Interracial couple in Washington stabbed after they are seen kissing

People have to realize the dangers of what others think r forbidden. I've dated several black women, n have gotten into many fights with white,black, n even my own family. Knowing the dangers, that's what I teach my children. This pyscopath deserves God full judgement.
Why would anyone excuse his behavior?
That's a good question...are you suggesting that some won't excuse his actions???
If the perp was black you probably would.

They would not only excuse it but celebrate and even blam the victim. Or drag up slavery for an excuse. Slavery that was started by blacks who sold their people all over the world and still do so today.

I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years.
No just pointing out who the real racist haters are.

White fought and died for the black man. Blacks in Africa still have many enslaved. Africa never abolished slavery only whites abolished it.

The same blacks who sold their own people to others are still enslaving them today. Learn real history and weep like the victim you try to be.
Those who victimize blacks the most are other blacks, you still kill the shit out of each other and abandone your children and women. Not whites fault you hate your own kind.
Whites made up races and very few every fought for Blacks. I only know of a few like John Brown and some in the 60's that were actually from the Jewish faith and not considered as white by clowns such as yourself. Whites are by far the most racist of all the so called races on the planet.

There were a few others, here in america; "Frederick Douglas [black] William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown and Angelina Grimké turned a despised fringe movement against chattel slavery into a force that literally changed the nation."

Race in america is a completely social construct, in other words, it is a fiction perpetrated by white elites initially to protect their own interests from the rabble. The concept of race has no basis in science or the natural world. After Bacon’s Rebellion, the eastern seaboard aristocracy looked around knowing they were handily outnumbered by the unsubstantial people, and months at sea away from reinforcements. At this point in time slavery versus indentured servitude was more fluid and dynamic relative to skin pigmentation. Post Bacon’s Rebellion that line was hardened to divide the unsubstantial people into camps; whites as advantaged by indentured servitude status, blacks disadvantaged by chattel enslavement for life. And the power structure still yet today leverages this fictional division as a tool of division in society.

The human genome has been sequenced. For some time now actually. Of the 25,000 to 26,000 genes within the human genome, 6 genes have been identified that code for the phenotypically displayed traits we’ve been programmed to regard as racially distinguishing features, all based upon nothing but appearance; skin pigmentation, hair texture, and facial features. No geneticist or molecular biologist has ever, ever found any genetic link to anything other than those three appearance based traits. No behavioral, criminal activity, intelligence, IQ, propensity toward violence, no other type of link has ever been found.

“Race” is fiction and those who buy into it are the same as those who buy into religion; you’ve chosen to “believe in" things without evidence.

Now “race as it plays out in our very sick and twisted society? Very real, as we see here. Intentional racial division, violence, and the legacy of slavery and genocide are as american as apple pie.

Your one really self loathing piece of work! This is the problem with mixed marriages, you always hate yourself and race in order to please the racist minorites. If she is a good woman good for you, but why hate white people just because you choose to marry non white?

Your post is full of lies and half truths. Alinsky BS. Fact is black women are the losers in this. They are left by their sons and brothers for other races. Why? Whats wrong with black women? I think its a shame. I don't care who you mate with none of my business,but don't be so prejudice about it.

I'm wonderful, thanks so much for the concern.

Maybe you and the other race hustlers here should read your post ag.ain. I was replying to the BS you said about whites is why I replied this way. All kinds of hate and lies in your reply.

Point is you don't have to hate on your own race to be with another. Yet guess its the only way you can live with them is to hate whitey.

If you think I hate whites or that that post was critical of whites, it is you that needs to read it again my friend. It begins with a list of white abolitionists and was in response to another post that only mentioned John Brown. If you notice any hyper sentitivity to the topic, that might be worth exploration.
No just pointing out who the real racist haters are.

White fought and died for the black man. Blacks in Africa still have many enslaved. Africa never abolished slavery only whites abolished it.

The same blacks who sold their own people to others are still enslaving them today. Learn real history and weep like the victim you try to be.
Those who victimize blacks the most are other blacks, you still kill the shit out of each other and abandone your children and women. Not whites fault you hate your own kind.
Whites made up races and very few every fought for Blacks. I only know of a few like John Brown and some in the 60's that were actually from the Jewish faith and not considered as white by clowns such as yourself. Whites are by far the most racist of all the so called races on the planet.

