Investors Worried that Economic Slowdown in China, Europe and Japan is Now Hitting the United States

Oh, look. Candy's back to tell everyone how this sharp drop is because Obama's a genius, LMAO.
The sharp drop in oil prices is a reflection of a weak global economy. Keynesian leaders around the globe are seeing results of their big spending policies and demand around the globe continues to drop. The sharp drop in oil also comes at a time of rising global tensions. IS militants are causing havoc in the Middle East, while deteriorating relations between Russia and the West have triggered something akin to a new Cold War.

The short selloff in the US stock market Wednesday was followed by a fierce selloff in Asia on Thursday, led by Tokyo, with investors worried that economic slowdown in China, Europe and Japan is now hitting the United States.

Spectre of eurozone crisis returns stocks plunge - Yahoo7 Finance Australia

Surely to goodness a woman with you multiple economic degrees should be able to blame Obama for the world wide economic slowdown.

If you can't, your degrees suck.

And actually, you as an economist should be able to understand and appreciate that the consumer (us) is doing exactly what we want our government to do. Cut un necessary spending. Stop wasteful spending. Live within our means. Doesn't that all sound like a good thing?

Or are you one of those that think government spending bad, consumer spending good. Even if the consumer has to borrow to spend. You do know that it's the real rich that have all the disposable income. Maybe they will pick up the slack and buy more of everything.

But as to the drop in a barrel of oil. I'm ok with that. Even if Obama didn't cause the drop. 2.98 a gallon is better than 3.29 a gallon. My economist told me so.
It's Zeke, toothless stumpbroke of USMB, with a message about how stupid he is.
Hey, Zeke. It would help if you addressed the OP. Like do you really think the global slowdown will affect the US, or will rising employment here offset exports. I realize that's like asking a mule for his opinion on quantum theory but we can try, right?
The sharp drop in oil prices is a reflection of a weak global economy. Keynesian leaders around the globe are seeing results of their big spending policies and demand around the globe continues to drop. The sharp drop in oil also comes at a time of rising global tensions. IS militants are causing havoc in the Middle East, while deteriorating relations between Russia and the West have triggered something akin to a new Cold War.

The short selloff in the US stock market Wednesday was followed by a fierce selloff in Asia on Thursday, led by Tokyo, with investors worried that economic slowdown in China, Europe and Japan is now hitting the United States.

Spectre of eurozone crisis returns stocks plunge - Yahoo7 Finance Australia

Surely to goodness a woman with you multiple economic degrees should be able to blame Obama for the world wide economic slowdown.

If you can't, your degrees suck.

And actually, you as an economist should be able to understand and appreciate that the consumer (us) is doing exactly what we want our government to do. Cut un necessary spending. Stop wasteful spending. Live within our means. Doesn't that all sound like a good thing?

Or are you one of those that think government spending bad, consumer spending good. Even if the consumer has to borrow to spend. You do know that it's the real rich that have all the disposable income. Maybe they will pick up the slack and buy more of everything.

But as to the drop in a barrel of oil. I'm ok with that. Even if Obama didn't cause the drop. 2.98 a gallon is better than 3.29 a gallon. My economist told me so.
It's Zeke, toothless stumpbroke of USMB, with a message about how stupid he is.
Hey, Zeke. It would help if you addressed the OP. Like do you really think the global slowdown will affect the US, or will rising employment here offset exports. I realize that's like asking a mule for his opinion on quantum theory but we can try, right? asking a mule about quantum theory........good one, Rabbi!
Because that's where I put it. Next question?

The economy's a mess.....wake up.
Yo, Mac, here's why median income is going to get worse.

Read and understand what a disaster big spending governments are. Like Obama.
Because that's where I put it. Next question?

The economy's a mess.....wake up.
That is so unintentionally funny. LOL

She couldn't answer the same question about the gas prices thread either.
Likely the consequence of her ignoring the facts and focusing only on how you 'feel.'

LOL, for starters, where'd ya get your law degree? in a cracker jack box? I've seen some really math challenged lawyers, but you're a whole new category. You can't even do sixth grade math.

You haven't heard?.....I do doctoral level econ courses where the algorithms go from one side of the board to the other. You can't even spell algorithm.

When you figure out why we use algorithms in economics, come and talk to me then. Until then, I'll squash your whiney inept ass in serious national topics like I squash all the other limp libs around here.

What's wrong, this article too complicated for you? I doubt you can even discuss it.

As for feelings? LMAO. The entire world knows that's the liberal's bailiwick.
Because that's where I put it. Next question?

The economy's a mess.....wake up.
That is so unintentionally funny. LOL

She couldn't answer the same question about the gas prices thread either.
Likely the consequence of her ignoring the facts and focusing only on how you 'feel.'

Ooops, I kinda flattened you there, didn't I? As for the topic, you have anything to add? Or is too complicated for ya?

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