Interracial couple in Washington stabbed after they are seen kissing rode a white stallion
Was this attacker related to you...why the attempts at deflection.
I get were jilted also.
I was never jilted. I fucked about 30 girls before I transitioned at 21 years of age.

And i would never date a black man.
Transitioned? You were born a male?
Please don't cut my head off with a machette.
Why would I do that? I was just curious if you were born a male.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
Transitioned? You were born a male?

Oh yeah, trannied up. You've seen his shtick here on black folk. Also hates "liberals", democrats and feminists. Quite a confused character. Loves him some dick though.
Amazing. I knew there had to be some out there but a racist tranny is pretty mind boggling.
Please don't hurt me.
Dont worry. Its the internet. You can safely be as racist as you like.
how am i being racist?
You'll figure it out eventually. Its not really a big deal.
I was never jilted. I fucked about 30 girls before I transitioned at 21 years of age.

And i would never date a black man.
Transitioned? You were born a male?
Please don't cut my head off with a machette.
Why would I do that? I was just curious if you were born a male.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
Transitioned? You were born a male?

Oh yeah, trannied up. You've seen his shtick here on black folk. Also hates "liberals", democrats and feminists. Quite a confused character. Loves him some dick though.
Amazing. I knew there had to be some out there but a racist tranny is pretty mind boggling.
Please don't hurt me.
Dont worry. Its the internet. You can safely be as racist as you like.
how am i being racist?
Don't try to understand'll just get migraines.
Transitioned? You were born a male?
Please don't cut my head off with a machette.
Why would I do that? I was just curious if you were born a male.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
"From a distance"...cowards always like to do things from a distance, otherwise they might get their asses handed to them and subdued...
Oh , he did get his ass handled and was subdued.
Transitioned? You were born a male?
Please don't cut my head off with a machette.
Why would I do that? I was just curious if you were born a male.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
That sounds more like what I would have expected from a cowardly white guy. Obviously it was temporary insanity for him to knowingly expose himself to getting beat up by the more dominant Black guy.
Please don't cut my head off with a machette.
Why would I do that? I was just curious if you were born a male.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
"From a distance"...cowards always like to do things from a distance, otherwise they might get their asses handed to them and subdued...
Oh , he did get his ass handled and was subdued.
As long as she was was saved. success is important too.

(CNN)An interracial couple was attacked after a self-proclaimed white supremacist saw them kissing outside a Washington restaurant, police said.

Daniel Rowe, 32, came up to the African-American man and the white woman and, without a word, started stabbing them, said Olympia police spokeswoman Laura Wohl.

Biracial couple stabbed for kissing -

Let the excuses and defense of his actions begin....

Bigger news: Obama sends the dogs after native American defending their sign of Lizzy Cheekbones or Lakota

George Soros orders Obama to federalize local police
That this white guy almost helped contribute to the 80% plus homicide rate among whites against other whites...
Is that your excuse for his behavior???

Excuse? I'm on his list.
My bad...

No worries mang, but as a white guy with a black wife? Nah, no excuses from me.
I hope you live in a supporting community...
I will never understand the stupidity of people who feel they have the right to dictate someone else's relationship...

Eh, we just don't pay attention to idiots, not a big deal.

Stop the hate, not my fault you have to kiss ass deal with it and stop the hate.

We will all pay fro this liberal institutued hatred, crime and vilence this nation is now living under.

I was never against anyone but now the minority hate filled gestabos are attacking me and mine. Doing exactly what you claim you hate is hate. Well your full of hate now.

Instead of uniting to fight the real enemies of us both you fools keep making the divide and conquor easier.
You notice "whoisit" is posting a lot of lame crap where people are just talking, but not one link to a Black person stabbing an inter-racial couple...telling, but the excuse is still lame.

No just pointing out who the real racist haters are.

White fought and died for the black man. Blacks in Africa still have many enslaved. Africa never abolished slavery only whites abolished it.

The same blacks who sold their own people to others are still enslaving them today. Learn real history and weep like the victim you try to be.
Those who victimize blacks the most are other blacks, you still kill the shit out of each other and abandone your children and women. Not whites fault you hate your own kind.
Whites made up races and very few every fought for Blacks. I only know of a few like John Brown and some in the 60's that were actually from the Jewish faith and not considered as white by clowns such as yourself. Whites are by far the most racist of all the so called races on the planet.

