Interesting factoid about EC winners who lost the popular vote....

winning the popular vote but not the EC is about like winning "best personality" but not winning the pageant. No one gives a fuck. Someone just please give Mrs Clinton her participation trophy so she can move on.
I have no idea what either has to do with your topic, but New York City has more people than the four lowest populated states in the union. Under a popular vote, that one city would have more power than four states.

Of course you have NO idea.......

This country needed a civil war to bring around equality......and women, blacks, native americans, etc. had to struggle to get equality....Now, morons like you are totally against raising the minimum wage because that would "hurt" rich republican donors.
winning the popular vote but not the EC is about like winning "best personality" but not winning the pageant. No one gives a fuck. Someone just please give Mrs Clinton her participation trophy so she can move on.

They will never be able to move on. Why? Because the puppet masters have to keep convincing them they win all elections, it's just that the Republicans found a way to cheat them out of their win.

That's why with every loss, Democrats never ask what they did wrong, they ask how Republicans were able to get away with it. Because if they ever told their sheep the truth, and that is conservatism is far from dead and buried, it would knock the wind out of their sails and some would quit coming out to vote.
I have no idea what either has to do with your topic, but New York City has more people than the four lowest populated states in the union. Under a popular vote, that one city would have more power than four states.

Of course you have NO idea.......

This country needed a civil war to bring around equality......and women, blacks, native americans, etc. had to struggle to get equality....Now, morons like you are totally against raising the minimum wage because that would "hurt" rich republican donors.

No, we are against raising the minimum wage because that's not the business of our government. Our federal government was created to govern--not to be involved in personal or business affairs.
They will never be able to move on

Speaking of acceptance or "moving one"....
Remember when McConnell the turtle stated that his MAIN priority was to make know the half black guy.....a ONE-TERMER???............LOL
They will never be able to move on

Speaking of acceptance or "moving one"....
Remember when McConnell the turtle stated that his MAIN priority was to make know the half black guy.....a ONE-TERMER???............LOL

If you can be honest for once in your life, don't you think it's every opposition parties goal to make a President a one-term President?
And "We need to be like other countries!" is only an effective argument for people like you who WANT to live in second-tier shitholes.

Shove that MAGA hat up your fat ass.....LOL

"The only reason you could POSSIBLY disagree with me is TRRRRUUUUUMMMMPPPP!!!!!"

Or maybe I didn't vote for Trump, don't like Trump, and it's just that I think you're a bigger dumbassed doofus than he is.

Congratulations. You make Trump look smart and charming by comparison. Being you must be like being in Hell.
Our federal government was created to govern--not to be involved in personal or business affairs.

Oh, sure moron..........How's about reversing Roe v. Wade???

Is THAT government staying out of personal affairs???

How's about you fuckheads heralding Citizen United

Is THAT government staying out by labeling a corporation the same as a "person"???
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EC saved us from the sleaziest politician in |American history.

I simply ask:

Of Donny and Hillary, WHO is facing multiple investigations on corruption, and WHO has had staff indicted and soon to be imprisoned???

Go on, fuckhead....answer THAT question.........LOL

I simply ask, "Have you tried zinc oxide for that butt chapping?"

Go on, fuckhead. Buy some.
If you can be honest for once in your life, don't you think it's every opposition parties goal to make a President a one-term President?

NO..........not when a senate leader states that this would be the MAIN priority just days after an election.
Our federal government was created to govern--not to be involved in personal or business affairs.

Oh, sure moron..........How's about reversing Roe v. Wade???

Is THAT government staying out of personal affairs???

How's about you fuckheads heralding Citizen United

Is that government labeling a corporation as a "people"???

If corporations are not people, then what are they?

Abortion is controversial because of what people consider it. Some consider it cold blooded murder, and others don't. We do have laws against murder in this country.
If you can be honest for once in your life, don't you think it's every opposition parties goal to make a President a one-term President?

NO..........not when a senate leader states that this would be the MAIN priority just days after an election.

So what's your complaint, that he was honest about it? Do you really think Harry Weed didn't want Bush gone after one term?
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......

They're all republicans.

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