Investigating Political Knowleddge: The Litmus Test.

Stalin's Soviet Communism was given a home, and respectability, by our 32nd President. Sans FDR's tireless efforts, Stalin might not have prevailed....and a democratic government might have succeeded the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks.

With both Hitler and Stalin gone.....think how much different this world would be.
No Communist China
No Korean War
No Cold War
Communism wouldn't have settled in our universities
No communist ideology in the White House.
No United Nations advancing international communism

"...a consummation devoutly to be wished...'

During WWII, the first Russian defector, Victor Kravchenko, wrote how the Soviets 'altered' history, and corrupted education.
It is the model we see in America today.

Kravchenko wrote this about Soviet Russia:

8. "Shamelessly, without so much as an explanation, it revised half a century of Russian history. I don't mean simply that it falsified some facts or gave a new interpretation of events. I mean that it deliberately stood history on its head, expunging events and inventing facts.

a. . The "new history" became possible. To brand the shame more deeply on our minds, "study" of the new version was made obligatory for all responsible Party people. History classes met nearly every night in this period and lecturers from Sverdlovsk came to our town to help hammer home the lies, while most of us fumed inwardly. Whatever human dignity remained in our character was humiliated.

But even the most gigantic lie, by dint of infinite repetition, takes root; Stalin knew this before Hitler discovered it. As I looked on I could see terrible falsehoods, at first accepted under pressure, become established as unquestioned "facts," particularly among younger people without personal experience to the contrary to bother them."
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Kravchenko's defection was front-page news and prompted debate at the highest levels of government, up to and including President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Stalin demanded that he be turned over as a traitor--an automatic death sentence. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover urged FDR to let him stay. On April 13, 1945, the day after Roosevelt died, Kravchenko received notice that his application for asylum had been granted.
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In America today, understanding the truth requires both meticulous research....and no fear of the vituperation of the cockroaches of the Left.
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