There were a few others, here in america; "Frederick Douglas [black] William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown and Angelina Grimké turned a despised fringe movement against chattel slavery into a force that literally changed the nation."

Race in america is a completely social construct, in other words, it is a fiction perpetrated by white elites initially to protect their own interests from the rabble. The concept of race has no basis in science or the natural world. After Bacon’s Rebellion, the eastern seaboard aristocracy looked around knowing they were handily outnumbered by the unsubstantial people, and months at sea away from reinforcements. At this point in time slavery versus indentured servitude was more fluid and dynamic relative to skin pigmentation. Post Bacon’s Rebellion that line was hardened to divide the unsubstantial people into camps; whites as advantaged by indentured servitude status, blacks disadvantaged by chattel enslavement for life. And the power structure still yet today leverages this fictional division as a tool of division in society.

The human genome has been sequenced. For some time now actually. Of the 25,000 to 26,000 genes within the human genome, 6 genes have been identified that code for the phenotypically displayed traits we’ve been programmed to regard as racially distinguishing features, all based upon nothing but appearance; skin pigmentation, hair texture, and facial features. No geneticist or molecular biologist has ever, ever found any genetic link to anything other than those three appearance based traits. No behavioral, criminal activity, intelligence, IQ, propensity toward violence, no other type of link has ever been found.

“Race” is fiction and those who buy into it are the same as those who buy into religion; you’ve chosen to “believe in" things without evidence.

Now “race as it plays out in our very sick and twisted society? Very real, as we see here. Intentional racial division, violence, and the legacy of slavery and genocide are as american as apple pie.
Excuse? I'm on his list.
My bad...

No worries mang, but as a white guy with a black wife? Nah, no excuses from me.
I hope you live in a supporting community...
I will never understand the stupidity of people who feel they have the right to dictate someone else's relationship...

Eh, we just don't pay attention to idiots, not a big deal.

Stop the hate, not my fault you have to kiss ass deal with it and stop the hate.

We will all pay fro this liberal institutued hatred, crime and vilence this nation is now living under.

I was never against anyone but now the minority hate filled gestabos are attacking me and mine. Doing exactly what you claim you hate is hate. Well your full of hate now.

Instead of uniting to fight the real enemies of us both you fools keep making the divide and conquor easier.

Black folks ain't my enemy pard. And your list of enemies is too long to keep up with.
The White Devil/White Supremacist Daniel Rowe need to immediately receive a Emergency Execution so that he can do The Bunny Hop to The Death Chamber to be Executed By Lethal Injection.

No Exceptions!
Won't happen. The libs killed the death penalty once Rupp sued for cruel and unusual punishment since he chose hanging as his preferred method and ate him self to 400 lbs.
Why would I do that? I was just curious if you were born a male.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
"From a distance"...cowards always like to do things from a distance, otherwise they might get their asses handed to them and subdued...
Oh , he did get his ass handled and was subdued.
As long as she was was saved. success is important too.
The Black guy did save her...dude come on, you can't be this stupid.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
"From a distance"...cowards always like to do things from a distance, otherwise they might get their asses handed to them and subdued...
Oh , he did get his ass handled and was subdued.
As long as she was was saved. success is important too.
The Black guy did save her...dude come on, you can't be this stupid.
Actually he can do better than just stupid.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
"From a distance"...cowards always like to do things from a distance, otherwise they might get their asses handed to them and subdued...
Oh , he did get his ass handled and was subdued.
As long as she was was saved. success is important too.
The Black guy did save her...dude come on, you can't be this stupid.
I'm not a dude you bigot.
Your jungle laws don't apply to us. We tolerate all different life styles.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
"From a distance"...cowards always like to do things from a distance, otherwise they might get their asses handed to them and subdued...
Oh , he did get his ass handled and was subdued.
As long as she was was saved. success is important too.
The Black guy did save her...dude come on, you can't be this stupid.

Oh yes he can be.
I tolerate all life styles unless they get stupid like the clown that attacked the couple.
true, he should have shot her from a distance. It would have been the kind thing to do.
"From a distance"...cowards always like to do things from a distance, otherwise they might get their asses handed to them and subdued...
Oh , he did get his ass handled and was subdued.
As long as she was was saved. success is important too.
The Black guy did save her...dude come on, you can't be this stupid.
Actually he can do better than just stupid.

Why should a tranny be anti-racist, you gorilla?

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