Interesting factoid about EC winners who lost the popular vote....

I'm confused. Were you trying to convince us that the EC was a good idea? Because that's what you did, and I for one was already on board with that concept.

The EC was initiated to APPEASE slave states and smaller (by population) ones.....

NO other democracy on the planet neglects the will of the majority in the popular vote.

Simple as that.

You are correct about that, no other nation has a beautiful system like the Electoral college . Also no other nation in the history of the world has been as wildly succesful as our . Coincidence?

As for what all 4 Presidents who won the EC while losing the popular vote have in common. Here's something they don't have in common. Only Donald Trump's opponent went on a 2 year tirade ranting and raving about how she would have won if not for those meddling Mandalorians..And only she started a movement to abolish the EC, which by the way she hilariously applauded only weeks before the election. Of course it's also equally funny that Donald the moron bemoaned the EC just weeks before the same election.
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......
Without looking, can you name the President who lost both the popular vote and the EC?

Absolutely can
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......

It's funny how Democrats never had a problem with the Electoral College until you started losing it. Kind of like how you never had a problem with gerrymandering Congressional districts until you had less states to gerrymander.

It seems every time you people lose you don't stop and wonder if it's your policies or the impression you bestow upon the American people, but rather you think it means the system is broken and needs to be changed in your favor.

and if Hispanics suddenly start voting Republican you can damn well bet Democrats will build a fence.
I'm confused. Were you trying to convince us that the EC was a good idea? Because that's what you did, and I for one was already on board with that concept.

The EC was initiated to APPEASE slave states and smaller (by population) ones.....

NO other democracy on the planet neglects the will of the majority in the popular vote.

Simple as that.

You don't like it because you can't get your way.

Simple as that.

And "We need to be like other countries!" is only an effective argument for people like you who WANT to live in second-tier shitholes.

When we bring up how other countries have fences and walls, they start with the accusation we want to be like Communists or Dictator countries.
The EC was initiated to APPEASE slave states and smaller (by population) ones.....

Correct, because our founders wanted everybody to have a dog in the race. It's why you have only two Senators whether you're from California or Rhode Island. It helps to have more equality across the country.
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......

It's funny how Democrats never had a problem with the Electoral College until you started losing it. Kind of like how you never had a problem with gerrymandering Congressional districts until you had less states to gerrymander.

It seems every time you people lose you don't stop and wonder if it's your policies or the impression you bestow upon the American people, but rather you think it means the system is broken and needs to be changed in your favor.

and if Hispanics suddenly start voting Republican you can damn well bet Democrats will build a fence.

Correct. If Hispanics were renown to always vote Republican, that wall would have been up over 20 years ago and virtually impassible.
If you don't like the law, then change the law, pretty damn simple
Working on it :thup:

National Popular Vote

Funny how commies come up with unconstitutional schemes to try to nullify the Constitution and gain permanent power.

An institution created to accommodate for slavery has no place in the 21st century

I forgot the is the left wing spin on the Electoral College, more left wing lies.

Just in you need the House to pass it, then 2/3rds of the Senate and then 3/4 of the states. My guess there is going to have to be a huge left wing spin to even think it might happen. Wish you well on trying to change the process.
[QUOTE="Ray From Cleveland, post: 21479301, member: 55493"]It helps to have more equality across the country.[/QUOTE]

The above from a right wing idiot who has a hard time coping with voting rights and wealth sharing??
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......

It's funny how Democrats never had a problem with the Electoral College until you started losing it. Kind of like how you never had a problem with gerrymandering Congressional districts until you had less states to gerrymander.

It seems every time you people lose you don't stop and wonder if it's your policies or the impression you bestow upon the American people, but rather you think it means the system is broken and needs to be changed in your favor.

After Bush won they cried about punch card machines, so we got rid of most of the punch card machines and put in electronic machines costing us hundreds of millions of dollars. Then they cried about the electronic machines because they were manufactured by Diebold, so we spent hundreds of millions of dollars throwing those away and replacing them with different brands. Now that we have all different machines, they complained that Russia was able to hack them.

They cried about Republicans cheating the elections, so many states instituted Voter-ID so that couldn't happen, and they are crying about that.

We've done almost everything we can to address their complaints when it comes to voting. And in typical leftist fashion, they are still crying.
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......

Funny how you seem to forget JFK won the EC and not the popular vote either. wikipedia propagandists have desperately tried to disappear that fact, but I was actually alive and voted for the man so I remember the election results, unlike you youngsters.

"By the way, the fact that Kennedy failed to win the national popular vote was initially noted by major national publications such as the New York Times. As the years passed, and his legend grew, the complicated truth about the 1960 vote was forgotten, to be replaced by the story that Kennedy won by a little more than 100,000 votes.

After JFK was assassinated, his widow Jackie led an effort to elevate him to the pantheon of great presidents. His time in office became associated with “Camelot,” a then-current Broadway musical that depicted a Golden Age, the time of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Myths were shaped to support this concept—how he saved the world during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how he fought hard for civil rights, how he was the most faithful of family men, how, if he had lived, he would have prevented the Vietnam disaster.

A small part of that myth was that he won the popular vote in 1960. It was a pretty insignificant little fib that became important only in light of the attempts to deprive George W. Bush of legitimacy in 2000 and to abolish the Electoral College altogether."

JFK’s popular vote victory: the myth
[QUOTE="Ray From Cleveland, post: 21479301, member: 55493"]It helps to have more equality across the country.

The above from a right wing idiot who has a hard time coping with voting rights and wealth sharing??[/QUOTE]

I have no idea what either has to do with your topic, but New York City has more people than the four lowest populated states in the union. Under a popular vote, that one city would have more power than four states.
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......

It's funny how Democrats never had a problem with the Electoral College until you started losing it. Kind of like how you never had a problem with gerrymandering Congressional districts until you had less states to gerrymander.

It seems every time you people lose you don't stop and wonder if it's your policies or the impression you bestow upon the American people, but rather you think it means the system is broken and needs to be changed in your favor.

After Bush won they cried about punch card machines, so we got rid of most of the punch card machines and put in electronic machines costing us hundreds of millions of dollars. Then they cried about the electronic machines because they were manufactured by Diebold, so we spent hundreds of millions of dollars throwing those away and replacing them with different brands. Now that we have all different machines, they complained that Russia was able to hack them.

They cried about Republicans cheating the elections, so many states instituted Voter-ID so that couldn't happen, and they are crying about that.

We've done almost everything we can to address their complaints when it comes to voting. And in typical leftist fashion, they are still crying.
The newest is "we need to go to all paper ballots because computers can be hacked" nevermind that computers are used to count paper ballots. lol
Funny how you seem to forget JFK won the EC and not the popular vote either

In the national popular vote, Kennedy beat Nixon by less than two tenths of one percentage point (0.17%). In the Electoral College, Kennedy's victory was larger, as he took 303 electoral votes to Nixon's 219

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