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Inventing history

'intoned' - chant or sing

'immutability' - unchanging nature

" To this extent the Israelis are chanted/sung by their own unchanging nature" -
No, it does not 'parse' whatsoever, it isn't even grammatically ('technically') correct.

One suspects that the poster actually intended to convey 'entombed', but committed the common illiterate error of 'in-' for 'en-' and so got a bogus correction from their spell checking program.

I find it endlessly amusing that you are still laboring over this...both the chocie of words and the sentence structure containing them are grammatically correct...when you switch the words---as you have done here---the sentence appears flawed. Does someone really need to explain the meaning to you...are you that illiterate?
to be brief the phrase "intoned by their own immutability" is a phrase indicating that the author thereof is a bombastic idiot. Those "persons" who employ obscure words to convey simply ideas----do so to cover ---with a thin veneer-----well described as BOMBASITY-----the baselessness of their conveyances

I dare say that if the relative simplicity of the choice of words eludes you, I suspect it is not the author who has the problem....please elaborate on "simply ideas"...good heaven's the stupidity!

Gladly!! Persons who focus on obvious TYPOS are often BOMBASTIC FOOLS -----I have a sister-in-law one of almost a dozen-----who is someone I would describe as BOMBASTIC She is so bombastic----that because she majored in "english literature" and spent six months as an "exchange student" in england during her college years -----fancies herself a BRITISH DUCHESS. She is prone to correct lesser mortals on the PROPER way to drink tea---------not me---since to her utter disgust I never drink the stuff at all. In any case, she and I both were delivered of male infants in the same month. As children---my son was fascinated on a visit to New York City ----when the son of my Duchess sister-in-law described the subway trains of New York City as "THE TUBES" My baby---commented -----"look over there---that is the HUDSON ---not the Thames" well---is not always THAT cynical-----by that point "THE TUBES" was the straw that broke the camel's back (for the record--neither of the boys had ever been to england at that point in their lives) Some of the posters here do remind me of other "persons" I have encountered

...the problem with your overly ambitious analyisis is that no 'TYPO' is present...having assimilated an academic teaching environment--where such phrasing is a common feature--I recognize the decline in literacy and thought-composition...perhaps I have difficulty dumbing-down my word-composition for the common sludge that mobs this venue....any brief recognition here irose?
hoss says he is jewish, or converted or something. how the hell should i know, or even care.

as for dreyfuss, don't even try to fool me that he is skit, especially given the way you and MJB and roudy used to sit at his feet and bask in his radiant glory. now you want me to believe you think he is some anti-semitic devil incarnate posing as a jew named dreyfuss. now you actually expect me to believe you were wrong about something and are throwing roudy, MJB, hoss, and all the other members of the "skit is the saviour of the jews" cult under the bus to save your own lame ass.

ok, my good friend, say it. i believe you. <wink wink>

You are as always confused, Princess.
There were indeed 3 posters who so disliked you they cozied up to Skit. I never wavered from my opinion of either of you ... you are both cut from the same slimey Nazi cloth.
Feel better now?

and you cozied up to him too. that's alright. a lot of your friends did, and i am sure they are at least as embarrassed as you.

You must have felt under siege, Princess, but only 3 posters "cozied up to Skit" and they did so because they disliked you more.

also, just because skit and i are both gentiles doesn't mean we were cut from the same cloth.

The same slimey Nazi cloth, Princess, something both you and Skit have in common.

my god, he hated me and i didn't care to much for him either, and particularly when you guys would swarm to his defense about some jewish sniper jackal in iraq that he claimed was sniping at american soldiers. it was probably an honest mistake on his part, but i couldn't believe it when jewish posters eagerly leapt to his defense...but again, like i said, i can totally understand your embarrassment, and the others as well. it is no bigs, say it.

You do have a very conveniently self-serving memory, Princess.
Most refuted his PressTV "facts" and there was no attempt at honesty in any of his postings, so why are you now trying to defend him?
hoss says he is jewish, or converted or something. how the hell should i know, or even care.

as for dreyfuss, don't even try to fool me that he is skit, especially given the way you and MJB and roudy used to sit at his feet and bask in his radiant glory. now you want me to believe you think he is some anti-semitic devil incarnate posing as a jew named dreyfuss. now you actually expect me to believe you were wrong about something and are throwing roudy, MJB, hoss, and all the other members of the "skit is the saviour of the jews" cult under the bus to save your own lame ass.

ok, my good friend, say it. i believe you. <wink wink>
Ha ha ha! More like you and skit, two anti Semites posing as anti zionists, were kicking each others butts while we were enjoying the dog fight. I had my money on skit and he certainly came through.

You were always too stupid to get the politics and dynamics of it all. You still are.

and yet, as stupid as you may think i am, i am not so stupid, were i a jewish poster on a board such as this, as to admit, false though it may be, to being so deceptive and manipilative as to orchestrate a dispute between two gentiles.

See if you can point out where Roudy either said or implied that Jews on any board manipulated you, NaziBoy.
He said he enjoyed watching two obvious Nazi types bashing each other.
As always you Nazis must lie to make your bones because the truth just doesn't fully express your hate for Jews.
to be brief the phrase "intoned by their own immutability" is a phrase indicating that the author thereof is a bombastic idiot. Those "persons" who employ obscure words to convey simply ideas----do so to cover ---with a thin veneer-----well described as BOMBASITY-----the baselessness of their conveyances

"bombasity"...my, my, my. i do detectify a slight bit urbanspecificationalism in your vocabulationatory.
Ha ha ha! More like you and skit, two anti Semites posing as anti zionists, were kicking each others butts while we were enjoying the dog fight. I had my money on skit and he certainly came through.

