International manipulation


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
We all hear about Soros and his ilk, but never any proof. I am over sixty, lived through the spontaneous outrages over the needlessness of the Vietnam war and the riots over MLK. NOW? Race riots over what? Poor blacks murdering each other way more than racist white cops by huge factor conveniently not mentioned. Why is that? Ok, the fact say, no reason for a shut down over a glorified version of the flu? Because it destroys the economy? And lets go back to last year, the "impeachment" process, that lead to nothing? All of this happened in less than a year, what a coincidence it all happened in a row, bing, bang, boom. It seems likely this is being orchestrated...
I don't understand your post, at least not all of it, its somewhat confused, that said, you're just getting around to the notion they(the coup)may also have a hand in the pandemic? Better late then never I guess, but I knew that the DNC was just as heavily involved, as were the intelligence services, in perpetrating this bio attack upon the planet, with the primary target being the United States and its economy, as China was!

Indeed, I don't believe for one minute that China would have done what they did, without being fully backed by the democratic party, and its last president, Obama, and virtually every silicon valley billionaire! Here's a very brief explanation for what you are just coming around to, you see they said when America went to China via the Bush family's "globalization/new world order" schematic, they told us that China would swiftly come around to embracing freedom and liberty for all.

In point of fact, the exact opposite occurred, everyone of those mega-billionaires, literally, everyone of them, came to greatly admire, and were often openly jealous of China and its fascism, no workers comp, no complaints about work conditions, no complaints about anything, because if the tech billionaires slaves did complain, and they were both children & slaves, then the CCP would take those child slaves out back and shoot them dead on the spot! Nothing for these tech billionaires to worry about, just fully focus upon trading out the United States, its citizens, their well being and safety, in exchange for wealth beyond all human experience!

This is precisely why Trump getting elected provoked them to such radical extremes, he was wealthy beyond their ability to buy him off, he was more then clever enough to perceive exactly what it was they were doing, the greatest transfer of wealth in human history, which also happened to be the greatest sell out of a nation, and its people in all of human history! Thus they rolled out a series of rolling coup d' tats, they continue to this very moment, and I can assure you nobody will be prosecuted, let alone executed for perpetrating them, as all should be.

That queasy sensation you are experiencing, is the dawning comprehension that the US federal leviathan is a massive criminal conspiracy, and the only interests its serves are its own, and those of the mega-billionaires who control it. BTW, this is why they are rolling out this mail in voting scam, and its why they openly have used the media to so brazenly attack the president, whilst simultaneously waging information warfare upon the entire nation(suppressing the reporting of real news, while pushing lies and disinformation as news), to create the perception that his downfall was all indisputable, and irrevocable!

Do the math, they conspired with Russia against the United States, and its president, accusing that president of doing exactly what it was they were doing with Russia! We know this, its fact, well, why wouldn't they do same with China, why wouldn't they use China to loose the perfect mechanism upon the planet, to shut it all down, and in process defeat Trump's one unbeatable advantage, the raging white hot US economy, which was so hot it had, coupled with his China tariffs, served to create the most lucrative economy in all of human history, one the Chinese had no chance of competing against!

You are confronted by naked evil...... :wink:
We all hear about Soros and his ilk, but never any proof. I am over sixty, lived through the spontaneous outrages over the needlessness of the Vietnam war and the riots over MLK. NOW? Race riots over what? Poor blacks murdering each other way more than racist white cops by huge factor conveniently not mentioned. Why is that? Ok, the fact say, no reason for a shut down over a glorified version of the flu? Because it destroys the economy? And lets go back to last year, the "impeachment" process, that lead to nothing? All of this happened in less than a year, what a coincidence it all happened in a row, bing, bang, boom. It seems likely this is being orchestrated...
There are a whole lot of people in lofty perches around the world who benefit from a permanent state of warfare and strife....All of them UN, NATO, WTO, WorldBank, etcetera members....Soros is only the most up front and identifiable of them.

All of his ridiculousness and pompous windbaggery aside, Trump (along with Nigel Farage and others) is a threat to that established order of contrived chaos, and the profits involved in endless warfare.

Long and the short of it: You're right...It is being orchestrated.
We all hear about Soros and his ilk, but never any proof. I am over sixty, lived through the spontaneous outrages over the needlessness of the Vietnam war and the riots over MLK. NOW? Race riots over what? Poor blacks murdering each other way more than racist white cops by huge factor conveniently not mentioned. Why is that? Ok, the fact say, no reason for a shut down over a glorified version of the flu? Because it destroys the economy? And lets go back to last year, the "impeachment" process, that lead to nothing? All of this happened in less than a year, what a coincidence it all happened in a row, bing, bang, boom. It seems likely this is being orchestrated...

Yes, it is being orchestrated, with the exception of the flu. With that only the response was orchestrated, for anti-American aims in many cases.

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