Interesting Story

Why don't you go to hell and stay there. You think if you call me fat and stupid enough times that people will actually think you know what you're talking about. You don't. You're a pathetic, lonely, narcissist that is also nuts and you know nothing of what you speak.

Nothing you say ever has any validity. Because it's always negative. The most negative people in the world at least say something positive once in a while. Lastly, you are dumber than a friginng stump. You don't even live here, according to you. Good, we sure don't need anyone of your ilk in this country. Stupid bitch.

I'm not dumb enough to post this kind of shit and pretend it's legitimate.... check your fucking sources, blubber butt.

Tea Partier Asks Small Businesses to Stop Hiring People

Tea Party Group Says Small Businesses Should Stop Hiring to Hurt Obama - International Business Times

Tea Party tells small business to stop hiring to defeat Obama - Philadelphia Progressive |

Stupid bitch.

Dumb fuck. They all come from the same source.... and that source is not a legitimate one. Damn, it is no wonder people remain so fucking ignorant - so few of you seem to know how to interrogate information.... not a clue how to apply critical thinking.... no sign whatsoever of rational thought processes. None.

You're fucking embarrassing.
I'm not dumb enough to post this kind of shit and pretend it's legitimate.

No, you just post your own shit and don't present ANY evidence in support of it, legitimate or otherwise.

(However, I agree that this thread is about essentially nothing.)

Rinata: Amusing though this is, it's really bullshit. Sorry.

I don't know what you mean by that at all. I saw the story and could not believe how ridiculus they are. That's all. I thought it was kind of funny, so I posted it.

Dumb fuck. They all come from the same source.... and that source is not a legitimate one. Damn, it is no wonder people remain so fucking ignorant - so few of you seem to know how to interrogate information.... not a clue how to apply critical thinking.... no sign whatsoever of rational thought processes. None.

You're fucking embarrassing.

You are so full of shit. Do you know how many stories are on the web about this?? But what you're saying is that it's a lie. That's what you are really saying in the above post. But you're trying so hard to put it in a way that makes the enire world wrong and only you can straighten out their thinking. Then you accuse someone else of having no critical thinking skills?? Never do you give a source or any kind of reference for anything you claim. Because you're a narcissistic bitch. You are absolutely pathetic. And I have noticed more and more new posters that get your number right off the bat. Stupid Cow!!
Why don't you go to hell and stay there. You think if you call me fat and stupid enough times that people will actually think you know what you're talking about. You don't. You're a pathetic, lonely, narcissist that is also nuts and you know nothing of what you speak.

Nothing you say ever has any validity. Because it's always negative. The most negative people in the world at least say something positive once in a while. Lastly, you are dumber than a friginng stump. You don't even live here, according to you. Good, we sure don't need anyone of your ilk in this country. Stupid bitch.

I'm not dumb enough to post this kind of shit and pretend it's legitimate.... check your fucking sources, blubber butt.

Tea Partier Asks Small Businesses to Stop Hiring People

Tea Party Group Says Small Businesses Should Stop Hiring to Hurt Obama - International Business Times

Tea Party tells small business to stop hiring to defeat Obama - Philadelphia Progressive |

Stupid bitch.

She doesn't want more proof that this story was true. That will really piss her off. Thanks for posting them. :)

Dumb fuck. They all come from the same source.... and that source is not a legitimate one. Damn, it is no wonder people remain so fucking ignorant - so few of you seem to know how to interrogate information.... not a clue how to apply critical thinking.... no sign whatsoever of rational thought processes. None.

You're fucking embarrassing.

You are so full of shit. Do you know how many stories are on the web about this?? But what you're saying is that it's a lie. That's what you are really saying in the above post. But you're trying so hard to put it in a way that makes the enire world wrong and only you can straighten out their thinking. Then you accuse someone else of having no critical thinking skills?? Never do you give a source or any kind of reference for anything you claim. Because you're a narcissistic bitch. You are absolutely pathetic. And I have noticed more and more new posters that get your number right off the bat. Stupid Cow!!