There were a few others, here in america; "Frederick Douglas [black] William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown and Angelina Grimké turned a despised fringe movement against chattel slavery into a force that literally changed the nation."

Race in america is a completely social construct, in other words, it is a fiction perpetrated by white elites initially to protect their own interests from the rabble. The concept of race has no basis in science or the natural world. After Bacon’s Rebellion, the eastern seaboard aristocracy looked around knowing they were handily outnumbered by the unsubstantial people, and months at sea away from reinforcements. At this point in time slavery versus indentured servitude was more fluid and dynamic relative to skin pigmentation. Post Bacon’s Rebellion that line was hardened to divide the unsubstantial people into camps; whites as advantaged by indentured servitude status, blacks disadvantaged by chattel enslavement for life. And the power structure still yet today leverages this fictional division as a tool of division in society.

The human genome has been sequenced. For some time now actually. Of the 25,000 to 26,000 genes within the human genome, 6 genes have been identified that code for the phenotypically displayed traits we’ve been programmed to regard as racially distinguishing features, all based upon nothing but appearance; skin pigmentation, hair texture, and facial features. No geneticist or molecular biologist has ever, ever found any genetic link to anything other than those three appearance based traits. No behavioral, criminal activity, intelligence, IQ, propensity toward violence, no other type of link has ever been found.

“Race” is fiction and those who buy into it are the same as those who buy into religion; you’ve chosen to “believe in" things without evidence.

Now “race as it plays out in our very sick and twisted society? Very real, as we see here. Intentional racial division, violence, and the legacy of slavery and genocide are as american as apple pie.

Your one really self loathing piece of work! This is the problem with mixed marriages, you always hate yourself and race in order to please the racist minorites. If she is a good woman good for you, but why hate white people just because you choose to marry non white?

Your post is full of lies and half truths. Alinsky BS. Fact is black women are the losers in this. They are left by their sons and brothers for other races. Why? Whats wrong with black women? I think its a shame. I don't care who you mate with none of my business,but don't be so prejudice about it.

I'm wonderful, thanks so much for the concern.

Maybe you and the other race hustlers here should read your post ag.ain. I was replying to the BS you said about whites is why I replied this way. All kinds of hate and lies in your reply.

Point is you don't have to hate on your own race to be with another. Yet guess its the only way you can live with them is to hate whitey.

"Yet guess its the only way you can live with them is to hate whitey."

No, YOU would have to. I understand the concept of race is fiction.
Why would anyone excuse his behavior?
That's a good question...are you suggesting that some won't excuse his actions???
If the perp was black you probably would.

They would not only excuse it but celebrate and even blam the victim. Or drag up slavery for an excuse. Slavery that was started by blacks who sold their people all over the world and still do so today.

I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years.

"I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years."

Wonderful, let's hope you have found a point by then.
That's a good question...are you suggesting that some won't excuse his actions???
If the perp was black you probably would.
And everyone knows that you are a pathetic liar...
Your deflection from what the criminal did is hardly successful...
You're a hate-filled bigot using this incident to fuel your hate.
I did state in post #1 that some whites will attempt to excuse his in point.
Not at all. This is instead your excuse to hate. You're a bigot and a hypocrite.

Someone calling this little shit for what he is. Good!
Hey victims, get a load of this and try to explain it away or blame whitey.

Whites still trying to save blacks from their people enslaving them.

Who would excuse violent attacks against innocent people...except when the left does it when their brown shirts try to murder Trump, beat up his supporters and destroy his rallies.......and when their pet religious group, muslim terrorists rape women, murder gays and murder everyone they get their hands on......

You mean except for those people making those excuses...right?

You're correct in that the outrage should be universal and bqased upon the act alone.

But we never see than in you. Ever.
Hey victims, get a load of this and try to explain it away or blame whitey.

Whites still trying to save blacks from their people enslaving them.

Here's an idea for you, all engaged in slavery are wrong. 'Magine that.
Why would anyone excuse his behavior?
That's a good question...are you suggesting that some won't excuse his actions???
If the perp was black you probably would.

They would not only excuse it but celebrate and even blam the victim. Or drag up slavery for an excuse. Slavery that was started by blacks who sold their people all over the world and still do so today.

I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years.

"I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years."

Wonderful, let's hope you have found a point by then.

