without a robust economy, the USA will go the way of Rome. The socialists know this, and so they attack her economy through climate.

I have never seen a bunch of Americans be so anti-American in my life. It is not-----> "the world is going to do this, and we won't," but rather......."we want YOU to do this and PAY for that, while we do little."

While leftists make the most noise, we have seen that the American people understand what is actually going on. If we stay the course, they can scream all they want, and the American people will slap them continuously at the ballot box.

This is exactly why they need an INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT, so they can deflect when our economy tanks towards the international community, insulating themselves from punishment at the ballot box. Let them STAND UP in congress and DEMAND what they want, and put a bill forward with signatures. Then we can either accept their nonsense, or kick their eco-socialist asses out of office.

These people on here crying are just PHONY-BALONEYS. If they are willing to put their ideas..........and their like minded congress critters on the line, then they should be demanding a congressional vote where everyone can see, who voted for what. They will NOT do it!


Because they know, while they make the most noise, they would be CRUSHED at the ballot box! Doubt me? Then demand they create a bill, and FORCE a congressional vote. Watch all their congressional people, run like hell in the opposite direction.

Trust me, all these people are P-H-O-N-Y! You should laugh at them every time they cry and bitch, and offer a congressional form letter for their like minded congress critters to sign. If they won't do it, they are HYPOCRITES-)

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