Internet troll jailed

So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ? Pleeease !!

Criminalizing unpopular expression of speech is a slippery and dangerous slope.
Well look at it this way.
If this character rurned up at their house and spouted his crap then two things might have happened.

Option one would be calling the police with a claim of harassment. Nobody would claim that it wasnt.

Option two would be to put this guy in traction.The parents would get a mild rebuke from the Judge because of the provocation.

Option one is the only option available over the internet.

Free speech has consequences when the aim is to cause pain. This is a perfect example of that.

I disagree with the concept of government imprisoning people for expressing hurtful thoughts. Obviously, you support it.
So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ? Pleeease !!

Criminalizing unpopular expression of speech is a slippery and dangerous slope.
Well look at it this way.
If this character rurned up at their house and spouted his crap then two things might have happened.

Option one would be calling the police with a claim of harassment. Nobody would claim that it wasnt.

Option two would be to put this guy in traction.The parents would get a mild rebuke from the Judge because of the provocation.

Option one is the only option available over the internet.

Free speech has consequences when the aim is to cause pain. This is a perfect example of that.

I disagree with the concept of government imprisoning people for expressing hurtful thoughts. Obviously, you support it.
Is there anywhere you would draw the line ?
Suppression of speech was one of the reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits[sic] to protect every Amerisans [sic] right to troll the parents of a dead child ?

Pleeease !!

They fought—among other things—to be free of government claiming and exercising the power to tell us what opinion, feelings, beliefs we may have and express.

One trouble with freedom, of any sort, is that it means that some people will use it to do things that other people disapprove of. That's one of the main reasons why some of the most cowardly and feeble-minded lower fringes of subhumanity tend to prefer tyranny.
Suppression of speech was one of the reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits[sic] to protect every Amerisans [sic] right to troll the parents of a dead child ?

Pleeease !!

They fought—among other things—to be free of government claiming and exercising the power to tell us what opinion, feelings, beliefs we may have and express.

One trouble with freedom, of any sort, is that it means that some people will use it to do things that other people disapprove of. That's one of the main reasons why some of the most cowardly and feeble-minded lower fringes of subhumanity tend to prefer tyranny.
You seem to be muddled between "free speech" and harrasment. Harassing grieving parents is not free speech. Its a crime and should be treated as such.
One trouble with freedom, of any sort, is that it means that some people will use it to do things that other people disapprove of. That's one of the main reasons why some of the most cowardly and feeble-minded lower fringes of subhumanity tend to prefer tyranny.
You seem to be muddled between "free speech" and harrasment [sic]. Harassing grieving parents is not free speech. Its [sic] a crime and should be treated as such.

Criminalizing unpopular expression of speech is a slippery and dangerous slope.

Speech that nobody finds disagreeable or offensive doesn't need to be protected. To deny protection to unpopular speech is to entirely miss the point of freedom of speech.

There is no ‘free speech’ in the UK, not as it exists in the US.

That’s one of the many advantages of a Constitutional Republic: citizens are subject to the rule of law, not the will of the people.
It's not our business, but since you left it on US Message Board:

First, this is despicable and the man is a sociopath

Second, I will never understand the penal system in England, where you will be coddled and maybe, MAYBE kept for 15 years if you murder someone, but will be jailed for over a year for internet crimes.

But whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Thank God.

By “internet crimes”, of course, what you mean is speech that some find disagreeable or offensive. Covered here in the U.S. as “freedom of speech”, and affirmed by our Constitution as a basic human right.

Suppression of speech was one of the reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Yes, the “troll” described in the article is a piece of shit, but so is anyone who would deny him his basic freedom of speech, to the extent of throwing him in jail for it.

So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ?

Pleeease !!
Which is far preferable to government deciding what is ‘appropriate’ and subjecting citizens to punitive measures using the power and authority of the state.

Indeed, that’s the genius of American democracy: in a free and democratic society private citizens determine what is or is not appropriate and take action accordingly – absent unwarranted interference by lawmakers or the courts.

In this case an offensive troll would be banned from the website – a private entity owned and operated by private citizens not subject to First Amendment jurisprudence.
So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ? Pleeease !!

Criminalizing unpopular expression of speech is a slippery and dangerous slope.
Well look at it this way.
If this character rurned up at their house and spouted his crap then two things might have happened.

Option one would be calling the police with a claim of harassment. Nobody would claim that it wasnt.

Option two would be to put this guy in traction.The parents would get a mild rebuke from the Judge because of the provocation.

Option one is the only option available over the internet.

Free speech has consequences when the aim is to cause pain. This is a perfect example of that.

I disagree with the concept of government imprisoning people for expressing hurtful thoughts. Obviously, you support it.
Is there anywhere you would draw the line ?
Of course.

Speech advocating for imminent lawlessness and violence is not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Obscenity, child pornography, speech harmful to children, content-neutral restrictions, and defamation likewise are not protected by the First Amendment.
It's not our business, but since you left it on US Message Board:

First, this is despicable and the man is a sociopath

Second, I will never understand the penal system in England, where you will be coddled and maybe, MAYBE kept for 15 years if you murder someone, but will be jailed for over a year for internet crimes.

But whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Thank God.

By “internet crimes”, of course, what you mean is speech that some find disagreeable or offensive. Covered here in the U.S. as “freedom of speech”, and affirmed by our Constitution as a basic human right.

