Internet troll jailed

So, that's your excuse?
Perfect example of a troll post. Adds nothing of value to the thread, meant to insult or inflame, off topic.

Freedom of speech is something foreign to the rest of the world.

But as abhorrent as free speech may be, at least you know what other people are thinking

At least we know who and what this guy is about, otherwise he might still be lurking in the shadows with us not knowing

Which is preferable?

Now tax payers are paying for it. How is society any safer?

How is that any better?
Why do people care so much what a stranger says they feel need to call police? I could care less .Why do they give strangers such power? But...but are prisons are too full let's add idiot trollers.....great plan.
Internet troll jailed after “unbelievable callousness"

An internet troll who targeted the family of a man from Leicester over his death has been jailed for 14 months.

Paul Hind left comments on social media which mocked and insulted the family of Joe Tilley, who was found dead in Colombia.

The body of Joe Tilley was found near the bottom of the Fin Del Mundo waterfalls Mocoa city in the South American country after he had been missing for a week.

38-year-old Hind also insulted and trolled other people who had passed away and caused their families more heartache.

Hind admitted he carried out his crimes when he was “bored" and confessed after an earlier court hearing "I targeted dead people because perhaps I knew that deceased people could not fight back, which is a really cowardly thing to do.

I think we might see a lot more of this. What a piece of shit.

No crimes were committed

unless hurting someone feewings is a crime now
Internet troll jailed after “unbelievable callousness"

An internet troll who targeted the family of a man from Leicester over his death has been jailed for 14 months.

Paul Hind left comments on social media which mocked and insulted the family of Joe Tilley, who was found dead in Colombia.

The body of Joe Tilley was found near the bottom of the Fin Del Mundo waterfalls Mocoa city in the South American country after he had been missing for a week.

38-year-old Hind also insulted and trolled other people who had passed away and caused their families more heartache.

Hind admitted he carried out his crimes when he was “bored" and confessed after an earlier court hearing "I targeted dead people because perhaps I knew that deceased people could not fight back, which is a really cowardly thing to do.

I think we might see a lot more of this. What a piece of shit.

No crimes were committed

unless hurting someone feewings is a crime now

Then there's data mining.
It's not our business, but since you left it on US Message Board:

First, this is despicable and the man is a sociopath

Second, I will never understand the penal system in England, where you will be coddled and maybe, MAYBE kept for 15 years if you murder someone, but will be jailed for over a year for internet crimes.

But whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Thank God.

By “internet crimes”, of course, what you mean is speech that some find disagreeable or offensive. Covered here in the U.S. as “freedom of speech”, and affirmed by our Constitution as a basic human right.

Suppression of speech was one of the reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Yes, the “troll” described in the article is a piece of shit, but so is anyone who would deny him his basic freedom of speech, to the extent of throwing him in jail for it.

So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ?

Pleeease !!
It's not our business, but since you left it on US Message Board:

First, this is despicable and the man is a sociopath

Second, I will never understand the penal system in England, where you will be coddled and maybe, MAYBE kept for 15 years if you murder someone, but will be jailed for over a year for internet crimes.

But whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Thank God.

By “internet crimes”, of course, what you mean is speech that some find disagreeable or offensive. Covered here in the U.S. as “freedom of speech”, and affirmed by our Constitution as a basic human right.

Suppression of speech was one of the reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Yes, the “troll” described in the article is a piece of shit, but so is anyone who would deny him his basic freedom of speech, to the extent of throwing him in jail for it.

In Florida, where I live, what the man did would be considered cyberstalking which is a crime. Here is the essence of the Florida Statutes on the subject:

"Cyberstalk" means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose.”

'A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.”

“A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person and makes a credible and makes a credible threat to that person commits the offense of aggravated stalking, a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.”

The circumstances of the present case would make the stalking a misdemeanor in my State. The following link provides the general stalking laws for the various states.

Criminal Stalking Laws by State

I live in Florida and, admittedly, was not aware of this law. I have to wonder if it would hold up if challenged to the Florida Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court.
I believe there should be measures in place to protect families from having some dickhead trying to cause them pain for no other reason than sadism, but would prefer an answer that did not result in time behind bars.

I do believe there are limits to free speech, and if it were not for the way Britain has criminalizesd speech simply for telling the truth about Mohammad, I would be more sympathetic.

I am never in favor of limiting speech that indulges in a generalized statement - ESPECIALLY when it involves censoring the truth. This case involved the targeting of very specific people, however, and so I am less inclined to support it.
Internet troll jailed after “unbelievable callousness"

An internet troll who targeted the family of a man from Leicester over his death has been jailed for 14 months.

Paul Hind left comments on social media which mocked and insulted the family of Joe Tilley, who was found dead in Colombia.

The body of Joe Tilley was found near the bottom of the Fin Del Mundo waterfalls Mocoa city in the South American country after he had been missing for a week.

38-year-old Hind also insulted and trolled other people who had passed away and caused their families more heartache.

Hind admitted he carried out his crimes when he was “bored" and confessed after an earlier court hearing "I targeted dead people because perhaps I knew that deceased people could not fight back, which is a really cowardly thing to do.

I think we might see a lot more of this. What a piece of shit.
So this guy insulted a dead person and got arrested by the retards in Britain. Did the dead person complain
So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ? Pleeease !!

Criminalizing unpopular expression of speech is a slippery and dangerous slope.
Internet troll jailed after “unbelievable callousness"

An internet troll who targeted the family of a man from Leicester over his death has been jailed for 14 months.

Paul Hind left comments on social media which mocked and insulted the family of Joe Tilley, who was found dead in Colombia.

The body of Joe Tilley was found near the bottom of the Fin Del Mundo waterfalls Mocoa city in the South American country after he had been missing for a week.

38-year-old Hind also insulted and trolled other people who had passed away and caused their families more heartache.

Hind admitted he carried out his crimes when he was “bored" and confessed after an earlier court hearing "I targeted dead people because perhaps I knew that deceased people could not fight back, which is a really cowardly thing to do.

I think we might see a lot more of this. What a piece of shit.
Mentally ill, just like you taint. You should have some sympathy. He is your compadre.
Didn't take long for an unrelated story in another country to quickly segway into Trump is bad man.

Man is a douche in Britain,
It must be Trumps fault.
Simply pathetic.
I believe there should be measures in place to protect families from having some dickhead trying to cause them pain for no other reason than sadism, but would prefer an answer that did not result in time behind bars.

I do believe there are limits to free speech, and if it were not for the way Britain has criminalizesd speech simply for telling the truth about Mohammad, I would be more sympathetic.

I am never in favor of limiting speech that indulges in a generalized statement - ESPECIALLY when it involves censoring the truth. This case involved the targeting of very specific people, however, and so I am less inclined to support it.
You are nearly there matey. Well done.
So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ? Pleeease !!

Criminalizing unpopular expression of speech is a slippery and dangerous slope.
Well look at it this way.
If this character rurned up at their house and spouted his crap then two things might have happened.

Option one would be calling the police with a claim of harassment. Nobody would claim that it wasnt.

Option two would be to put this guy in traction.The parents would get a mild rebuke from the Judge because of the provocation.

Option one is the only option available over the internet.

Free speech has consequences when the aim is to cause pain. This is a perfect example of that.

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