I'm not saying it's a lie, you fucking moron. I'm saying (because it's true) that all these stories come from the same source - one dumbass blogger. How stupid can you get?

This is SOP for the media.... because they have limited people, limited time, a whole bunch of space to fill and need to attract hits to keep their advertisers and funders happy. So they all steal stories from each other. This really basic shit... yet you still refuse to understand really basic facts.

You are a waste of oxygen.
Dumb fuck. They all come from the same source.... and that source is not a legitimate one. Damn, it is no wonder people remain so fucking ignorant - so few of you seem to know how to interrogate information.... not a clue how to apply critical thinking.... no sign whatsoever of rational thought processes. None.

You're fucking embarrassing.

You are so full of shit. Do you know how many stories are on the web about this?? But what you're saying is that it's a lie. That's what you are really saying in the above post. But you're trying so hard to put it in a way that makes the enire world wrong and only you can straighten out their thinking. Then you accuse someone else of having no critical thinking skills?? Never do you give a source or any kind of reference for anything you claim. Because you're a narcissistic bitch. You are absolutely pathetic. And I have noticed more and more new posters that get your number right off the bat. Stupid Cow!!

I'm not saying it's a lie, you fucking moron. I'm saying (because it's true) that all these stories come from the same source - one dumbass blogger. How stupid can you get?

This is SOP for the media.... because they have limited people, limited time, a whole bunch of space to fill and need to attract hits to keep their advertisers and funders happy. So they all steal stories from each other. This really basic shit... yet you still refuse to understand really basic facts.

You are a waste of oxygen.

I cannot believe my eyes. You are really scary. Basically you're upset then because the story of what Brookstone said was reported by so many news sources. Now that's exactly what you're saying. Because they, "steal stories from each other". How do you steal a story that actually happened??? You idiot broad.

You are angry about absolutely nothing. And you're a liar. If it were a negative story about Obama, you'd have no problem with the content being reported in every newspaper in the country. You are pissed off at the story, not the fact that several sources reported it. That doesn't even make sense. Get help, witch. You need it badly.

Dumb fuck. They all come from the same source.... and that source is not a legitimate one. Damn, it is no wonder people remain so fucking ignorant - so few of you seem to know how to interrogate information.... not a clue how to apply critical thinking.... no sign whatsoever of rational thought processes. None.

You're fucking embarrassing.
The out of work, wannabe writer is schooling the International Business Times on how to do their job. :lol:

You're a regular Jay Fucking Rosen!
I'm not dumb enough to post this kind of shit and pretend it's legitimate.

No, you just post your own shit and don't present ANY evidence in support of it, legitimate or otherwise.

(However, I agree that this thread is about essentially nothing.)

Rinata: Amusing though this is, it's really bullshit. Sorry.

I don't know what you mean by that at all. I saw the story and could not believe how ridiculus they are. That's all. I thought it was kind of funny, so I posted it.
He means that your topic is bullshit.

And, it is.

Polluting the interwebz with your stupidity contains zero calories and you need plenty more than that to maintain your lardass.
Really??? So this fool holding the sign and the others fools grinning in the background are all Dems???

View attachment 15790

That, my moronic fat friend, is an image that dates back to the potential closure of the Government. How fucking stupid are you?

You quoted a source, that 'fights' right wing 'lies' by creating left wing lies. Man, it must suck to be this dumb. The original information came from a fucking blog on the Tea Party Nation site. Blogs are not official statements..... twit.

Why don't you go to hell and stay there. You think if you call me fat and stupid enough times that people will actually think you know what you're talking about. You don't. You're a pathetic, lonely, narcissist that is also nuts and you know nothing of what you speak.

Nothing you say ever has any validity. Because it's always negative. The most negative people in the world at least say something positive once in a while. Lastly, you are dumber than a friginng stump. You don't even live here, according to you. Good, we sure don't need anyone of your ilk in this country. Stupid bitch.