You want a point. Go back to first page of white hating on this thread. Then look at the things blacks do to each other and whites and see how you hypocrits react to black on white crimes. Thats the POINT.

Hate your own guts if it makes you feel good hate the skin your in,lol. But stop taking it out on innicent people.
Why would anyone excuse his behavior?
That's a good question...are you suggesting that some won't excuse his actions???
If the perp was black you probably would.

They would not only excuse it but celebrate and even blam the victim. Or drag up slavery for an excuse. Slavery that was started by blacks who sold their people all over the world and still do so today.

I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years.

"I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years."

Wonderful, let's hope you have found a point by then.

You want a point. Go back to first page of white hating on this thread. Then look at the things blacks do to each other and whites and see how you hypocrits react to black on white crimes. Thats the POINT.

Hate your own guts if it makes you feel good hate the skin your in,lol. But stop taking it out on innicent people.

Man, you're quite unhinged aren't you. Wtf are you blathering on about.
Who would excuse violent attacks against innocent people...except when the left does it when their brown shirts try to murder Trump, beat up his supporters and destroy his rallies.......and when their pet religious group, muslim terrorists rape women, murder gays and murder everyone they get their hands on......

You mean except for those people making those excuses...right?

You're correct in that the outrage should be universal and bqased upon the act alone.

But we never see than in you. Ever.

Now whos missing the point? Slavery is held over the white mans head like a sledge hammer yet it was your wifes people that created it and participated in it the last 400 years. So go hate on blacks instead of whites for a change.

Actually I'd rather you lying racist stop hating on anyone, but then you'd have to take responsibiity of your own actions. And stop lying about dna and other BS. For all I know God is black so I don't have a enemy in this war, except race hustlers who want to destroy my families future.

The videos were proof of the danger you haters put my family in. I'm old so not too worried about myself.
Hey victims, get a load of this and try to explain it away or blame whitey.

Whites still trying to save blacks from their people enslaving them.

Here's an idea for you, all engaged in slavery are wrong. 'Magine that.

Truth hurts ,huh? All these lies about whites and slavery,now that you know the truth its ok to be slavers,lol.

Thanks for proving MY POINT,HAHA.
Well I hope all you racest here learned something today. I do tr to educate the ignorant. But my job is done here so have a shitty racist day.
That's a good question...are you suggesting that some won't excuse his actions???
If the perp was black you probably would.

They would not only excuse it but celebrate and even blam the victim. Or drag up slavery for an excuse. Slavery that was started by blacks who sold their people all over the world and still do so today.

I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years.

"I'll bring proof to the thread blacks still sell their own as they have for over 400 years."

Wonderful, let's hope you have found a point by then.

You want a point. Go back to first page of white hating on this thread. Then look at the things blacks do to each other and whites and see how you hypocrits react to black on white crimes. Thats the POINT.

Hate your own guts if it makes you feel good hate the skin your in,lol. But stop taking it out on innicent people.

Man, you're quite unhinged aren't you. Wtf are you blathering on about.
His point was very cogent.
Hey victims, get a load of this and try to explain it away or blame whitey.

Whites still trying to save blacks from their people enslaving them.

White came up with the term slave. Its from when they enslaved each other whites called Slavics. Again we are wondering what this have to with the OP however?
People have been enslaving rach other since time only blacks use lies to get shit from it.

Get knocked down get your ass up again like most past slaves of all races.

People have been enslaving rach other since time only blacks use lies to get shit from it.

Get knocked down get your ass up again like most past slaves of all races.
Only whites invented chattel slavery which was different from all other forms of slavery previous to what occurred in the US.

We got up anyway but you whites were afraid and kept trying to knock us down. Being able to hold your opponent down legally due to white AA, we still remain stronger than you and that scares you and the inbred cave chimp that stabbed the couple.
If the white thug that stabbed the couple was a inbred cave chimp, what do you call the community of blacks who for 5 days raped,sodomized, chewed off the breast of the girl, beat,burned etc,etc,etc, the couple in that house of horrors? What do you call the blacks in Africa still killing and fileting up like meat their own people? Hootos,Tootsies or black muslims who stone cut off heads? Maybe the tire necklace gang of Winnie Mandella who put burning tires around their necks and slowly burn blacks to death?

Guess its because they sold their own into slavery?

Get over your evil self, all people do terrible things to each other. But when blacks do it in the west its ok to you. Not on the major news or used to kill other blacks.

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