Interesting discussion of Progressive leadership styles

Silly party mini heads .
Not a brain cell between them.

They are discussing Progressive Leadership styles , Aunty

"Fucking morons , darling, they could not see style if it was rammed down their throats . Have no idea what they are talking about "
Provably untrue. Progressives lauded Stalin, Mussolini, and hitler when they first came to power. They fell all over themselves declaring how great the work was that those vicious pieces of shit were doing.
I doubt You’ll find any progressives who think that today. It’s 2023 Westy not 1930. You're really behind the times.
I doubt You’ll find any progressives who think that today. It’s 2023 Westy not 1930. You're really behind the times.

Progressivism is a disease, it never goes away, it merely changes its name.
I doubt You’ll find any progressives who think that today. It’s 2023 Westy not 1930. You're really behind the times.
"The New World" Is Getting Old

How can somebody be "behind the times" when the times are running backwards? New-this, new-that, neo-blah are all regressions to past elitist tyrannies.

The Progressives became New Deal Democrats, who were as naive about the New Left as the Progressives had been about Lenin. They called those spoiled bratty snakes "idealistic young people."
"The New World" Is Getting Old

How can somebody be "behind the times" when the times are running backwards? New-this, new-that, neo-blah are all regressions to past elitist tyrannies.

The Progressives became New Deal Democrats, who were as naive about the New Left as the Progressives had been about Lenin. They called those spoiled bratty snakes "idealistic young people."
There is no progressive movement in this country.

Liberals aren’t progressives.

Obama and Trump killed progressivism.
There are no progressives in Congress. There are fake ones. Don’t be fooled by the fake ones.

How I wish this were true.

The fact is, the stranglehold Progressivism now has on the Democrat Party has produced a helluva lot of ex-Democrats.

The Democrat Party's positions on issues across the spectrum don't match up at all with their platform just a few short years ago.

Now I get when it comes to foreign wars and the military industrial complex they play ball and sell out.

But the Dems didn't used to believe in CRT and open borders.

Those two things alone have not only transformed the Democrat Party, but the nation itself. We're witnessing it as it happens under a supposed "centrist" President. (Maybe I should have put "President" in quotes as well.)

In that regard, the two Parties couldn't be further apart.

Moreover, the America First contingency in the Republican Party is growing - and soon the neocon elites like McConnell will be pushed out.

Denying this is just black pilled nonsense.
How I wish this were true.

The fact is, the stranglehold Progressivism now has on the Democrat Party has produced a helluva lot of ex-Democrats.

The Democrat Party's positions on issues across the spectrum don't match up at all with their platform just a few short years ago.

Now I get when it comes to foreign wars and the military industrial complex they play ball and sell out.

But the Dems didn't used to believe in CRT and open borders.

Those two things alone have not only transformed the Democrat Party, but the nation itself. We're witnessing it as it happens under a supposed "centrist" President. (Maybe I should have put "President" in quotes as well.)

In that regard, the two Parties couldn't be further apart.

Moreover, the America First contingency in the Republican Party is growing - and soon the neocon elites like McConnell will be pushed out.

Denying this is just black pilled nonsense.
Lol. Pelosi, Schumer, the squad etc are all nothing but opportunists controlled by Wall Street, the MIC, and big corporations. Exactly like the Rs in Congress are.

Hopefully someday you’ll recognize this fundamental truth.

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