I can't even believe you said that. What a horrible thing to say!!! I've known some LOVELY stumps, and they in no wise deserved to have that idjit compared to them.
Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring People In Order To Bring Down President Obama

Tea Party Nation sent a message to their members today urging businesspeople to stop hiring people in an effort to sabotage the economy and make President Obama fail. The message came from activist (and traitor) Melissa Brookstone, and reads as follows.

Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring People In Order To Bring Down President Obama | Addicting Info

I'm not really surprised. These people only care about getting their way. A bunch of narcissistic idiots that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Party first all the way with these people
No, you just post your own shit and don't present ANY evidence in support of it, legitimate or otherwise.

(However, I agree that this thread is about essentially nothing.)

Rinata: Amusing though this is, it's really bullshit. Sorry.

I don't know what you mean by that at all. I saw the story and could not believe how ridiculus they are. That's all. I thought it was kind of funny, so I posted it.
He means that your topic is bullshit.

And, it is.

Polluting the interwebz with your stupidity contains zero calories and you need plenty more than that to maintain your lardass.

She thought it was a legitimate story... and now she's butthurt cuz she got her big ass handed to her... again.
Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring People In Order To Bring Down President Obama

Tea Party Nation sent a message to their members today urging businesspeople to stop hiring people in an effort to sabotage the economy and make President Obama fail. The message came from activist (and traitor) Melissa Brookstone, and reads as follows.

Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring People In Order To Bring Down President Obama | Addicting Info

I'm not really surprised. These people only care about getting their way. A bunch of narcissistic idiots that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Party first all the way with these people

I don't know what you mean by that at all. I saw the story and could not believe how ridiculus they are. That's all. I thought it was kind of funny, so I posted it.
He means that your topic is bullshit.

And, it is.

Polluting the interwebz with your stupidity contains zero calories and you need plenty more than that to maintain your lardass.

She thought it was a legitimate story... and now she's butthurt cuz she got her big ass handed to her... again.
Damn, girl! You must be pumping iron regularly to be able to handle that load.
I don't know what you mean by that at all. I saw the story and could not believe how ridiculus they are. That's all. I thought it was kind of funny, so I posted it.
He means that your topic is bullshit.

And, it is.

Polluting the interwebz with your stupidity contains zero calories and you need plenty more than that to maintain your lardass.

She thought it was a legitimate story... and now she's butthurt cuz she got her big ass handed to her... again.

Yep, 'tis so...
No, you just post your own shit and don't present ANY evidence in support of it, legitimate or otherwise.

(However, I agree that this thread is about essentially nothing.)

Rinata: Amusing though this is, it's really bullshit. Sorry.

I don't know what you mean by that at all. I saw the story and could not believe how ridiculus they are. That's all. I thought it was kind of funny, so I posted it.
He means that your topic is bullshit.

And, it is.

Polluting the interwebz with your stupidity contains zero calories and you need plenty more than that to maintain your lardass.

Get lost, Cleo. Love your Halloween costume. Your post was intended only for purposes of kissing CG's ass. What's wrong?? Hasn't she been paying enough attention to you lately??? Maybe on Halloween she'll take you walking. Neither of you even have to dress!! She's already a witch and you are already a dog. Have fun!!
I don't know what you mean by that at all. I saw the story and could not believe how ridiculus they are. That's all. I thought it was kind of funny, so I posted it.
He means that your topic is bullshit.

And, it is.

Polluting the interwebz with your stupidity contains zero calories and you need plenty more than that to maintain your lardass.

She thought it was a legitimate story... and now she's butthurt cuz she got her big ass handed to her... again.

It is a legitimate story. You admitted that in a prior post. Did you forget?? What are you, on the sauce or something?? Stupid Cow!!!
Last edited:
He means that your topic is bullshit.

And, it is.

Polluting the interwebz with your stupidity contains zero calories and you need plenty more than that to maintain your lardass.

She thought it was a legitimate story... and now she's butthurt cuz she got her big ass handed to her... again.
Damn, girl! You must be pumping iron regularly to be able to handle that load.

OMG!!! You desperate kiss ass!!! How pathetic. Well, at least your Halloween picture is nice.


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