Internal Contradictions of the Far Left in USA


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I goit this off a friends post online, but added a few myself and wanted to share it.

1. All cops are racists, but only cops should carry guns.

2. We have foreign interference in elections, but voter ID laws are immoral.

3. GMOs are good and vaccines are bad.

4. Climate change (<100 years) is settled but two sexes (<250k years) are in doubt.

5. Drinking Big Gulps are bad, but glasses of wine with more calories is good.

6. Supporting homosexuality AND Sharia law simultaneously.

7. Open borders are great while living in gated and guarded communities.

8. It's morally abhorent to execute a serial killer, but killing infants is okay.

9. Preaching about the wonders of wind and solar polar while ignoring the environmental damage (i.e. fire hazards, toxic chemical composition) of these technologies.

10. Blasting ICE for separating families from children, while saying nothing about this being done daily by LEOs across the nation to citizens routinely.

11. Claiming that Trumps attempts to obstruct justice for an investigation of no proven crime is impeachable, but Congress ordering the AG to violate the law is OK.

12. Promoting 'Womens rights' while making laws that would subject women to the draft, obliterate women's sports with biological men, and remove the traditional protections of women under the rubric of sexual equality.

13. Trump is corrupt for getting a business opportunity in Moscow that has been abandoned as far as anyone can tell, while Biden has family doing billions of business in China.

14. Western Males micro aggressions are intolerable while one musnt critique ME cultures that treat women as second class citizens and allow young women to be sold.

15. Mohamed (PBUH) was a feminist.

16. Denouncing racism while embracing Identity Politics which is based on group interests, group guilt and damns all whites as racist and privileged.

17. No faith in religion or God, but complete faith ion government to do the right thing, despite the record of Democide for the last century and a half.

18. Simultaneously pushing for criminal due process while also calling for the presumed guilt of any man accused of rape.

19. Making people dependent on state welfare somehow liberates and empowers people.

20. Men suffer from toxic masculinity and the most feminist of women are the least feminine of all women, and yet we shouldn't discriminate against people for their gender.
Try balancing open borders with raising minimum wages. You can pick one or the other, not both. That's how the laws of math works.

Then there is the push for women's rights running into transgender athletes. Congratulations on all these world records falling. I'd be laughing at the liberals but if I were in the wrong state, it may well be my daughter out there running or swimming or cycling against boys.

Corporate monopolies are wonderful when they censor free speech on the internet.
As Orwell wrote, describing “Doublethink”

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.
The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them… To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.

Doublethink - Wikipedia
I think this is going to get big play during the 2020 POTUS election
I goit this off a friends post online, but added a few myself and wanted to share it.

1. All cops are racists, but only cops should carry guns.

2. We have foreign interference in elections, but voter ID laws are immoral.

3. GMOs are good and vaccines are bad.

4. Climate change (<100 years) is settled but two sexes (<250k years) are in doubt.

5. Drinking Big Gulps are bad, but glasses of wine with more calories is good.

6. Supporting homosexuality AND Sharia law simultaneously.

7. Open borders are great while living in gated and guarded communities.

8. It's morally abhorent to execute a serial killer, but killing infants is okay.

9. Preaching about the wonders of wind and solar polar while ignoring the environmental damage (i.e. fire hazards, toxic chemical composition) of these technologies.

10. Blasting ICE for separating families from children, while saying nothing about this being done daily by LEOs across the nation to citizens routinely.

11. Claiming that Trumps attempts to obstruct justice for an investigation of no proven crime is impeachable, but Congress ordering the AG to violate the law is OK.

12. Promoting 'Womens rights' while making laws that would subject women to the draft, obliterate women's sports with biological men, and remove the traditional protections of women under the rubric of sexual equality.

13. Trump is corrupt for getting a business opportunity in Moscow that has been abandoned as far as anyone can tell, while Biden has family doing billions of business in China.

14. Western Males micro aggressions are intolerable while one musnt critique ME cultures that treat women as second class citizens and allow young women to be sold.

15. Mohamed (PBUH) was a feminist.

16. Denouncing racism while embracing Identity Politics which is based on group interests, group guilt and damns all whites as racist and privileged.

17. No faith in religion or God, but complete faith ion government to do the right thing, despite the record of Democide for the last century and a half.

18. Simultaneously pushing for criminal due process while also calling for the presumed guilt of any man accused of rape.

19. Making people dependent on state welfare somehow liberates and empowers people.

20. Men suffer from toxic masculinity and the most feminist of women are the least feminine of all women, and yet we shouldn't discriminate against people for their gender.
No one said all cops were racist.

I quit reading with that.
I goit this off a friends post online, but added a few myself and wanted to share it.

1. All cops are racists, but only cops should carry guns.

2. We have foreign interference in elections, but voter ID laws are immoral.

3. GMOs are good and vaccines are bad.

4. Climate change (<100 years) is settled but two sexes (<250k years) are in doubt.

5. Drinking Big Gulps are bad, but glasses of wine with more calories is good.

6. Supporting homosexuality AND Sharia law simultaneously.

7. Open borders are great while living in gated and guarded communities.

8. It's morally abhorent to execute a serial killer, but killing infants is okay.

9. Preaching about the wonders of wind and solar polar while ignoring the environmental damage (i.e. fire hazards, toxic chemical composition) of these technologies.

10. Blasting ICE for separating families from children, while saying nothing about this being done daily by LEOs across the nation to citizens routinely.

11. Claiming that Trumps attempts to obstruct justice for an investigation of no proven crime is impeachable, but Congress ordering the AG to violate the law is OK.

12. Promoting 'Womens rights' while making laws that would subject women to the draft, obliterate women's sports with biological men, and remove the traditional protections of women under the rubric of sexual equality.

13. Trump is corrupt for getting a business opportunity in Moscow that has been abandoned as far as anyone can tell, while Biden has family doing billions of business in China.

14. Western Males micro aggressions are intolerable while one musnt critique ME cultures that treat women as second class citizens and allow young women to be sold.

15. Mohamed (PBUH) was a feminist.

16. Denouncing racism while embracing Identity Politics which is based on group interests, group guilt and damns all whites as racist and privileged.

17. No faith in religion or God, but complete faith ion government to do the right thing, despite the record of Democide for the last century and a half.

18. Simultaneously pushing for criminal due process while also calling for the presumed guilt of any man accused of rape.

19. Making people dependent on state welfare somehow liberates and empowers people.

20. Men suffer from toxic masculinity and the most feminist of women are the least feminine of all women, and yet we shouldn't discriminate against people for their gender.
You know you made a ringing point when all the libtards can do is laugh as if they understood what you posted.

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