International Intrigue and DSK


Jun 30, 2011
“Dominique Strauss Kahn hires ‘crack team’ of former CIA spies, private investigators and media advisers for long legal fight”


This Powerful figure was not well known to us before the story broke that he allegedly committed a felony act at a New York hotel. But after we got wind of who this Man was; What his job and influence in the world was; And of course started pondering whether or not a Man of his status would ever commit such an act, we determined ourselves to be interested and started asking why.

I read the above story months ago and realized there was certainly something curious going on. After researching the people and groups involved, you cant help but speculate on just how exactly they planned on doing there jobs - Of course there is that old adage of people who do secretive work, “If people knew what we did, we wouldn’t be able to do it” - So you have to wait and see.

Sure enough a few months of professionally orchestrated silence goes by and you come across this headline.

“Prosecutors detail flaws in Strauss-Kahn accuser’s account”

ww.reuters. com/article/2011/07/01

Now this should make any person interested in politics very excited; I’m assuming most know the background of the case and the Man involved, so I don’t need to spell out why this is interesting. But one notable point to make is the accusations made early on by the various defense elements of DSK, claiming that the entire ordeal was orchestrated by their clients enemies; as a sort of political “assassination“.

Being that those early claims are seemingly on a light rail towards vindication; so inevitable it seems that they now have the prosecution working for their cause in the media; with the accusers financial records, and contacts and associations, (and how they fit together of course) coming to light it has been too much for them to ignore, or cover up; thanks no doubt to DSK’s powerful employees.

Does anybody else find this satisfyingly entertaining? Or at the very least peaking some marginal interest or fascination?
Uncle Ferd says dem womens is treacherous like dat...
'Maid plotted to exploit ex-IMF chief for money'
Jul 3, 2011 | In a secretly recorded phone conversation, the New York hotel maid who had accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault, can be heard telling her boyfriend in Arizona about her plan to get money from the former IMF chief.
"She says words to the effect of, 'Don't worry, this guy has a lot of money. I know what I'm doing,' " an official told 'The New York Times' . The phone conversation was translated this Wednesday from the Fulani dialect spoken in the maid's native Guinea, the paper said. Strauss-Kahn , 62, was accused of forcing the Guinean maid, 32, at the Sofitel hotel in Manhattan to perform oral sex. He was taken into custody a few minutes before his Air France flight departed for Paris in May.

Yesterday, Strauss-Kahn who was released from house arrest, will be allowed to travel inside the US. He will also have his $1 million bail and $5 million bond returned. Investigators have reportedly discovered a string of lies told by the maid to a grand jury including a false story about being raped in Guinea. The Times reported that meetings with prosecutors became tense and angry. She collapsed in tears and got down on the floor during questioning. She became unavailable to investigators from the district attorney's office for days at a time.

While the maid has claimed that the hotel job is her only source of income, in recent weeks, investigators collected bank records showing deposits of thousands of dollars in Arizona , Georgia, New York and Pennsylvania to an account in her name. The maid also changed her earlier version of what happened immediately after the alleged sexual assault. She told the Grand Jury in May that she waited in the hallway for Strauss-Kahn to leave and then told her supervisor. On Tuesday, however, she told investigators that she went and cleaned another room before informing the supervisor. But this version also turned out to be false because the card key data obtained by investigations did not match up. While the case against Strauss-Kahn has been weakened, the charges still stand.


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