Interesting Tidbit On Student Loan Forgiveness

Sure, everyone pays taxes and yes we must have a robust social infrastructure of services, benefits, and laws that mitigate the inequality and injustices of living under a capitalist-run system of human exploitation.
Well, the democratic socialist run cities and states have the worse income inequality in the country.
The investment of the youth and the future of our country is in dedicating all of their time and energy to studying. That's all they should worry about in college or in vocational school. Studying. Hitting the books HARD.

If they get a job because they need to support themselves, while they're studying, the last thing they need is to also have to pay tuition fees and worry about scholarships (they already have a scholarship from the society that they're going to serve after they get their degrees or trade). Our country has more than enough wealth to provide our citizens with the best education, tuition-free.

With few exceptions, the children of the wealthy, don't need to get a 9 to 5 to support themselves while they're studying, to avoid starving to death or going homeless. Their rich daddy and mommy tells them "honey, just focus on your studies". Education is vital to our country's survival and success, hence it should be provided tuition-free at all public schools. Preschool to Ph.D. They will pay back society, by fully committing themselves to their profession, whatever that might be. The ROI, of investing in the education of our children is 1000-fold. It's an investment that society must ensure. It should not be left to a market or a person's ability to pay, sell their labor power or convince someone to grant them a scholarship.

More, your claim that people should score a B to benefit from a college education is false. If a person chooses to go to college rather than to a vocational school, and they don't have a higher-than-average IQ or make a B average, that doesn't mean that they and their community can't benefit from that college education. They can still become a productive member of society without having a high IQ or scoring above-average grades in college. If they try college and don't succeed, they can go to a vocational school. College refines people, it expands cognition, a person's ability to conduct their own research, and develop a more sophisticated perspective of reality. It opens the mind, hence it's good for everyone.

We're shameless in admitting that our children will have access to plenty of resources to help them succeed in life, while we convey our austere plan for "success" to the working class (those other people).

"Listen, all of you working-class people, I know my children won't have to do this, but here is a plan for you to have your children get themselves up by their bootstraps and work themselves 7 to 5 or maybe 9 to 7 into a college degree or trade. Here it is:

You sleep maybe five hours daily at the most, preferably four hours if you can, and you ride the train and a bus to work six days a week, then at night you hop on the bus and that takes you back to the train and then you ride the train to night college. I suggest you drink some RED BULL, to keep you "energetic" and attentive in class.

After school at 10:15 pm, you run back to the train (real fast, like Tom Cruise):

...and ride it to the bus stop. Then you ride the bus back home, arriving at around 11:25 pm. You take a shower, and by 12 midnight you're ready to hit the sack. You don't really have to study, due to all of the RED BULL you're drinking. You wake up at 5 am and repeat, wax on and wax off, six days weekly for four years and you'll have a degree. "

That's what you have to do young lady. I know you're tired, but if you want an education, you're going to have to work hard (REAL HARD - like IRON WOMAN). Walmart isn't paying you a living wage, and you're on food stamps, but just toughen up girl.

The wealthy advisor to the working class turns around to her kids....

" Son just focus on your studies, get good grades, and rich mommy will take care of your expenses. It's those working-class people that should, work it out for themselves. That's life. Survival of the fittest, but you're lucky. Just study and I'll take care of the rest. Once you graduate, I'll even help you get established in society, and get a good job. You'll start your new career with plenty of support from your wealthy, well-connected family and Jewish community".

What’s this last dig about Jewish community?

You far-leftists are such bigots.
What you call “human exploitation” is what I call a system by which motivated, capable people can train for careers and become a productive, valuable, and well-compensated part of a business. From that, they can buy homes, cars, eat out, go to the theater, and go on great vacations, and save for a comfortable retirement - even if they were born into poverty.

It’s a great system that encourages and rewards initiative, ability, discipline, and smart choices in life.
Yup. Russia is full of people drunk on Vodka because they have no incentive to better themselves.
Inflation can easily be controlled by the government, because it's often due to capitalists raising prices to capitalize on a crisis, despite still running a profitable, sustainable business. The government intervenes and stops the cascading wave of higher prices across the market, with its authority:

This has happened several times throughout our nation's history. Government intervening to stop inflation and to bail out capitalists from their bad business decisions, to avoid a catastrophic collapse of our economy.

Higher taxes for the wealthy was one of the emblematic features of the golden age of our economy, starting in the 1930s, under FDR's New Deal, all the way to the late 1970s. In the 1950s and 60s, 1/3rd of the American workforce was unionized, and one breadwinner earning a blue-collar wage could provide for the whole family. The highest-paid CEOs were making 20 times that of the average worker in their companies, whereas today the average CEO of a Fortune 500 company makes 400 times the average worker.

My maternal grandfather migrated here from Cuba in 1961 with his wife and children, without a dime in his pocket. He got a job with Bertram Yachts, in Miami, Florida, spraying wooden boat hull molds with fiberglass. He was the sole provider in the family and by 1965, he saved enough money to buy a house, with a large backyard and several mango and aguacate trees, 100% cash, without a bank loan. Try doing that now with a blue-collar wage, starting from scratch in just four years, while supporting your spouse and two kids.