You were always too stupid to get the politics and dynamics of it all. You still are.

and yet, as stupid as you may think i am, i am not so stupid, were i a jewish poster on a board such as this, as to admit, false though it may be, to being so deceptive and manipilative as to orchestrate a dispute between two gentiles.

See if you can point out where Roudy either said or implied that Jews on any board manipulated you, NaziBoy.
He said he enjoyed watching two obvious Nazi types bashing each other.
As always you Nazis must lie to make your bones because the truth just doesn't fully express your hate for Jews.

it is implied that if you (pl) are practically worshipping a guy who you now claim to have hated all along in order to further promote animosity between us or gain some sort of edge...to orchestrate a dispute.

the truth is the truth and plenty of you were fawning all over skit, and you were one of the main kiss asses.

dude, ust own up to it...or not. it isn't that big of a deal to me really. i kinda think it was funny, y'all being in some mad rush to trip over your own dicks at the time in skit's defense and now tripping over your dicks all over again to deny what incredibly amounted to hero worship of the guy. cracks me up, but you go on with your little stories...doesn't bother me...other than it is beginning to bore me big time.

lolol...and i don't hate jews at all. i am not particularly fond os arrogant asses and people who cheer the deaths of children and on this board, most, perhaps all of the posters who do that, are jewish. i consider the jewish representatives on this board as the worst examples of judaism i have seen in my entire life. christ...lol...you all even like pam geller, who abe foxxman even said was a nhater.

lol...now go ahead...do your usual tit for tat thing and say i suck as an irishman if it makes you feel more manly. i expect it.
skit is friggin' jewish??? you gotta be kiddin' me??? well, i guess that explains why all the jewish folks, save one, and you, creamed their jeans and hung on his every word. i guess it is like they say..."the truth will out."

i still can't figure out why you are pissin' on this dreyfuss cat about it though? oh well, one thing at a time...skit is jewish...lololol. i always thought so.

What an idiot!
Skit is Jewish only if you believe Dreyfuss's claim to being Jewish (which apparently you do)and accept the premise that Drefuss is Skit (which apparently you don't).
Are you now addicted to those stupid pills or did you give 'em up and just get the lobotomy?

hoss says he is jewish, or converted or something. how the hell should i know, or even care.

as for dreyfuss, don't even try to fool me that he is skit, especially given the way you and MJB and roudy used to sit at his feet and bask in his radiant glory. now you want me to believe you think he is some anti-semitic devil incarnate posing as a jew named dreyfuss. now you actually expect me to believe you were wrong about something and are throwing roudy, MJB, hoss, and all the other members of the "skit is the saviour of the jews" cult under the bus to save your own lame ass.

ok, my good friend, say it. i believe you. <wink wink>
You are dreaming again or hallucinating if you think I was a fan of Skitt. I've been badgering his sorry ass ever since he crawled out from under his dung heap. I do remember a guy named Sealadaigh who was originally a Zionist poster until he went over to the dark side via BGJDavid. And Ol' Hoss is strictly neutral in his religious practice. Your turn.
Kindly do not invoke the Holocaust to me Madam---I am Jewish and I have relatives on both my side, and my wife's side of the family who perished in this event...I can only lament your brittle, and resourcefully belligerent ignorance with regard to a "war of 48"...I suspect that you are not educated enough to plumb for the relevant facts, so please indulge me: Zionist talking-points sound something like this---"the Jews accepted res 181, the arabs rejected a state, and this is the starting point in the conflict". The Zionists simply entertained the motions of a 181 vote---knowing full-well that the Arab states---and India---would summarily reject the recommendation as absurdly unjust to the majority popualtion of Palestine....anticipating this vote-down the Zionist terror groups---Stern Gang...Irgun...etc---initiated a well-organized terror offensive and took the territory by force, grabbing as much land as they could lay their hands on. Even Jewish witnesses to this--such as Mosche Dayan---expressed shock at the magnitude of the theft. The so-called Arab armies intervened days after this offensive began, and lacked the numerical and military resouces to drive the Zionist forces out. As for the 67 land-grab, here yet again we can rely on the voices of leading Zionists to explain the strategy: Begin...Weitzman, and Dayan all agree that Israel deliberately intitated the event for purposes of expansion. I wonder why it is impossible for you to limit your analysis to the Jews...you freight in inapplicable---and irrational---charges against "Caliphates" and indistinct Muslim nations. Try to focus your vastly imperfect brain on one immutable point: Arab Palestinians resided in vast majority on these lands for 13 centuries...an absentee land claim spanning 13 centuries is indeed a unique claim...some might even venture to call it insane
Why all the palaver over a simple fact. God gave the Jews the land and that's a fact, Jack. Grin and bear it, Perfesser Moishe.

So now he's Jewish with relatives who perished in the Holocaust. Of course, next he will insist there was no Holocaust. Quite the coincidence how Sundowner's last post was on 9/4 and an identically pompous, arrogant and verbose anti-Israel poster, claiming to be a newbie, joins on 9/5 picking up precisely where Sundowner left off a day earlier.
Yeah...dot dot dot...wow...dot dot dot...I liked the old story about having an Israeli girlfriend while in Lebanon better. Added a touch of romance to the bullshit. I wonder what he'll be next time? An Israeli transvestite wrestler? How about an Israeli Felafel / Shwarma stand owner who secretly serves pork?
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