Suppression of speech was one of the reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Yes, the “troll” described in the article is a piece of shit, but so is anyone who would deny him his basic freedom of speech, to the extent of throwing him in jail for it.

So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ?

Pleeease !!
Which is far preferable to government deciding what is ‘appropriate’ and subjecting citizens to punitive measures using the power and authority of the state.

Indeed, that’s the genius of American democracy: in a free and democratic society private citizens determine what is or is not appropriate and take action accordingly – absent unwarranted interference by lawmakers or the courts.

In this case an offensive troll would be banned from the website – a private entity owned and operated by private citizens not subject to First Amendment jurisprudence.
I think there are some issues that are worth debating. this isnt one of them though,The internet provides a hiding space for cowardly shites who would never spout their bile to your face. There should be consequences.
The internet provides a hiding space for cowardly shites who would never spout their bile to your face. There should be consequences.

So any troll that upsets your delicate feelings should be incarcerated? LOL.
Indeed, that’s the genius of American democracy: in a free and democratic society private citizens determine what is or is not appropriate and take action accordingly – absent unwarranted interference by lawmakers or the courts.

Tommy thinks that, anyone who hurts his twat, should go to jail.
I think there are some issues that are worth debating. this isnt [sic] one of them though,The internet provides a hiding space for cowardly shites who would never spout their bile to your face. There should be consequences.

None more cowardly than the subhuman pieces of solid digestive waste who are so unwilling or unable to tolerate the opinions of others, that they seek to abuse the power of government to censor and suppress those opinions.

That is one of the very good reasons why we Americans kicked you British filth out of our country two centuries ago. And in that time, you still haven't advanced to where we were then.
So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ? Pleeease !!

Criminalizing unpopular expression of speech is a slippery and dangerous slope.
Well look at it this way.
If this character rurned up at their house and spouted his crap then two things might have happened.

Option one would be calling the police with a claim of harassment. Nobody would claim that it wasnt.

Option two would be to put this guy in traction.The parents would get a mild rebuke from the Judge because of the provocation.

Option one is the only option available over the internet.

Free speech has consequences when the aim is to cause pain. This is a perfect example of that.

I disagree with the concept of government imprisoning people for expressing hurtful thoughts. Obviously, you support it.

Again please note that foreigners who LOVE speech laws often are found on American message boards and forums. Ever notice that? Again and ever, they don't want to abide by their own rules, or so it would seem.
It's not our business, but since you left it on US Message Board:

First, this is despicable and the man is a sociopath

Second, I will never understand the penal system in England, where you will be coddled and maybe, MAYBE kept for 15 years if you murder someone, but will be jailed for over a year for internet crimes.

But whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Thank God.

By “internet crimes”, of course, what you mean is speech that some find disagreeable or offensive. Covered here in the U.S. as “freedom of speech”, and affirmed by our Constitution as a basic human right.

Suppression of speech was one of the reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Yes, the “troll” described in the article is a piece of shit, but so is anyone who would deny him his basic freedom of speech, to the extent of throwing him in jail for it.

So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ?

Pleeease !!
Which is far preferable to government deciding what is ‘appropriate’ and subjecting citizens to punitive measures using the power and authority of the state.

Indeed, that’s the genius of American democracy: in a free and democratic society private citizens determine what is or is not appropriate and take action accordingly – absent unwarranted interference by lawmakers or the courts.

In this case an offensive troll would be banned from the website – a private entity owned and operated by private citizens not subject to First Amendment jurisprudence.
I think there are some issues that are worth debating. this isnt one of them though,The internet provides a hiding space for cowardly shites who would never spout their bile to your face. There should be consequences.

And Big Daddy Government is just the one to mete them out. Via prison, of course.

Thank God Almighty for the American Revolution, is all I can say. Never in my life been prouder that I had ancestors that fought on the right side, too.
It's not our business, but since you left it on US Message Board:

First, this is despicable and the man is a sociopath

Second, I will never understand the penal system in England, where you will be coddled and maybe, MAYBE kept for 15 years if you murder someone, but will be jailed for over a year for internet crimes.

But whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Thank God.

By “internet crimes”, of course, what you mean is speech that some find disagreeable or offensive. Covered here in the U.S. as “freedom of speech”, and affirmed by our Constitution as a basic human right.

Suppression of speech was one of the reasons that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Yes, the “troll” described in the article is a piece of shit, but so is anyone who would deny him his basic freedom of speech, to the extent of throwing him in jail for it.

So Washington and his mates rose against the Briits to protect every Amerisans right to troll the parents of a dead child ?

Pleeease !!
Which is far preferable to government deciding what is ‘appropriate’ and subjecting citizens to punitive measures using the power and authority of the state.

Indeed, that’s the genius of American democracy: in a free and democratic society private citizens determine what is or is not appropriate and take action accordingly – absent unwarranted interference by lawmakers or the courts.

In this case an offensive troll would be banned from the website – a private entity owned and operated by private citizens not subject to First Amendment jurisprudence.
I think there are some issues that are worth debating. this isnt one of them though,The internet provides a hiding space for cowardly shites who would never spout their bile to your face. There should be consequences.

And Big Daddy Government is just the one to mete them out. Via prison, of course.

Thank God Almighty for the American Revolution, is all I can say. Never in my life been prouder that I had ancestors that fought on the right side, too.
You obviously value your "freedom" to abuse grieving parents.Cherish that.

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