Interesting perspective, I do not know how true it is. Russian bombing choices


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
I heard this live on the radio so I can't post a link..
Anyway... they were talking about the bizarre target choices Russia has made throughout this war.
If you are at war, it goes without saying your air campaign is going to consistently go after "high value" targets.
Military targets priority #1... and then supportive targets # 2. Like supply lines, the infrastructure your enemy needs to keep their military supplied.
Russia is apparently not doing this. They haven't bombed high value train routes, haven't leveled airports, haven't bombed communication sites, haven't bombed key Ukranian government buildings..... why?
Russia, especially early on, has near or total air superiority. Why bomb apartment buildings? Why bomb low level commercial buildings? Why bomb EMPTY buildings? That they know are empty.

I am not that up on what targets Russia has chosen, but it did occur to me that, yeah... most of what I have heard of is low level stuff.
I heard this live on the radio so I can't post a link..
Anyway... they were talking about the bizarre target choices Russia has made throughout this war.
If you are at war, it goes without saying your air campaign is going to consistently go after "high value" targets.
Military targets priority #1... and then supportive targets # 2. Like supply lines, the infrastructure your enemy needs to keep their military supplied.
Russia is apparently not doing this. They haven't bombed high value train routes, haven't leveled airports, haven't bombed communication sites, haven't bombed key Ukranian government buildings..... why?
Russia, especially early on, has near or total air superiority. Why bomb apartment buildings? Why bomb low level commercial buildings? Why bomb EMPTY buildings? That they know are empty.

I am not that up on what targets Russia has chosen, but it did occur to me that, yeah... most of what I have heard of is low level stuff.
Here's a link that should be acceptable: Why hasn’t Russia mobilised its vast air power against Ukraine?

I didn't look closely at that link. I wanted to get it up quickly. It could be wrong speculation.
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Why not just ask the question on why Russia doesn't just win the war and be done with the Ukraine. They certainly have the ability to do so. It's even being suggested by some that Russia could do it without the use of nuclear weapons.

The best explanation I can offer is that Russia doesn't want to destroy the infrastructure of the Donbass region and has no interest in taking all of the Ukraine.

For a better explanation, we'll have to sort through the US propaganda to find some truth.
I suspect because they want to take the parts of the country they want more or less intact as far as vital infrastructure goes.

That and a targeted building is seldom "empty". The Ukrainians (little russians) learned during WW-2 that rubble is damn good cover to fight behind.

Just look at Stalingrad and what the allies did to Monte Casino, they were both harder nuts to crack when there was rubble to fight in and cellars to hide from bombardment.

The same could be said of Japanese positions that were tunneled into sides of hills. Some of them were so hard to crack that the mouths were cleared and the tunnels bulldozed shut with the Japs inside.
meh... it doesn't make sense.
It is certainly cheaper to rebuild an airport and rail bridge than to spend 10s of $billions financing the war.
I don't buy the "he wants to save it for later"... that makes no financial or tactical sense.
War is brutally expensive. Way-way more than rebuilding a couple bridges and laying an airstrip
meh... it doesn't make sense.
It is certainly cheaper to rebuild an airport and rail bridge than to spend 10s of $billions financing the war.
I don't buy the "he wants to save it for later"... that makes no financial or tactical sense.
War is brutally expensive. Way-way more than rebuilding a couple bridges and laying an airstrip
Russians don't think in those terms, never did.
. Why bomb apartment buildings? Why bomb low level commercial buildings? Why bomb EMPTY buildings? That they know are empty.

Others have given useful comments .

But in this specific context these were targets containing military and/or munitions . Based on intelligence reports .

Sometimes the Nazis picked places like schools and hospitals for use and storage and sometimes some civilians were also kept there for propaganda reasons .
And when Russia attacked them long range, and there was civilian damage/loss, the Nazis used that to create what was basically False or Fake news .
"Russia deliberately shells hospital etc etc ."
Russians don't think in those terms, never did.
I started to argue... but then I thought about how they have consistently cheapened and cut corners on military equipment that end up costing them 100 times what they saved by using inferior engineering/materials.
I started to argue... but then I thought about how they have consistently cheapened and cut corners on military equipment that end up costing them 100 times what they saved by using inferior engineering/materials.
Except that precisely the opposite has occurred and is true .

Listen to experts in this field , not political hacks .

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