In the 1980s, supply-side, trickle-down economics gutted the working class and stripped America of its manufacturing base. Labor unions were decimated by Reagan's policies:

What the working class has been left with is stagnant wages, few benefits if any, longer hours, higher living costs, and limited if not zero access to affordable healthcare and education. The Republicans have no problem with the rich getting their huge piece of the pie and leaving crumbs for everyone else.

You blab on and on too much. Learn to summarize your point in a few paragraphs.
Inflation can easily be controlled by the government, because it's often due to capitalists raising prices to capitalize on a crisis, despite still running a profitable, sustainable business. The government intervenes and stops the cascading wave of higher prices across the market, with its authority:

This has happened several times throughout our nation's history. Government intervening to stop inflation and to bail out capitalists from their bad business decisions, to avoid a catastrophic collapse of our economy.

Higher taxes for the wealthy was one of the emblematic features of the golden age of our economy, starting in the 1930s, under FDR's New Deal, all the way to the late 1970s. In the 1950s and 60s, 1/3rd of the American workforce was unionized, and one breadwinner earning a blue-collar wage could provide for the whole family. The highest-paid CEOs were making 20 times that of the average worker in their companies, whereas today the average CEO of a Fortune 500 company makes 400 times the average worker.

My maternal grandfather migrated here from Cuba in 1961 with his wife and children, without a dime in his pocket. He got a job with Bertram Yachts, in Miami, Florida, spraying wooden boat hull molds with fiberglass. He was the sole provider in the family and by 1965, he saved enough money to buy a house, with a large backyard and several mango and aguacate trees, 100% cash, without a bank loan. Try doing that now with a blue-collar wage, starting from scratch in just four years, while supporting your spouse and two kids.

In the 1980s, supply-side, trickle-down economics gutted the working class and stripped America of its manufacturing base. Labor unions were decimated by Reagan's policies:

What the working class has been left with is stagnant wages, few benefits if any, longer hours, higher living costs, and limited if not zero access to affordable healthcare and education. The Republicans have no problem with the rich getting their huge piece of the pie and leaving crumbs for everyone else.

LOL. Inflation cannot be easily controlled, especially under leftist policies. Hell, we just had a run on banks because of the rise in interest rates and inflation is still way too high. What do we do, raise interest rates further and have even more runs on banks? Venezuela is doing a bank up job of easily controlling inflation.
Yup. Russia is full of people drunk on Vodka because they have no incentive to better themselves.
Communist Front hates people like my family - because we prove him wrong. From abject poverty in a cold-water tenement as a teen to a homeowner by age 30, and on to the more expensive house as their career takes off, complete with luxury travel and vacation homes. Describes my mother, father, aunt, and uncle.
LOL. Inflation cannot be easily controlled, especially under leftist policies. Hell, we just had a run on banks because of the rise in interest rates and inflation is still way too high. What do we do, raise interest rates further and have even more runs on banks? Venezuela is doing a bank up job of easily controlling inflation.
Communist Front answer is to print more money and give free college, housing, and food to everyone.
The Attitude Is, "If You're So Smart, Why Haven't You Made the Rich Richer?"

Those most able to "invest" in education aren't those most able to do the job. So unpaid education only produces generic employees. They "know how to" do the job, but that's the same as the fact that most boys "know how to" play a sport but can't even make their team.

Generic is degenerate.
People can't pay back their student loans because the investment in their education was apparently a bad investment.
They can't afford to pay their loans because of the crushing debt those loans forced them under. You want a society that can't afford kids or marriage, keep their necks under the boot.
They6 were dumb enough to accept the loan they still have the responsibility to pay it back.
You capitalist parasite, leeching off of the labor of others, to generate an income. Who do you think you are? Roll up your sleeves and get to work.
What do you do for a living? Construction? Coal miner? Whiny bitch?
These kinds of people think that the more they post, the more they prove their point.
I think they overwhelm us with all sorts of things so it becomes to much of an effort to try to unpack all the ridiculous things they said. It’s a form of suffocating us into silence.
They can't afford to pay their loans because of the crushing debt those loans forced them under. You want a society that can't afford kids or marriage, keep their necks under the boot.
How did government force people to take out a student loan?
They can't afford to pay their loans because of the crushing debt those loans forced them under. You want a society that can't afford kids or marriage, keep their necks under the boot.
I don't understand why this is so difficult to grasp....assuming a base level of numeracy....
This is true. Consider DC: You have either the wealthy living in luxury condos or townhomes in Georgetown (or those big houses in upper NW), and then welfare recipients everywhere else.
When was the last time you were in DC?

Georgetown is dying a slow death, because it's not on the Metro.
When was the last time you were in DC?

Georgetown is dying a slow death, because it's not on the Metro.
The townhomes there still go for $5 million.

And anyway, I don’t want to waste any more time with a liberal racist who can’t believe a white graduated Phi Beta Kappa - and only could get into a good school because Daddy went there.

(I love showing how racist these leftists are.)

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