International Relations


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
This is the kind of relationship that I would seek with the USA, if I had my United Republic nation become a reality on the Queen Elizabeth Islands.

This is what I would tell the American Secretary of State.

We're British people (People of British Origin, who came here from the USA), akin to Canadians and Australians and New Zealanders, except we come from YOUR country.

And we live in the Arctic Circle, that's our environment, that's our niche.
We're a Member of the UN, NATO, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organization of American States (OAS), the Arctic Council, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Asia-Pacific Cooperation, the World Trade Organization, the G8 and G20, and the North American Free Trade Agreement.
And the Latin Union and La Francophonie.

Our Flag is Red, White and Blue, exactly identical to your flag, except we have the Union Jack where you have stars.
And our Nation's motto is "Auspicio Regis Et Sen Atus Angliae.
Our National Church is the Archdiocese of the Episcopalian Church, and the Anglican Catholic Church.

Most of our people have Blue eyes, red hair and Freckles... quite fascinating to look at, that's just the features that are dominant in our group.

Our food culture is quite wild, and pretty reminiscent of just how tough and hearty we are as a group.
We eat things like Reindeer, Bison, Elk and Caribou and seal.
And we wear things like Fur, Suede, Deer Leather, and Alpaca Wool, and Cowboy Hats with Teeth on the Brim of it.

We're outdoors people, Scouts, we're riflemen, we're sailors, we're hunters and Fisherman, we're zoologists, and paleontologists and geologists, and Conservationists, we have wild animals as pets, and we're Campers, and Truck drivers...
And the biggest lifestyle based stores around here is Cabella's, and Columbia, and the North Face and Oakley.

We like snowboarding, Skiing, Tubing, Bobsledding and Skeleton, and Alaska type Baseball, and Gridiron, and incorporate things like Golf, Tennis, cricket, Croquet, and Association Football and Rugby too..

Here's what we're offering you.

A better civilian friendship, and a more positive tourist experience here in the United Republic, for American tourists coming here, than what we have found in Australia and New Zealand.
More buyership of American goods.

An allied military force that will go into battle alongside you... and inside of 6 days become the STAR military force at the forefront of your military efforts.. tactically.
Unlike anything any of your OTHER allies ever had the capabilities of doing, and that's if you used nukes lol

Here's what we ask for in return.


We're NOT going sit here and tell your people to basically go fuck themselves, and give them burgers laced with snot, and tell them go to back to yankyland... simply because you have an industrial base like everybody else does, and probably a fuckin' BETTER one too..
But have a shortcoming in Public Healthcare availability.

IF you don't sit there and bitch and moan about how we don't have a shortcoming in public healthcare.
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