Interesting discussion of Progressive leadership styles


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Very interesting video about the Stalin led destruction of the nascent Russian middle class. EXACTLY what the democrats are working towards today.

There are no progressives in Congress. There are fake ones. Don’t be fooled by the fake ones.
Very interesting video about the Stalin led destruction of the nascent Russian middle class. EXACTLY what the democrats are working towards today.

I'm always reminded of how Russia pushed fake science down the collective throats of the populace

Meet Trofim Lysenko. He was a Russian scientist who proclaimed that the Western Agriculture techniques were inferior and corrupt. After all, they did not come from Marxism, so they had to be, right?

So he made up his own theories that were completely wrong.

But that did not stop the political leaders from using him as propaganda to show everyone how superior Marxism was to the alternative, so the implemented his bad science for about 30 years or so as millions died from starvation from poor results as crops either died or did not grow at all.

Think of that. They would rather let millions starve to death than admit a falsehood in their ideology and thinking.

This is what the democrat party is as they push farmers to either stop growing as much crops or put them out of business altogether, all in the name of reducing the fertilizer they use which produces carbon emissions.

Before this, the UN projected about a billion people to starve to death in the world.

Some things never change.
No. Real progressives are interested helping and protecting the rights of the people rather than helping the ultra wealthy and big corporations, which is what both parties are currently doing.
So that leaves Jesus verses the rest of the power hungry sociopaths.

Well that's just great.
I'm always reminded of how Russia pushed fake science down the collective throats of the populace

Meet Trofim Lysenko. He was a Russian scientist who proclaimed that the Western Agriculture techniques were inferior and corrupt. After all, they did not come from Marxism, so they had to be, right?

So he made up his own theories that were completely wrong.

But that did not stop the political leaders from using him as propaganda to show everyone how superior Marxism was to the alternative, so the implemented his bad science for about 30 years or so as millions died from starvation from poor results as crops either died or did not grow at all.

Think of that. They would rather let millions starve to death than admit a falsehood in their ideology and thinking.

This is what the democrat party is as they push farmers to either stop growing as much crops or put them out of business altogether, all in the name of reducing the fertilizer they use which produces carbon emissions.

Before this, the UN projected about a billion people to starve to death in the world.

Some things never change.
if marxism works...why are people leaving california in droves....I live in tennessee and all my neighbors are from california and glad as hell to get out
Thread summary:

"Conservative Stalinist party hacks lie about liberals to justify their current open lust for uber-statism. Film at 11".

It's not liberals currently on a censorship binge, threatening to use ThePowerOfTheState to jail teachers, librarians, doctors and scientists for saying things not approved by TheParty. That's conservatives, and every conservative on this thread is giddy with joy to see the censorship. None of them are shy about letting their statism freak flag fly. Just watch them jump in now to justify their unprecedented censorship crusade.

Nor is it the liberals trying to rig elections and form a one-party authoritarian state. That's 100% conservative, and every conservative here is proud of helping.

The two sides are opposites. Liberals are for liberty, conservatives crave to see the jackboot of the state stomping on liberty, forever.
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Very interesting video about the Stalin led destruction of the nascent Russian middle class. EXACTLY what the democrats are working towards today.

Nice try…but it is Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Democrats have fought for higher wages, worker protections, healthcare, educational benefits
Nice try…but it is Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Democrats have fought for higher wages, worker protections, healthcare, educational benefits
Yes, the "right to work" states main aim was to rid unions from states.
Nice try…but it is Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Democrats have fought for higher wages, worker protections, healthcare, educational benefits

What a contemptible lie. The dems began off shoring jobs under clinton. The dems enact legislation that raises inflation. The dems import millions of illegal aliens who keep the wages low by creating a two tier employment system.

All dem, all the time. Crushing the middle class.
Nice try…but it is Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Democrats have fought for higher wages, worker protections, healthcare, educational benefits
When the world retooled and rebuilt after WW 2 that made competition. When we opened up China and then made trade deals advantageous to them, that made competition. Our largest unions in the private side after the war went for everything they could get. Pro or con on it we slowly lost steel, auto, electronics, TV's and other industries to overseas corporations in other nations. They purchased the American companies and produced the products in their homelands as they became wealthier. The 1970's was quick in the decline and the 1980's hastened it even more.
Thread summary:

"Conservative Stalinist party hacks lie about liberals to justify their current open lust for uber-statism. Film at 11".

It's not liberals currently on a censorship binge, threatening to use ThePowerOfTheState to jail teachers, librarians, doctors and scientists for saying things not approved by TheParty. That's conservatives, and every conservative on this thread is giddy with joy to see the censorship. None of them are shy about letting their statism freak flag fly. Just watch them jump in now to justify their unprecedented censorship crusade.

Nor is it the liberals trying to rig elections and form a one-party authoritarian state. That's 100% conservative, and every conservative here is proud of helping.

The two sides are opposites. Liberals are for liberty, conservatives crave to see the jackboot of the state stomping on liberty, forever.
Say it enough times and you may actually start to believe it.
There is no difference between the two parties. There are significant differences between them and real progressives.
Political Words Are Chameleon Disguises

One of the obsolete Progressives you're illogically referencing said this when he visited Russia a few years after Communism took control there, "I have seen the future, and it works!"
No. Real progressives are interested helping and protecting the rights of the people rather than helping the ultra wealthy and big corporations, which is what both parties are currently doing.

Provably untrue. Progressives lauded Stalin, Mussolini, and hitler when they first came to power. They fell all over themselves declaring how great the work was that those vicious pieces of shit were doing.

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