Interesting Question:If Obama Was White,Would Polls Produce Very Different Results?

Mar 16, 2012

Now this would be interesting. We all know about the skewed polls, and lately Rasmussen and Gallup have been avoiding giving Romney his real 7 point lead to avoid being ambushed by the Chicago Thugs in the White House. You should wonder if 5 or so points of Obama's lead is soley for racial reasons. In other words, Pollsters are terrified of being accused of being racists.{kinda like what happened between Gallup and "Heir Axelrod"}. Can you imagine if most polls told the truth that Romney is actually ahead 6 to 12 points? The MSM and "The Powers That Be" would be in a tailspin!.
But anyhow, what do you think? What would the pollsters be telling us if Obama was white? Maybe the truth?

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